I should save my game in a whole new slot
With the amount of choices you get in the Conquest section alone, I'm hoping to see deviations in terms of interaction and options in every playthrough. I'll probably try to be a mix of Thrawn and Scorpius in my first playthrough, serving my liege while being a benevolent evil to those under my influence like rewarding creativity and innovation unless they choose to betray the cause without remorse.
What better reason is there to serve someone that can fart nuclear bombs at will? Many cities would rather surrender or fall to the armies of the Overlord rather than face an Edict of Kyros. Having an army is nothing if an Edict befalls upon the very soil they stand on.Why bow to the will of some jumpstart lordling who only became so powerful because he/she basically has the ability to fart nuclear bombs at will?
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