Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

I've tried various settings, all with no effect whatsoever. I even changed it to "1", but it wasn't the old light-speed zooming, it was the exact same speed. A bug maybe? I used the automatic patch on a fresh install of Fallout 2 before starting this game.
Kyuu said:
I've tried various settings, all with no effect whatsoever. I even changed it to "1", but it wasn't the old light-speed zooming, it was the exact same speed. A bug maybe? I used the automatic patch on a fresh install of Fallout 2 before starting this game.
If it is a bug, then it would be one with Timeslip's tweaks. Does increasing the value make it slower?
Negatory. Changing the value to something over 20000000 has no noticeable effect either (went all the way up to 40000000). Is it just me, or is anyone else having this problem?
Kyuu said:
Negatory. Changing the value to something over 20000000 has no noticeable effect either (went all the way up to 40000000). Is it just me, or is anyone else having this problem?
I don't think it is just you. I had quickly tested this myself and I too suffer from it. Seems to be an issue with Timeslip's work. Might not be him directly but perhaps something with a change I had made to the exe and world map speeds. I will need to test this further.
killap said:
Kyuu said:
Negatory. Changing the value to something over 20000000 has no noticeable effect either (went all the way up to 40000000). Is it just me, or is anyone else having this problem?
I don't think it is just you. I had quickly tested this myself and I too suffer from it. Seems to be an issue with Timeslip's work. Might not be him directly but perhaps something with a change I had made to the exe and world map speeds. I will need to test this further.
From the ddraw.ini file:
;Map delay
;If using an exe with the world map speed patch applied, this will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Set to 0 to leave at the default
;Default value for killaps patch or megamod is 0x1000000
What's notable here, is that the comment suggests that it's supposed to be bytecode, does it not? This would (to my mind) indicate that 1 or 0 would merely be read as upper and lower parameter limits, and fine control would be achieved with something in between, specified by bytecode.

That is, if 0 is too fast, but 1 is too slow, try a few quick tests like:

See if those make any notable difference from one another.

Might work, might not, but I thought it'd be worth a try.

Maybe it's been too long since y'all played the game on a system it was designed for...traveling on foot was supposed to be perilous. It was supposed to be be unlikely for the player to get from one town to another without getting intercepted...I certainly was very pleased with the fix.
WraithUV said:
That is, if 0 is too fast, but 1 is too slow, try a few quick tests like:

See if those make any notable difference from one another.

Might work, might not, but I thought it'd be worth a try.
Actually, there's no difference with the setting at 0 or 1 either. And it would be the other way around: "0" is supposed to be the default, slowed setting, and 1 is supposed to be the super-speed (if you have a fast computer) that you get with an unmodified Fallout 2.

I'll try out the byte codes real quick though to see if that changes anything.

Edit: Checked it out trying a few different variations of it, and it's still no-go. It seems to be simply ignoring that value.
Kyuu said:
Actually, there's no difference with the setting at 0 or 1 either. And it would be the other way around: "0" is supposed to be the default, slowed setting, and 1 is supposed to be the super-speed (if you have a fast computer) that you get with an unmodified Fallout 2.

I'll try out the byte codes real quick though to see if that changes anything.

Edit: Checked it out trying a few different variations of it, and it's still no-go. It seems to be simply ignoring that value.
Yep, you're right. I reversed those. Must just be my brain kicking in the override that 1 = on, 0 = off from having worked with tons of boolean values over the years. Anwyays... sucks it didn't help. :(

Now for killap:

I was originally planning to do another multiple area post, but then after dealing with Modoc, when I got to Vault City, I remembered just how much is up there in terms of VC, Gecko, (raiders).. Since that whole mess will likely be pretty time consuming due to all the back and forth running around and the various methods by which to go about everything, I figured I'd go ahead and post up Modoc (plus a wee bit of backtrack I found / noted) now and then get to work on the VC / Gecko stuff for next time.

[Toxic Caves]
--Considering every text description about the mutated toe speaks of both feet, wouldn't it make more sense if you got two rather than one after removing them?  I realize there's several ways to go about getting extras, and they're essentially worthless, but still.  One just wonders if you "formed a nasty bunion on each foot" etc, where the hell did the other toe go?  ;) **This might be better suited for an option to the add-on pack, or ignored completely, but it struck me as odd**

[Den - West Side]
--Not clearing his inventory before a restock, or at least not properly.  He had definitely restocked when I went back for Karl, but still had lots of junk which I know for a fact I'd sold him.  Empty guns and pelts and such.

