Trump is winning

You know, 2012's election was the first time a 3rd party candidate has ever gained more than 1 million votes. I feel like that number's just going to get higher than ever this year.

I trust neither Trump or Clinton. Trump will be unable to do anything due to Congress and the Senate both hating him and blocking everything he'll want to do. Clinton is a serial liar, she broke our laws, and to me she's a far worse pick than Trump ever will be. At least Trump won't be able to pass any of his wanted policies, Clinton will actually be able to pass what she wants because stupid Democrats in the Senate and Congress will side with her no matter what she does. She could kick a puppy down a well and people would still vote for her.

No, I think any sane person would vote 3rd party this year, but then again it'll probably never happen. I would still vote for Trump over Hillary because I want a do-nothing president over one that can pass their idiotic referendum. Then once 2020 arrives we'll have some actually intelligent people running for president. If it's not too late.

Also since I've seen nothing but anti-Trump videos for the last 3 pages, I think this video bears repeating:

People need to wake up and realize that neither Trump or Clinton is a good candidate. Don't support Clinton just because she claims to be a Democrat, think for yourself. Just because they support your "party" that doesn't mean they actually give a fuck about it. They both just want to be president, and don't you for a second think it's otherwise.
And when he decides to hire only american workers for his wall project, it might be the biggest job-creation since the Hoover dam!

Fucking finally someone has my viewpoint. To me, they're both shitty picks, but I'm picking Trump over that lying, traitorous piece of shit Clinton, who's trying to support terrible groups that advocate violence and control over others depending on their sex and skin color.

This is what amazes me so with american politics. Your choices are already made for you, you're just lulled into a sense of being able to choice and voice your opinion.

How can you not see how utterly corrupt and messed up it is that you'd rather have a racist, homophobic bigot because at least he can't make any big changes.
This is what amazes me so with american politics. Your choices are already made for you, you're just lulled into a sense of being able to choice and voice your opinion.

How can you not see how utterly corrupt and messed up it is that you'd rather have a racist, homophobic bigot because at least he can't make any big changes.

I think you completely and utterly missed the point of my post. I don't want either Trump or Clinton in the White House, I want a 3rd party candidate. People will say I'm "throwing away my vote" but at least voting 3rd Party sends the message that I am not happy with either of the current parties. I'm voting Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party while my fiance is voting for Jill Stein of the Green Party. We will not stand for these terrible Republican or Democrat candidates.
The other stuff was right but I've never heard of this, could ya' fill me in?
I think he's referring to BLM

EDIT: @Ragemage yeah the libertarians are cool. You guys need them in government. You think thats feasible?

Also TBH I think your throwing your vote away voting for an incompetent kneejerk reacting lunatic, or an equally incompetent serial liar.
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I think you completely and utterly missed the point of my post. I don't want either Trump or Clinton in the White House, I want a 3rd party candidate. People will say I'm "throwing away my vote" but at least voting 3rd Party sends the message that I am not happy with either of the current parties. I'm voting Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party while my fiance is voting for Jill Stein of the Green Party. We will not stand for these terrible Republican or Democrat candidates.

No I got your point. Sorry, I should have been more clear that I wasn't attacking you in particular or anything. Just wanted to point out how messed up the system must be for people to think that way. I understand why you think that way, but I don't understand how people in general are fine with a system that makes you think that way.

Here in Sweden we are far from perfect, but at least we have a range of parties to vote on, and it's not uncommon that the people representing these parties resign when the people aren't happy with them. If a party gets more than 4% of the votes on election, they get spots in parliament and get a voice. Granted, a small voice. But a voice nonetheless. A few years ago, when all the major parties on the right end of the political spectrum decided to form an alliance, there was quite an outrage and complaints about our democratic system moving closer to what you have in the US with two big blocks competing against each other. Sadly we seem to keep moving in that direction, as the political debate these days mainly concerns who will ally with who to more or less cheat the system and come out on top. I simplified this a lot, but you get the gist of it I hope.
Americans also have many parties, but they are just... ignored :D you guys should lift them up more, make them more viable options than just "theoretical" options that never are more than just.. theoretical

Not only is it a better democracy, to have more than 2 viable options, it's more entertaining!
Norway has parties such as "The Beer Party" and "The Political Party" :V

Apparently, beer-parties seem kind of common in Europe :D
Americans also have many parties, but they are just... ignored :D you guys should lift them up more, make them more viable options than just "theoretical" options that never are more than just.. theoretical

