I am still in finals mode at the University and thus haven't gotten around to much Fallout. I will admit much progress was made before Per posted his two big lists. Then all the other posts by Kwiatmen666 made the list even larger. I'm not complaining nor do I hold any grudges against the posters, but it does sadden me some to see the list of fixes shrink to almost none and then grow by 50+. Still, I appreciate the thorough bug seeking.
I honestly don't know how long it will take me to get through them all. Some are easy and just require a line change others require me to test for like half and hour to see what on earth might be causing the issue. Others may be non reproducible (for me at least) and thus I would have no idea how to fix it. So, though I would like to get all the fixes completed by the first week of January, I am not sure. The list has grown so it will take some time.
On that note, I do not discourage people posting issues since posting now is better than posting right after I release when I may hope once again that the release will be the last.
And since the expansion was mentioned I shall address a bit as well. I still only have one more big addition I need to add to it (the extended Den gang war) and some minor tweaks to what I have already added. This shouldn't take more than a day or two but I want to get all the patch fixes done before finishing it up. Plus, who knows the sub mod might be done before this and I can go ahead and modify it to be included in the expansion.