[Modoc - Main Street] --About half-way through the Modoc stuff, Speech was bumped up to 115%
--If you begin to ask Jo about a GECK, but at any point select an option that ends dialog before actually getting the quest (including using the 0 cheat), when you subsequently talk to Jo, this branch is missing from dialog options, so there is apparently no way to activate the "Something Strange ...at the ghost farm..." quest.  Could be problematic if someone just decided to back out of dialog and save or the like.
--Not restocking properly.  Many trash items including shovels, pelts, fuzzy painting, etc I had sold him still there after he restocked his store.  Since he's the second of shopkeepers I specifically noticed so far, I'll try to keep a close watch on this to see if I can better pin down just what/who is or is not working.

• Bess no longer disappears forever when you go down the Shitter or Well.  (Still not a 100% perfect, but at least she is no longer lost forever.)
--Still disappears (both cases), or at least, I looked everywhere I could think of and never could find her again.  So unless there's some special way the fix works I'm not catching, it still isn't quite working.  Not that I can imagine a reason to try to bring her down there with you in the first place, but since it was listed as fixed, I figured I should mention it.
--When selling Bess to Grisham, you've got to wait until she ever-so-slowly, *finally* makes her way virtually right next to him (Grisham) to trigger the needed line of dialogue.  I'm not sure how the test works, but perhaps the "scan range" could be increased to streamline and simplify this?  Since selling her will teleport her to the slaughterhouse anyway, it really shouldn't much matter exactly where she's standing when you sell her, so long as she is in fact "in the party" or has at least moved from her original location.
--The gate on the brahmin pen could use either a longer "stay open" duration, or merely disable the part of the script that closes it automatically until perhaps you've left the map.  While the brahmin's pathing is improved (so they don't get stuck), they *do* have a really annoying tendency to block you (temporarily) from re-opening the gate, which closes quite quickly and quite often.  Gets pretty annoying.

--In dialog with Laddie, even though they're technically incorrect responses (since Jonny isn't actually in the well), I believe any question you ask that leads toward the "down the well" path should be only a single "Woof!" rather then a double.  Most references of that sort of 1-or-2 communication line up with "Once for yes, twice for no." and once you actually say, "Did Jonny fall down the well?" he does in fact bark only once.  Just a minor point of continuity for consideration.
--If you've got Laddie following you and you park him on the B%B map, he'll vanish if you blow up the outhouse.  I've no idea if he turns invisible, gets eaten by the game, or goes someplace I didn't think to look, but I couldn't find him on any of the Modoc maps.  If you leave him parked on Main Street or somewhere while blowing up the outhouse, it seems to work fine.
--If you bring Laddie to Jonny in the Slag caves, upon later being escorted back to Modoc with Jonny, Laddie doesn't make the trip.

--Once you've married one of his kids, Grisham goes into permanent float-only text (unless you get the kid killed, but then he goes into a special text that's still of no use).  It would be nice if there was some way to make his float-only state temporary (a couple days, until you leave and re-enter the map, etc).  This way you could read his funny comments, but if you happened to have got hitched before you either fixed Bess' leg (and sold her) or done the Guard Brahmin quest, those quests would still be possible.
--After the shotgun wedding, Grisham walks back to his spot, but uses an animation by which he holds the shotgun in one hand and it looks really weird.  Very minor detail, but eh, there it is all the same.

::Davin / Miria
--There's still at least one infinite black-out bug related with having sex with these two.  Basically, you need to first sleep with whoever is NOT the same gender as you, then convince Grisham you're a doctor.  If you (or an NPC) blocks the door at this point, Grisham gets stuck, so he stops trying to go back to "his spot".  If you then sleep with either of the kids again, the game goes into black screen mode, apparently unable to locate / move him or something.  Interestingly, I also tested sleeping with Davin (as female) and then forcing myself on Miria.  Essentially the same bug happened, except the screen graphics DID return to normal from the fade-out.  It just sat there for an extended period where you couldn't do anything, and then eventually returned control.  Grisham was then in a completely non-responsive state, still standing over in Davin's room where I'd left him.
--When sleeping with Davin, after making the final dialog choice to do so you get one of two total fade-outs.  The text between the two fade-outs states "Two hours later... ...never be the same", but first, you can exit at this point using the 0 cheat, terminating the rest of the sequence.  In this instance, roughly 1/2 hour has passed (23:01 - 23:37 in my game).  The bigger issue though, is that if you DO click that line, you get the second fade out, and in my game time was pushed forward to noon the next day, which would equate to about 13 hours rather than two.
--While Miria only has one fade-out, and hers never actually specifies any time length, sleeping with her likewise advanced time to noon the next day.
--Interestingly, during the day, sleeping with either of them only seems to advance time by about 35 - 55 minutes.  I'm not positive exactly how this breaks down at every time of the day, but obviously, it isn't quite constant.

