killap said:
I did not realize Seraph did that. I will have to look at the script again. If this is indeed the case, do others agree that this is not a worthwhile gameplay change? (I mean it is not a bug anyway) I suppose it makes sense for more than one guard to leave, but who says logic exists in the game anyway?
Actually, the logic
does exist in the game, and it
is a bug that you fight all of Tyler's gang except for Tyler himself. I should know, because I was the one who originally told Seraph how to fix this bug.

In fact, fixing this bug was what inspired me to come up with the unofficial update to the official mapper scripts in the first place.
Anyway, you can find the relevant code in the file DEN.H under the macro gang_member_map_enter. There is a line in the macro that says:
else if ((global_var(self_gang) > (3 + (tyler_dead == false))) or (NAME == SCRIPT_DCTYLER))
So if you want to bring back the two missing gang members, change the 3 above to 5 and you should get them back, but keep in mind that Lara did say "skeleton crew" for a reason.
So why wasn't it happening before? Because this code was never called. Tyler's gang members (with the obvious exceptions of Marc and Tyler himself) are governed by the script dcG1Grd.ssl. In this script, the map_enter_p_proc procedure was supposed to call gang_member_map_enter:
procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
As you can see, the call exists, but is commented out in code, so it does nothing.
Unfortunately, this causes a bug where Tyler's gang members won't help poor Marc in the combat when you and Lara's gang ambush them -- because they weren't being counted, they are not considered on the same team. So actually, this fight is really easy -- you, your party members, plus all of Lara's gang only need to take out Marc, and the quest is solved. It's pretty amusing to see Lara's gang members standing amongst Tyler's gang members in the church with neither side going for each other's throats. Putting the fix in (by uncommenting that line) ensures that you fight Marc
AND all gang members inside the church. So far from making the fight easier, it just got three times harder (Marc plus two previously useless gang members).
So should the two missing gang members be brought back? I don't know. You certainly don't need them back now that you can get the same xp (and more) from the 1000 points you get from helping Lara kill of Tyler's gang (this wasn't happening before due to another bug). But bringing them back is a simple change, as I've demonstrated above.
One final thought on this issue:
I think I know why the developers commented that bit of code out. My guess is that originally, you were supposed to kill Marc and the two gang members left in the church first, then be transported to the residential area of the Den and finish off Tyler himself and the rest of the gang. Overall, you kill the same number of people, but if no one from your side dies, it's at least five against three each time, so you maintain numeric superiority. However, since the residential area of the Den was scrapped, you don't get to fight Tyler again. So the developers decide to make the gang fight a bit harder by taking only Tyler away and leaving everyone else there. The simplest way to do that was to comment out the existing code that removes gang members in the first place, so that was done. Of course, this also created the bug I've described above...may be something to think about for your expansion pack, killap.
-- Haenlomal