Yeah, the dream of every communist !
Given how vast the kyros empire is compared to tiny little tiers, i dont think there's much hope siding with rebel. (unless you got a crucial plot device on your hand, which you aren't anyway)So to get this thread back on track before Crni derails it with politics.. AGAIN..
Which of the current factions that we're aware of do you think you'll be joining on your first playthrough of the game? These are what we currently know of:
1. Scarlet Chorus. Allegiance: Kyros. Role: A band of crazed criminals and conscripted psychopaths who represent a sort of chaotic evil type playthrough. They're led by the Voices of Nerat.
2. The Disfavored. Allegiance: Kyros. Role: A more lawful evil type of group, but I don't know much about them myself. Led by Graven Ashe.
3. The Rebellion. Allegiance: Themselves/The Tiers. This is the supposedly "good guy" group in the game who you can help to possibly overthrow Kyros or at the very least cause some trouble throughout his/her realm. Possibly Lawful Good but it isn't clear as of now.
4. Independent Path. Allegiance: Only yourself. As we've seen in older gameplay videos, there are times where you can choose to go with yourself instead of giving in to any faction (such as taking over a fort on your own instead of giving it to the Scarlet Chorus or Disfavored). Not entirely sure how this one would play out but it's probably in the more Neutral range.
Also, given these current faction choices, what type of Fatebinder do you think you'll be? Will you try to be as good as you possibly can and go out of your way to do "nice" things, which means disobeying your superiors? Will you be a lawful type of Fatebinder who only stays within Kyros's Laws and does not deviate? Will you be a pure evil type who goes with the worst possible option you can for anyone who dares cross your path? Etc etc.
I would like to give you a more definitive answer but I missed most of the stream. There is the Last Broadcast stream but it will take me a while to check through: Haven't heard of that before now. What's that? Is that like Caed Nua in Pillars of Eternity, a keep you can own and customize?
it would be awesome if it would not be "money shrinking " mechanic like in pillars. it cost much while reward little, there should be more nuanced in that.Stronghold? Haven't heard of that before now. What's that? Is that like Caed Nua in Pillars of Eternity, a keep you can own and customize?
I would like to give you a more definitive answer but I missed most of the stream. There is the Last Broadcast stream but it will take me a while to check through:
They did mention the stronghold from the E3 trailer is not the player stronghold and hinted that there would be one. I imagine that it would play out like Caed Nua with hopefully more improvements and incentives to use it.
Starting from 13:33: From what I can tell from listening, the system is not a single stronghold base but multiple player bases centered around places called Spires. There are a lot of locations on that world map they're focusing on.Stronghold? Haven't heard of that before now. What's that? Is that like Caed Nua in Pillars of Eternity, a keep you can own and customize?
Speaking about the eight day timed mission, the timeline game doesnt based on 8 day right? that would be absurd as fuck (srry), if we compare to how timed mission work in fallout 1. But someone in codex suggest that isn't, it might be there is just many way to fail in early game just because of your incompetence.Well here's
Around 16:30 onwards: Seems that the Spires will have gameplay benefits beyond item and money sinks. The Spires act like teleporters that allow for faster movement around the region, handy for those timed missions.
The starting areas seem rather small from what I could tell from Day9's Tyranny stream so while it seems that it would be possible to fail early game, I think it would be difficult to do so.Speaking about the eight day timed mission, the timeline game doesnt based on 8 day right? that would be absurd as fuck (srry), if we compare to how timed mission work in fallout 1. But someone in codex suggest that isn't, it might be there is just many way to fail in early game just because of your incompetence.
Around 16:30 onwards: Seems that the Spires will have gameplay benefits beyond item and money sinks. The Spires act like teleporters that allow for faster movement around the region, handy for those timed missions.
At 16:50 onwards: Player base discussion. There are rooms to build like Pillars though some of those room allow for crafting items. The main benefit seems to be resting bonuses (again). Nice to see the rooms in-game and that out-of-party companions are visibly present.
19:50 onwards: Seems that there is a "rebel against Kyros" route available with the player being able to build an army of their own from the rebel factions. I don't know why would anyone oppose our Overlord with those Edicts in mind. I imagine Kyros would wipe out the player's army instantly.
EDIT: The hiring system for the Forge seems to be interesting. The player can choose to hire people that offer differing services like training, trade and forging. Also, it's confirmed: Tyranny is a separate universe from Pillars.
I think it's more like the former from what I can tell except that these guards provide different services like one offers training, one specializes in selling certain types of armors etc.Okay so wait, is this like in Pillars where you would have the Barracks where you could hire guards for your keep, or is this like the Mercenary system where you could make your own partners to go along with you on the adventure?
+1 yeah, i mean i like the dialogue check of The battle of yenwood field. It seems Obsidian have pretty make the use of new engine, as you can see dialogue/narrative check now is fully 3d animated like in the introduction screen. In contrast with pillars which just like the older infinity gamesWow, we can build our OWN rebel army? We don't have to join the default one? That's honestly really fucking badass, I like that a lot! Reminds me of when someone said above they'd like to be able to take over the rebellion and make their own. Looks like that's possible.
At 29:17 of the stream, they mentioned how the entire game is not under a time limit, only certain sections like the beginning which can be generous based on difficulty mode and number of side-quests that the player picks up. I imagine that the game will alternate between the two.Speaking about the eight day timed mission, the timeline game doesnt based on 8 day right? that would be absurd as fuck (srry), if we compare to how timed mission work in fallout 1. But someone in codex suggest that isn't, it might be there is just many way to fail in early game just because of your incompetence.
Gender is irrelevant when said despotic ruler is referred with masculine title, such thing also exist in real life. Isn't basically same with some king refer his subject as his "son" even if he was marginally younger than the peasant?At 29:17 of the stream, they mentioned how the entire game is not under a time limit, only certain sections like the beginning which can be generous based on difficulty mode and number of side-quests that the player picks up. I imagine that the game will alternate between the two.
EDIT: Okay, Brian from Obsidian also mentions that Kyros is a "he" but wasn't Kyros referred to as a "she" before? I guess this means, as discussed before, gender ambiguity is gonna be in play for Kyros.
That is true. I'm just commenting on the ambiguity of Kyros's gender.Gender is irrelevant when said despotic ruler is referred with masculine title, such thing also exist in real life. Isn't basically same with some king refer his subject as his "son" even if he was marginally younger than the peasant?
That is true. I'm just commenting on the ambiguity of Kyros's gender.
This does make me wonder if Kyros's identity is something that is determined by player choices.
Well there's Ultimecia from FFVIII as well and does The Boss from MGS 3 count ? (I never got into MGS so my knowledge there is lacking though I am aware that The Boss was not a completely evil person)Which means even your character has no idea what the Hell Kyros's gender is. It's ambiguous on purpose. I almost kinda hope Kyros is a chick at this point, just because of how unused the idea of an evil female big boss is. The only ones I can think of are the Leader of Majestic in "Destroy all Humans!" and the Empress in "Chrono Trigger".