Trump is winning

Well there is a reference from late February this year so it didn't seem that out of context to ask. I did a search but thought there was information that I was not aware of. I'll just pm him next time.
lets not go into debates about hypothetical candidates dreamed up by Crni Vuk, its completely OT and not what this threads for

Trump wins, sets off a nuclear war, Fallout 5 In Real Life confirmed.
(His brother is president of Zenimax which owns Bethesda)
Sorry, nothing more to say.
If Trump wins at least people will grow some fucking balls and actually be able to make fun of the President again. Over here in the UK, we hate without discrimination. They've got power? We fucking hate them the posh bastards. Doesn't matter if they're left or right wing. Black or white. Whatever.

Political cartoons might actually be funny again.
lets not go into debates about hypothetical candidates dreamed up by Crni Vuk, its completely OT and not what this threads for
I would support a Cherokee Trump President, who want's to ban all christian immigrants - temporarily, just till we know what's going on - and build a wall to Canada, and making the Canadians pay for it.
Yes, quite serious. Donald Trump is the very antithesis of my belifs, and has a complete lack of qualifications. Hillary is a weasel, but at least she's a weasel that will support causes I belive in.
If she supports the causes you believe in you must be as big of a flip flopper as her.
Claiming a person lied about their citizenship because they're black and have a foreign name, you don't find anything wrong or perhaps discriminatory about that?
Also, I'm not sure if this was Trump it might've been someone else, but didn't he once say "I have black people counting my money, I hate it, I wish I had Jews to do that"?
EDIT I found the site that had that quote, though it seems like a disgruntled employee quoted him on that, so it could be bullshit.
That's a great way to generalize the entire situation to fit your narrative but unfortunately that's not an argument and you don't have your "facts" straight. The foreigm first, middle and last name aren't the only things that made his citizenship suspect. Also like everyone else already pointed out that quote was BS.
If she supports the causes you believe in you must be as big of a flip flopper as her.
Not really, it's just that she's landed on the ones I support. Equality, the environment, stuff like that. Still not the same, but close enouh. And I trust her with the supreme court more than Trump (although trust is a strong word) .

Also, what exactly made his citizenship suspect?
The thing is, that there are almost zero chances that even if Hillary wins, that she will get trough with it, as she will change her opinion faster than you can look either to appease the congress or the crocks that pay her campaign. Hillary, is part of the problem, she never can be part of the solution.
For the case you want to know the problem:
Equality you say? Like how she supports gay marriage now but only a few years ago said she didn't believe in gay marriage? Funny thing that. She isn't for equality, she's for your vote and will say literally anything to get it even if it completely contradicts her own statement a couple years prior.
Sure, but it's still better than Trump in my eyes. A person who contradicts himself in the same sentace.

Again, I don't like her, and would rather not vote for her. There are two reasons I will vote for her, Scalia's death (and the R's ridiculous blocking of even having hearings), and the fact that the other candidate is Trump. Take those away and I'd be throwing my vote away on a third party.

Not that my vote actually matter in any case. My state hasn't gone to the republicans since Reagan.

Giving your vote to a 3rd party isn't throwing it away, it's letting your voice be heard, in that we aren't going to take corrupt politics anymore. You said it yourself, your state is already going to vote for Shitton, so why not vote 3rd Party as a declaration of "Fuck you Democrats and Republicans"? Voting for who you know your state's already going to elect is what's really throwing your vote away. I'm voting for Gary Johnson on the 3rd Party ticket, Trump and Clinton can both fuck off.
A: Give me an example
B: So you'd prefer a person whose entire political career is built on her contradicting herself?
I'm not saying he has literally done that, (although I wouldn't be surprised) it was hyperbole. I was putting across how saying "Hillary is a flip-flopper" was not a convincing argument to vote for Trump.

And yes, I would, although not because of that. I'm doing this not to get Hillary elected and more to not get Trump elected.

Giving your vote to a 3rd party isn't throwing it away, it's letting your voice be heard, in that we aren't going to take corrupt politics anymore. You said it yourself, your state is already going to vote for Shitton, so why not vote 3rd Party as a declaration of "Fuck you Democrats and Republicans"? Voting for who you know your state's already going to elect is what's really throwing your vote away. I'm voting for Gary Johnson on the 3rd Party ticket, Trump and Clinton can both fuck off.

Actually, that might be a good idea.

Honestly, this whole thing comes down to the two party sytem. If we could get IR voting and deal with gerrymandering, we might nevet have to worry about shit like this.
The problem with a 3rd party president is you will have a commander in chief that 2/3 of Americans do not approve of.
Honestly the only thing voting for a third party candidate does is split one of the parties and gives the election to the other. If you're usually Republican and you vote for a third party candidate you're just helping the democrats by taking away from the Republican votes and vice versa. It's borderline impossible to take out a huge chunk of both the Republicans AND the Democrats and get them to all agree on the same third party candidate. It'll be the same thing that happened when Teddy Roosevelt tried to run as a third party candidate for a third term. It split the Republican voter base and gave the Democrats and Woodrow Wilson and easy victory.
Sure, but it's still better than Trump in my eyes. A person who contradicts himself in the same sentace.

Again, I don't like her, and would rather not vote for her. There are two reasons I will vote for her, Scalia's death (and the R's ridiculous blocking of even having hearings), and the fact that the other candidate is Trump. Take those away and I'd be throwing my vote away on a third party.

Not that my vote actually matter in any case. My state hasn't gone to the republicans since Reagan.

I'd just like you to know that you're everything wrong with voters in the modern world. Congratulations.
To be honest I think someone's going to try to assassinate Trump the moment he gets in office. And I don't know anyone who'd be his VP. So Speaker of the house for 2017?
I'd just like you to know that you're everything wrong with voters in the modern world. Congratulations.
So I should try and elect an unqualified individual, who I completely disagree with instead of someone I don't like, but is closer to my point of veiw?

Honestly the only thing voting for a third party candidate does is split one of the parties and gives the election to the other. If you're usually Republican and you vote for a third party candidate you're just helping the democrats by taking away from the Republican votes and vice versa. It's borderline impossible to take out a huge chunk of both the Republicans AND the Democrats and get them to all agree on the same third party candidate. It'll be the same thing that happened when Teddy Roosevelt tried to run as a third party candidate for a third term. It split the Republican voter base and gave the Democrats and Woodrow Wilson and easy victory.
Yep, our FPTP system results in two parties, because similar candidates split the vote. Could be fixed if we went to IRV, though.
No, you should vote third party or not at all. Playing the "choice of two turds" game is exactly how the two party system is directly supported.
Sure, but is rejecting the system worth losing the other battles? It's better to work within the system to change it, than to just reject it and have nothing change. Where at all possible, I do vote third party. I'm registered independent. I try and look at people's actual policy instead of just party. But throwing a temper tantrum, and just leaving isn't thr way to do it. Contact your senators and representatives (state and federal), and urge them to get rid of FPTP, put a stop to gerrymandering, and limit the effects of money in politics, all things that cement the parties' power.