Not only is it a better democracy, to have more than 2 viable options, it's more entertaining!
Norway has parties such as "The Beer Party" and "The Political Party" :V

Apparently, beer-parties seem kind of common in Europe :D

Lol, that's awesome. We have the Pirate Party (which is actually a rather serious party) and Satanic Initiative (which I hope are serious and whom might get my next vote - "Do you hope that voters will throw away their votes on you in the election?" -"We're interested in gathering souls. Which in many ways can be seen as the same thing. Political bureaucrats get their life force from voters. Why can't we?").
Here "The Political Party" campaigned once only (and got around 1% votes, which is fairly impressive :D), and openly bribed voters, especially the elderly, by personally offering rides, and old-timer candy during these rides :D
The other stuff was right but I've never heard of this, could ya' fill me in?

basically, Clinton Supports BLM, the Black Lives Matter terrorist group that's now in cahoots with the Black Panther group, which plans to take over five southern states and make their own nation of blacks, scaring/pushing the whites/other racial groups out. She's basically supporting racism. Oh yes, and Third Wave Feminism. DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT?

I think you completely and utterly missed the point of my post. I don't want either Trump or Clinton in the White House, I want a 3rd party candidate. People will say I'm "throwing away my vote" but at least voting 3rd Party sends the message that I am not happy with either of the current parties. I'm voting Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party while my fiance is voting for Jill Stein of the Green Party. We will not stand for these terrible Republican or Democrat candidates.

That sounds like a great option...even though I don't think it will send a message out to the media (because they're all run by asshats when a fucking computer itself would notice the vote issues and chart it up), it's still a good move. I still will vote for the loud mouth, even if he makes me roll my eyes, since he's equivalent to a "Fuck You" in the political world.
basically, Clinton Supports BLM, the Black Lives Matter terrorist group that's now in cahoots with the Black Panther group, which plans to take over five southern states and make their own nation of blacks, scaring/pushing the whites/other racial groups out. She's basically supporting racism. Oh yes, and Third Wave Feminism. DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT?

Bwahahaha. You're insane, dude.

That sounds like a great option...even though I don't think it will send a message out to the media (because they're all run by asshats when a fucking computer itself would notice the vote issues and chart it up), it's still a good move. I still will vote for the loud mouth, even if he makes me roll my eyes, since he's equivalent to a "Fuck You" in the political world.

If you want to send a "fuck you" why not vote for someone who will actually try to make a change for the better for most people? All a racist, megalomaniac asshole like Trump will do is divide people further, fool people even more that the government isn't the problem, and that the problem is "they" (insert whatever minority it's cool to hate at the moment).
Bwahahaha. You're insane, dude.

If you want to send a "fuck you" why not vote for someone who will actually try to make a change for the better for most people? All a racist, megalomaniac asshole like Trump will do is divide people further, fool people even more that the government isn't the problem, and that the problem is "they" (insert whatever minority it's cool to hate at the moment).

How is Trump racist? He has an issue with ILLEGAL immigrants, NOT legal Immigrants. For fucks sakes, he loves going to Mexican Restaurants.

And how is that being insane? Look it up, she literally states she supports the two, and BLM is literally a domestic terrorist group that harasses the surrounding communities.
Americans also have many parties, but they are just... ignored :D you guys should lift them up more, make them more viable options than just "theoretical" options that never are more than just.. theoretical

Not only is it a better democracy, to have more than 2 viable options, it's more entertaining!
Norway has parties such as "The Beer Party" and "The Political Party" :V

Apparently, beer-parties seem kind of common in Europe :D
In Australia we have the Sex party. Does Australia win?

Edit: Oh, and it is a real and serious party. Not a joke party.
How is Trump racist? He has an issue with ILLEGAL immigrants, NOT legal Immigrants. For fucks sakes, he loves going to Mexican Restaurants.

And how is that being insane? Look it up, she literally states she supports the two, and BLM is literally a domestic terrorist group that harasses the surrounding communities.
Third wave racism.

You're saying racist stuff, but you just say that you're not political correct and that it's only offensive, by simply adding (...) some of them I assume are good people at the end of it.
How is Trump racist? He has an issue with ILLEGAL immigrants, NOT legal Immigrants. For fucks sakes, he loves going to Mexican Restaurants.

And how is that being insane? Look it up, she literally states she supports the two, and BLM is literally a domestic terrorist group that harasses the surrounding communities.

Oooh, ok. I had no idea he likes mexican food. That changes everything.
