I've recently started work on updating my guide, so I've been running into a bunch of bugs, new and old. Some of them have probably been mentioned here before, but I'm listing everything I couldn't find in the corrections file.
* If you complete Hakunin's quest before getting the bonus training from Cameron, you won't get the training.
The trigger is talking to Hakunin, not completing the quest.
* Correct a problem which caused Klint and Cameron to be over-friendly and never attack the player even if the entire map is hostile.
In most cases Cameron will attack the player by virtue of being on the Arroyo team. He's technically bugged but the description isn't entirely correct.
* If you use repair skill on the car in Klamath (the one with Fuel Cell) for the first time, you would get "Error" in the message box.
This has nothing to do with "first time", it's just that the message for a critical failure is missing.
If you scare off Torr, then save and load, the Duntons become unresponsive. This is because the local variable "active" updates improperly (as if the quest was over and they shouldn't be at the pastures any more).
If you talk to the Duntons in town about work but turn them down, leave the map and return, Torr will be gone, because the Rustle_Refuse variable makes him think the quest has started and he should be at the pastures or something.
If you talk to one Dunton about work and turn him down, then talk to the other about work and choose the "Hey, wait - I really do want to help you guys out" line, there are two bugs. Firstly, if Torr is not on the downtown map for some reason, the script will try to display line 505 which doesn't exist. Secondly, the dialogue will proceed as if you're on the pastures map, and you can scare them into abandoning the quest giving you instant xp. Both would be fixed if node 948 pointed to, say, 010 instead of 027.
We talked about bartering for Slim's key recently. I saw some comments in the mapper script indicating they intended for the key to be barterable, so it seems the bug is just that it isn't worth anything.
* Unlocked dialogue options for Maida Buckner during the Torr rescue quest. (prevented by bad scripting before)
* Maida has dialogue to activate the quest of rescuing Torr (just like Ardin), but the variable was never set.
These two look as if they refer to the same thing.
* Trappers in Trapper town no longer have all their float text in red. Their floats are now the default float color.
Does this refer to the nice things they say after you kill the rat king, and not just the stuff like "Damn tribals" they say when you first arrive? Because that should be red perhaps.
Rebecca is supposed to attack you if you're a Childkiller, but she doesn't. It seems the reason is the same float bug that freezes Randal and Salvatore.
A stupid character says "This house is clear" after banishing Anna. Should probably be "Oog, pretti bones" or maybe nothing at all.
The problem was that if Fred died, you were unable to get the next quest of obtaining the book from Derek. And if Derek died, she would always ask you how the book quest is coming and as well as the quest never getting crossed off. Look at nodes 987 and 986 if you are curious.
I have looked at it again as well as played it out in 1.02. I took the Fred quest, talked to him, killed him, returned to Rebecca and got the second quest. Then went and killed Derek, grabbed the book, returned and finished that too. The only bug that I can see with 986 and 987 is that 010 lets you go there even if you've already been there, so that becky_friends_dead can increase without limit - well, that and some string bug I already reported. But it has no impact on the quests that I can see.
* Obtaining a bad reaction from Tubby would cause him to alter his prices when you barter. The modifier was set incorrectly, however, so instead of charging more, he would charge less.
Also you only get the modifier if you hit the barter button instead of going on to node 996, which seemingly nullifies the penalty.
Karl is supposed to turn hostile if you attack Mom. But you can still talk to him normally after you let him flee and end combat, as long as you don't get too close.
If you do the mean thing with Jo's finger, it says he pulls out a shotgun but then he starts punching you.
Falling down in the Ghost Caves and being expelled from the Modoc toilet was supposed to be able to result in crippled limbs, but this doesn't happen because stat checks don't result in criticals. Not sure if there's a good substitute here.
* ALL crashes (infinite fadeouts) have been fixed for the Grisham family. (if you lock the door to the room though, there are issues of Grisham's script crapping out.
The Midoor script makes sure that Davin's and Miria's doors cannot be locked, so that's not an issue and it beats me how it could have been reported as one.
Laddie lacks party_member_map_enter or match_dude_elevation and can therefore be lost in Modoc or Vault 15.
If you loot the lost and found box from the hex to the right of it, Rose cannot see you.
I think you were supposed to be able to urge Jo to attack the Slags after finding Jonny, but you can't.
* Fixed a bug that prevented you from telling Balthas about finding Jonny if you brought Laddie to Jonny at the Ghost Farm.
The problem for the player isn't so much not being able to tell Balthas as not being able to tell Vegeir, if they didn't get Jonny to trust them.
There's a bug (or at least a "bug") when you talk to Jo about Karl and bodies which may stop you from being able to tell Karl to go home.
Apparently, if you get the quest to clear out Farrel's garden, but then before you report back to him that it's done you sleep with Miria or Davin, you lose the ability to do so.
This is because the butcher on Main Street uses the same bit that is used to keep track of killing all the rats. So you can actually finish the quest just by going to Main Street, wait until evening when the butcher says his float, then go to Farrel. Not much use as a cheat though, since the xp reward is given out when you actually kill the rats.
