Re: Trapper Town scripts messed up?
Replyage to various stuff:
WraithUV said:
::Mrs. Buckner
--Only gives any karma for either the Rescue Torr or Rescue Smiley quests if you free Sulik as a reward. Per's guide suggests that taking money (or no reward if you already freed Sulik) should still give some (albeit less) karma.
It could possibly be referring to some static karma bonus you get when Torr leaves the canyon map or something else.
--When you meet him in the Toxic Caves, he has inventory to barter with. When you speak to him again in Klamath, he will still barter, but has no inventory. Uncertain if this was by design or not.
It makes a certain sense that he'd stash away his pelts and not stand around with them once he got back home. Or not. It would be difficult to transfer his exact inventory to Klamath, but he could easily be given what he usually has in the cave.
--Upon first entering, there seem to always be one or several "Mooooooooo..." (and other similar cow sounds) float-text comments here and there around the map.
Just a display thing. It happens a lot when you go to the first floor of the Shark Club or back down, and it looks like Mrs Bishop is saying something from the comedian or the audience. It's possible it could even be moos from the pastures map.
[Den - West Side] --Somewhere during my time in the Den, Speech was bumped up to 105%
Holy moly! That's not supposed to happen at all.
--Mostly Flick, but also Becky and Tubby. Are the modifiers set correctly? Using a hacked character with 10 CH, Sex Appeal, and 300% Barter, Tubby was barely cheaper than a 1:1 ratio (you can profit by barter), but Flick and Becky were still charging more than goods are 'worth'. Just figured it'd be worth a look, but that may be intended behavior. Just seemed like a pretty ridiculously high mark-up with that level of barter and such.
Did you save before ever talking to them? If not, the CH modifier would remain what it was the first time you talked to them, and its impact is pretty big.
--If you do the "gang war" quest sequence, but kill Metzger before completing it, Lara will not speak to you (she goes float-only text mode). This really only makes sense if you kill Metzger BEFORE you ask him permission, but it happens even if you've gone all the way to the point where you're either going to help attack, or go tell Tyler they're attacking. Perhaps a check could be added so that she goes unresponsive if Metzger is dead ONLY if you haven't already asked him permission.
I think the point is that although there is some revenge angle, this particular operation is specifically competing for Metzger's favour, and if he's dead there's no point to it any more.
WraithUV said:
It also seems that I remember seeing some blue floats someplace, and maybe one or two yellow. Since I can't actually recall *where* I would have seen those though, it's also entirely possible I'm just crazy.
The tanker vagrants have blue floats, I think. I don't think the designers were being too set on consistency here.
WraithUV said:
[Modoc - Main Street] --About half-way through the Modoc stuff, Speech was bumped up to 115%
Random Speech bonuses everywhere!!!
--In dialog with Laddie, even though they're technically incorrect responses (since Jonny isn't actually in the well), I believe any question you ask that leads toward the "down the well" path should be only a single "Woof!" rather then a double. Most references of that sort of 1-or-2 communication line up with "Once for yes, twice for no." and once you actually say, "Did Jonny fall down the well?" he does in fact bark only once.
This is a bit fuzzy, but isn't the implication that Jonny was playing in the well or some space connected to it, and got abducted by the undergrounders through some tunnel behind the rock fall? So Laddie would have seen Jonny go down and not come back up again. Perhaps it's just that Jonny didn't "fall" down, which is a bit technical for a dog to consider...
--If you bring Laddie to Jonny in the Slag caves, upon later being escorted back to Modoc with Jonny, Laddie doesn't make the trip.
Probably related to some fix to remove Laddie from your party so that he wouldn't take up a slot forever if you didn't ever bring Jonny home. Laddie needs to be in your party to make the transition.
-The text between the two fade-outs states "Two hours later... ...never be the same", but first, you can exit at this point using the 0 cheat, terminating the rest of the sequence. In this instance, roughly 1/2 hour has passed (23:01 - 23:37 in my game). The bigger issue though, is that if you DO click that line, you get the second fade out, and in my game time was pushed forward to noon the next day, which would equate to about 13 hours rather than two.