[Modoc - Bed and Breakfast]
--In Farrel's main dialog, on the top node, the final reply choice is "OK".  While sufficient, it's a bit odd and out of context any time you speak to him after the first.  The first time, his line to you is something like, "I didn't steal the watch, so stop bothering me!", so "OK" is a sensible reply to this.  Subsequent times however, he says things like "Now what?!", to which "OK" is nonsensical.  Perhaps a condition for subsequent conversations could alter this to "Nevermind" or "Nothing, sorry." or something similar.  Very minor, but I can't remember the last time anyone asked me, "What now?!" and I replied, "OK"  ;)
--Apparently, if you get the quest to clear out Farrel's garden, but then before you report back to him that it's done you sleep with Miria or Davin, you lose the ability to do so.  The line that tells him it's been cleared out is replaced with the line asking him to take you back there, but since you killed all the rats already, this does nothing, and the quest can not be reported as complete and finished.  At least, I tested all the things I could think of that might have caused this behavior (low town rep, passing time, fixing & selling Bess), and this seemed to be the key.  Suspect it's some manner of incorrect variable usage or the like based on the results.

[Modoc - Farrel's Garden]
--Targeting / obstructions have always been pretty messed up in some parts of this map, though not knowing how hard that is to fix, I'm not sure whether it'd really be worth the effort.

[Modoc - Brahmin Pastures]
--The Brahmin are retarded.  Since they're not going to fight back (which we know they are actually quite capable of doing), then the sensible thing would be to FLEE the dogs trying to eat them (not to mention the loud gunshots, etc).  Instead, they just wander around in semi-random directions, usually doing everything they can to be in the worst possible spot, almost making sure one of them is going to get shot in short order, even if this means moving right next to a dog who's trying to eat them.  Absolutely stupid, and leads to bug #2...
--Laddie, if with you, will often (but not always) just sit in one spot and not do anything whatsoever through this entire encounter.  I suspect this is mainly due to his slightly odd combat settings though, since when the fighting starts, he's usually quite a ways from your character, and often does eventually join the fight if YOU get within 10 or so hexes of him.
--All NPCs (including Laddie at times) behave strangely here.  If you or another NPC wound a Brahmin by mistake when aiming at a dog, suddenly the NPCs (Vic seems especially prone decide that you don't *really* want to guard these brahmin, but rather that it's time to just exterminate them.  From then on, they'll happily murder dogs and brahmin alike, which is supremely annoying.  Since even the brahmin don't get mad at whoever shot them by accident, and you're specifically supposed to be keeping them alive, this behavior is really stupid.
--This encounter could use a message (possibly a combination of a float text/message box) that you've killed all the dogs.  Sometimes, I've had one run way off the map edge where you can't see it, and because you then leave without killing them all, you fail the quest.  (The quest with Farrel's Garden has exactly this kind of message, by way of example).

[Ghost Farm - Farm]
• The guards outside the Ghost Farm will now ALWAYS force dialogue with you.
--If this includes returning to the farm after having delivered their message to Jo and at night when there's a bunch of guards top-side, it isn't working.  If that was never intended, disregard.
--There's a second trap door just above and left of the normal exit from the cavern near the edge of the map covering another manhole which you can use, but it doesn't take you anywhere or otherwise seem to do anything.  Cut content perhaps?  Or someone accidentally dropped two instances of the manhole/trapdoor in the editor?

[Ghost Farm - Cavern]
--Might consider moving his SMG to a non-barter, non-steal slot, and/or disabling barter.  All he has is his SMG and some ammo for it, and by this point in the game, the player should either already have one, or soon have easy access to them.  This leaves the only real purpose of trading with Vegier to disarm him for an easier kill should the player go the hostile route with the Slags.
--Minor grammatical error: When you tell him you have questions, he replies, "Fair enough. I wouldn't expect ... without first learning a little about them, first. ..." The "first" between without and learning is redundant and sounds clunky.  The final "first" in that line is sufficient.

[Random Encounters]
--"Homeless people" won't let you end combat (Can not end combat with hostile creatures nearby), even though all they do is try to run away.  Kinda makes no sense, given than normally once critters have run away a bit you can just end combat -though they may re-initiate it of course should you approach them again.
--Minor note of interest: Using a food item (others may do the same thing) on a "Homeless person" gives a message in the box about them taking the object, which *is* removed from your inventory.  I was playing around with it, but because of the bug above I was unable to confirm or deny my supposition that perhaps this was part of a planned feature by which if you were quick about it, you could prevent them from turning hostile by quickly feeding them?  Thought it might bear examination.

...Now to go pistol-whip Lynette. That's always fun. ;)

About that very last "homeless people" thing: I confirm and agree. I was also wondering of something like that...

