Hello and welcome to everyone,

First of all, it's been a long time I left Fallout 2. I play it around 1998. I was 14 back then. I finished the game once, and I don't know much since my english not too good that time. (I discover alot of thing lately like you could put a coin in Nuka Cola machine and viola! you got nuka cola, and a lot more). Now, I'm 23 and digging out the fallout 2 back again. I am so suprise about the change in fallout community. Thanks to Killap for release a fix about the bug after Blackisle left the Fallout 2. It's been wonderful.
Now, I'm playing for the good guy do all the stuff around wasteland to become thesavior of the damn. I play hard difficulty and combat rough. Not easy, but I up for better challenge. I am at Redding(after went through Klamath and the Den) and at level 11. I used Killap latest install, I install everything properly. I found the stone that state the successful patch at Temple Trial in Arroyo. Despite a lot of change, I'm also discover some bugs too. Here the list so far :
To Killap,
Now, let me remember back :
1. In the random encounter where there was a cave that sometimes you got rats, scorpio, and other hostiles in it. This time I stumbled upon a gang of robbers. I'm at level 7. Most of robbers armed with 10mm SMG H&K-9 and Sledgehammer. The problem is with some female robbers. They got too much Critical Hits and small arm skills, and could finish you in 1 burst from a far away. I'm usually got spray from far with almost 100 hits! I wear Leather armor with damage resistance 25%(is this a bug?, she's a way super strong, may be related to the difficulty). After a few failures, I decide to play dirty by snipe her with hunting rifle, and Ding! error message appear after I click to shoot, and my comp hang.(I could not read the error code in windows because it's hang badly and i switch to task explorer to end the fallout2.exe. I load and play it's still happen again. The last resort I abandon the place. It's look like the girls was far away too strong and cannot be killed until she could hack your windows and hang the game. Please look at this. I do not know if it will happen in the later encounter. If I found out, I'll let you know...
2. Sawed-off Shotgun. Both action menu display "Single" despite for I option cost 5 ap, and another is 6ap. The 6ap option got no "@" marking. If I remember correctly, we could choose to fire single or both barrel. Rite?
3. In Redding, the mission of murdering Frog Morton, after you got out from the lift, if you decide to take the fight in front of the lift, all the corpse later on fall upon the lift texture(technically speaking) the graphic display properly but you cannot have the option to loot the corpses.
I think I have installed the patch properly. After fresh install, I installed the patch direct from the your signature. Auto-install. I found the stone during the temple trial. Everything just like you state in the readme file. That's all so far the bugs I found.I just played for a few hours and want to continue my game right now. Thanks for your afford so far Killap. I really appreciate it.