I'm guessing they did this so that the shotgun wedding would always take place in the day, though it seems like the timeshift could be done at that point instead.
[Modoc - Farrel's Garden]
--Targeting / obstructions have always been pretty messed up in some parts of this map, though not knowing how hard that is to fix, I'm not sure whether it'd really be worth the effort.
Rats in undergrowth! Hard to see! Gotta stick your face in there!
--The Brahmin are retarded. Since they're not going to fight back (which we know they are actually quite capable of doing), then the sensible thing would be to FLEE the dogs trying to eat them (not to mention the loud gunshots, etc). Instead, they just wander around in semi-random directions, usually doing everything they can to be in the worst possible spot, almost making sure one of them is going to get shot in short order, even if this means moving right next to a dog who's trying to eat them.
It always seems to me that the cows seem to want to get as close as possible to you - which means getting close to the dogs.
--Laddie, if with you, will often (but not always) just sit in one spot and not do anything whatsoever through this entire encounter. I suspect this is mainly due to his slightly odd combat settings though, since when the fighting starts, he's usually quite a ways from your character, and often does eventually join the fight if YOU get within 10 or so hexes of him.
Possibly because NPCs in general always seem able to go retarded when in unarmed mode.
--All NPCs (including Laddie at times) behave strangely here. If you or another NPC wound a Brahmin by mistake when aiming at a dog, suddenly the NPCs (Vic seems especially prone decide that you don't *really* want to guard these brahmin, but rather that it's time to just exterminate them. From then on, they'll happily murder dogs and brahmin alike, which is supremely annoying. Since even the brahmin don't get mad at whoever shot them by accident, and you're specifically supposed to be keeping them alive, this behavior is really stupid
I think I've noticed a strange behaviour sometimes when, if someone on team A accidentally shoots someone on team B while fighting team C, they will then go on to fight team B in its entirety as well. It's like they think, "I remember shooting at these guys once, not sure why but I must have had some reason." In this case this could possibly be changed by putting the brahmin on the player's team - I don't know which team setup they have at the moment.
ocelot said:
Something I just noticed. After I rescued smiley, when I put the mouse cursor on him it said the usual 'he looks a lot better since being rescued from the toxic caves' but when you perform Binoculars on him, it still says it's a filthy looking trapper who is favoring one leg slightly and looks unhappy.
That's because Smiley
is a filthy looking trapper who is favoring one leg slightly and looks unhappy.
ocelot said:
Another thing. I encountered a merchant party ambushed by bandits on the way from Klamath to the Den, and though I'm quite positive I never hurt the merchant or his guards, me and Sulik were fighting melee which is when that is very hard to have happen accidentally, the merchants still attacked us after all the bandits were dead.
See brahmin fight above.
ocelot said:
And is it possible to get the resistance stats against Electricity displayed?
Engine thing definitely.
The Masticator said:
Problems in redding with clearing the mine. I cleared the mine of wanamingoes and then bought the deed to the mine from the Mayor. I left dialogue and immediately talked to him again. He aknowledged that the mine was clear and asked if I was ready to sell it. I gave the "hold on to it for a while" answer and left dialogue. I then checked the inventory and there was no deed.
Small clarification: there is never a deed, it's a pure meta-item. Might be cool if it were made otherwise in the expansion.
rogerg2 said:
Secondly, concerning a post in reference to editing the text in context to how people speak. I believe it should not be changed because everyone speaks differently in this world and it's a representation of that fact.
I am in agreeance.
The Masticator said:
Planting dynamite for a kill crashes my computer 100% of the time immediately after the damage from the blast is given.
I'm guessing we won't get a fix for the dynamite bug anytime soon.
The Vault City computer that gives unlimited XP after you beat the game now only gives XP one time and then says "nothing happens" on susequent clicks.
This was a deliberate fix and should be in the corrections file.