And for the world map speed issue: For me it's pretty slow (as it should be!) and the latest patch fixed that I had way too many random encounters afterall. So now it's just as it should be, as I remember from playing it way back then on my shitty computer.
Once Joe tells you that you have a "mighy big chip on your shoulder" and dialogue ends, you can never get the ghost farm quest dialogue tree again.
The Masticator said:
Once Joe tells you that you have a "mighy big chip on your shoulder" and dialogue ends, you can never get the ghost farm quest dialogue tree again.
While I can confirm this behavior, personally I saw this as intended by design rather than a bug. Basically Jo decides you aren't the kind of person he wants to place his trust in and ask for favors.

It's certainly open to other interpretation though.

Something I just noticed. After I rescued smiley, when I put the mouse cursor on him it said the usual 'he looks a lot better since being rescued from the toxic caves' but when you perform Binoculars on him, it still says it's a filthy looking trapper who is favoring one leg slightly and looks unhappy.

Another thing. I encountered a merchant party ambushed by bandits on the way from Klamath to the Den, and though I'm quite positive I never hurt the merchant or his guards, me and Sulik were fighting melee which is when that is very hard to have happen accidentally, the merchants still attacked us after all the bandits were dead. :(
ocelot said:
Another thing. I encountered a merchant party ambushed by bandits on the way from Klamath to the Den, and though I'm quite positive I never hurt the merchant or his guards, me and Sulik were fighting melee which is when that is very hard to have happen accidentally, the merchants still attacked us after all the bandits were dead. :(
Some of those "Merchant party" encounters can be *very* picky about weapons. If you have any out, they'll attack if you come too close or whatnot.

Also, if you save and load during an encounter with two "teams" that don't include you and your NPC friends, things can sometimes get a bit wonky.

I've had a situation now and then where I re-loaded during such a battle in which I'd never attacked anyone, and near the end of the battle, some of them started attacking me anyway. I don't see it often, but it's happened.

Nightcrawler said:
Killap, when will the expansion come out?
When it's done. 8-)

Seriously though, it is actually done (or at worst 99% done). I just need to double check something and write up the documentation. I hate documentation but it needs to be done. I got some mid term exams this week so I might or might not release this week. I think I will fix up all the issues that have been posted here in the patch thread before I release the expansion though. It's quite a growing list. Seems that every year I get a dedicated bug hunter to come along and find a plethora of issues (unknown to me) in the game. I appreciate it though. :D

I would say release first week of November...don't quote me on this though.
killap said:
Seems that every year I get a dedicated bug hunter to come along and find a plethora of issues (unknown to me) in the game. I appreciate it though. :D
Heh, guilty as charged. :oops:

I'm just glad you do appreciate it though, and apparently take it in the spirit it's intended. Every time I've looked back over your already massive list of fixes and corrections, I'm positively overwhelmed at the time and effort you've put forth trying to make the game better and less buggy for all of us.

That spirit then, specifically, would be whatever minor contributions I can lend to the effort as a sort of thanks for all you've done for the game and the entire community. It has been, and continues to be greatly appreciated.

GanymeDes- said:
For me it's pretty slow (as it should be!) and the latest patch fixed that I had way too many random encounters afterall. So now it's just as it should be, as I remember from playing it way back then on my shitty computer.
I dunno. It just seems way too slow to me. I could deal with it being that slow, though, if it wasn't for the too frequent random encounters. I usually get at least one and up to 3 or 4 just passing through one square. Seems excessive to me, and I'm racking up way, way too much loot.
Kyuu said:
GanymeDes- said:
For me it's pretty slow (as it should be!) and the latest patch fixed that I had way too many random encounters afterall. So now it's just as it should be, as I remember from playing it way back then on my shitty computer.
I dunno. It just seems way too slow to me. I could deal with it being that slow, though, if it wasn't for the too frequent random encounters. I usually get at least one and up to 3 or 4 just passing through one square. Seems excessive to me, and I'm racking up way, way too much loot.
What speed is your CPU?

Also, are you using 1.02.21 of my patch? It makes encounters less frequent than my previous patches like GanymeDes mentions.
CPU is an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ at ~2.21 GHz. And yes, I'm using version 1.02.21. Downloaded it recently, and double checked on the Fallout 2 menu screen.

Any luck with figuring out why the WorldMapDelay value isn't working?
Kyuu said:
CPU is an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ at ~2.21 GHz. And yes, I'm using version 1.02.21. Downloaded it recently, and double checked on the Fallout 2 menu screen.

Any luck with figuring out why the WorldMapDelay value isn't working?
If you want a bandaid to put on it in the meantime, Kyuu, editing the settings for encounter frequency is exceedingly easy.

We can't possibly expect killap to custom make a mod for everyone, since every system will run things a little differently, and everyone's idea of "the right number of encounters" will also vary. I can, if you wish however, explain to you what you'd need to do in order to simply lower your encounter rates (a lot or a little) to make things a bit more playable for you while the issue is under investigation.

PM me if you'd like. You need nothing more complicated than notepad for this particular "fix".