Jo's shop keeps restocking after he dies.
When you talk to Josh in Redding about valuables, strings 165 and 166 should be switched around in node 016.
* Fixed a bug in a terminal on level 2 that could potentially crash the game.
I still don't know what this refers to. I think last time you theorized that it might have been something Seraph did, but if so this internal fix shouldn't be in the corrections file.
You get xp on lvl 1 by pressing help and then NOT running the diagnostic test. This doesn't completely make sense, so maybe node 012 should point to 001 instead of 014. The terminal on level 2 doesn't give xp for using the help function to turn off the alarm, and this one doesn't either if you do it properly, so I'm pretty sure it's a mistake.
Someone reported to me that robots stepping on the electric floor in combat would crash his game. I couldn't replicate this, can anyone else? There is definitely a bug with the resulting message though, it just says " was shocked..." and doesn't attach the object name.
* You can no longer turn off the alarm on level 2 of S.A.D. by both attempting to disable it and hacking into the computer, thus giving you the EXP for both.
And still the scripter obviously set them up to be two different things - one high IN, the other higher Science - though exactly why this is so isn't entirely clear. Maybe one represents raw hacking skillz0rz and the other is a working with the system type of thing.
If you release the bots on level 1 and then turn off the alarm, they'll turn selectively invisible. If you turn off the alarm using the terminal and not by talking to Skynet, they'll also keep making floats (even if invisible) and mill about non-aggressively.
If you enter combat and run away a bit when exiting the depot with evil Skynet, it won't turn hostile (though it may still kill party members that come near). If you leave the map it will never turn hostile and will keep offering "Proceed to surface" dialogue.
Vault City
If you use Dynamite on the stuck vault door, you will say "That didn't even scratch it", but nothing actually happened. Maybe remove the item from your inventory and play the appropriate sound effect?
In the Vault City council area bar people will stand around from 6 PM to 2 AM, but if you talk to them after 7 PM they'll make floats as if they're trying to get some sleep.
Harry's shelf will keep restocking after he dies.
If you stand behind Wallace's locker and take the Day Pass from there, he can't see you doing it.
Fixed some bugs in Gecko Power Plant Desk Guard's dialogue:
*A loop where you can't end dialogue.
What does this refer to? I couldn't see anything.
* Your car no longer disappears when you go directly to the junkyard from the world map.
What would cause this? I think I asked this before but I can't remember anything conclusive.
If you haven't disabled barter for Festus already, you can use the barter trick to keep the Hy-Mag when you give it to him, and then install it manually later, allowing you to do the optimization quest all over again.
Broken Hills
Liz's manhole script has an LVAR_Gave_Exp variable and there's an EXP_FOUND_LIZ_WEAPONS entry in Exppoint.h, but it's never awarded.
Tipping Phil doesn't deduct the tip from your money.
Zaius has a Barter_Count variable which is reset every time you talk to him, so you can try any number of times to increase your reward. But if you don't reset it, then with the current limit you cannot get to the maximum reward, so I don't know exactly what the fix should be, if any. Maybe the counter should not reset, but allow one or a few more attempts in total. (As an aside, you need Barter 130% or so to have the slightest chance to get the last $100. Way to balance the usefulness of skills...)
You can get any number of Explosive Switches from Jacob by looping around in dialogue.
If you destroy the cell door with explosives, nothing happens. (You can then enter the cell and unlock the other door from the inside to complete the jailbreak.)
If you kill Liz, her inventory is transferred to her corpse from her table, which is both unnecessary and weird. Also, the table will keep restocking.
The quarrelling couple keep quarrelling during combat.
Elmo lacks code to turn him invisible if all the mutants die.
When you fight Lenny, Merk is just an "Average Merchant" and his guards are "Weak Gun Guard". Perhaps not worth fixing since you'd have to attach scripts to them.
* Completing the serum quest for Dr. Henry and talking to the robotic dog, but not taking it with you would reset the quest allowing you to redo it an infinite number of times. This is no longer the case.
The trigger is talking to the dog at all. Also note that if you turn him down and then go to node 006 again, it will cause you to leave dialogue.
NCR guard warning floats should perhaps be red.
* Corrected a bug with Hubologist hard drive formatting. You could do it an infinite number of times and gain an infinite amount of karma.
This is still in the wrong place.
* You can no longer get the mutagenic serum from Dr. Henry if you already did that quest before.
And this is still a duplicate.
* You can no longer have conversations with the sink at the entrance.
And this is still not something you could do to my knowledge.
Cyberdog should have 117 HP on level 3 ("Stage 2").
Vic should have more HP on level 3 ("Stage 2"), like 90 or something.
Marcus, the Brain Bot and I think Myron all lose armour at some point while levelling up, but only K-9 is listed as being fixed in this regard. As for Myron's armour I think it might be a bug in itself (he gains DR 5 at some level if I recall correctly).