Tyranny Discussion Thread

New Dev Diary 2

Thanks for sharing! On top of showing off skills, I believe this journal just revealed the fact that we can indeed customize our character's appearance and gender based off the picture. Unless of course that's one of the followers. But I don't see why we wouldn't be able to since a character creation system is already fully in place in PoE and this uses the same engine.
I know I am joking about the NWO, half these clowns wouldn't have a clue what to do in the case of a tyranny. I hope you have watched alex jones.
Skip to 2:50 for the fun bits

In the actual event of a totalitarian state tyranny bet idea is just to go awol into the woods.
No police there
I know I am joking about the NWO, half these clowns wouldn't have a clue what to do in the case of a tyranny. I hope you have watched alex jones.
Skip to 2:50 for the fun bits

In the actual event of a totalitarian state tyranny bet idea is just to go awol into the woods.
No police there

Because everyone knows they don't want to ruin their shiny jackboots in the trees.
Because everyone knows they don't want to ruin their shiny jackboots in the trees.
My final post about this because I dont wanna derail this.
Take an escape and evasion course and a bushcraft course and you will be able to survive well from the "tyranny"
No new news yet, so nothing really to get back on topic with yet. Unless you'd care to discuss what you'd want to see in the game.
I guess Redbull interviews game devs now, guess you need something to do when your all jacked on caffeine.

“Saving the world is not really an option,” says game director Brian Heins, frankly. “This isn’t a hero’s journey about saving the world: this is a much more personal story about your character and the world they’re in and the consequences of your actions. So it’s not about saving the world or destroying it; it’s more about your own personal journey and growth in this world.”

So even if we "overthrow" Kyros, it's still not about saving the world. It's more about.. establishing the sort of land we want to make. Like the Independent Ending in New Vegas. That sounds really spiffy.

Oh sure some might argue that if you take over Independently, you're saving the Mojave, but I think for many Independent players it's much more neutral than that. It's more about trying to end a power struggle and establishing oneself on the world stage than it is saving anything.
Honestly I feel the last few triple AAA games have put way too much emphasis on being the "hero of everyone and everything". Skyrim comes to mind. Mainly because it's very easy to not only save the world from Alduin, but also to become the leader of every single major guild in the game, along with Thane of every hold. I'm honestly surprised at the end of the Civil War if we joined the Stormcloaks we can't become king ourselves. Or how we can't actually become Jarl of a hold. It's like, if you're going to make it so we can do everything in a single playthrough, go all out.

So on that note I'm very glad there won't be an emphasis on saving the world. I also like how rather than having to work our way through the ranks to become a leader, which recent games make happen way too quickly. in Tyranny we're already a leader. We're Kyros's right hand man, we aren't some random pawn that has to do 10 missions before we can become the leader. It makes the position feel much more powerful to us as a player instead of just "Oh, you killed 5 mirelurks? Here, have the keys to the city!" because it makes us wonder what all did our character have to do to achieve such a high rank?
Honestly I feel the last few triple AAA games have put way too much emphasis on being the "hero of everyone and everything". Skyrim comes to mind. Mainly because it's very easy to not only save the world from Alduin, but also to become the leader of every single major guild in the game, along with Thane of every hold. I'm honestly surprised at the end of the Civil War if we joined the Stormcloaks we can't become king ourselves. Or how we can't actually become Jarl of a hold. It's like, if you're going to make it so we can do everything in a single playthrough, go all out.

So on that note I'm very glad there won't be an emphasis on saving the world. I also like how rather than having to work our way through the ranks to become a leader, which recent games make happen way too quickly. in Tyranny we're already a leader. We're Kyros's right hand man, we aren't some random pawn that has to do 10 missions before we can become the leader. It makes the position feel much more powerful to us as a player instead of just "Oh, you killed 5 mirelurks? Here, have the keys to the city!" because it makes us wonder what all did our character have to do to achieve such a high rank?

Myly character will be an incompent who blew his way str8 to the top!
Hopefully they leave it at that and let us decide the hows and whys of ending up in the good graces of Kyros.

Considering the devs talked about how our actions when choosing our character's history changes some of the game world, I think that's a big possibility. Like how there's this one farming town that can either be somewhat functional and falling apart, or half of the damn town is missing due to a big magic battle. They said since art production is so expensive there wouldn't be too many huge changes like that, but it would change dialogue with a lot of characters, alliances, and so forth.

In other words, I'm pretty sure we not only get to decide how we ended up working for Kyros, but it'll also effect gameplay.