Qwinn said:(sorry, I can't edit anymore, these posts have been several hours apart)
What do you mean, "can't edit"? This is an active thread, it's quite unlikely that people will miss big edits to your posts entirely when they're the last in the thread. Don't double or triple post, it's as simple as that.
More bugs:
Not really fixable perhaps, but you can drop items (like a Spear) before talking to Cameron in the temple so they don't go to the chest.
I don't know if you looked at this, but the Arroyo people have an additional set of floats for after the fourth Hakunin dream which normally wouldn't be seen in the game (you can only see them if you're actually in Arroyo when you get the fourth dream). There is perhaps no ideal way to shuffle them in. Anyway, Nagor will talk about Smoke being eaten even if Smoke is still alive, and/or never brought back. Smoke should probably make himself disappear in this case. Even if no sane player will ever encounter this little inconsistency.
For the expansion: affix scripts for Morlis' vase and Hakunin's chest?
Only if you talk to the Duntons in their house do you get a "Let's trade" option, but they always transfer their shop inventory when talking if they're on the downtown map so you can trade with them just the same at the bar by pressing barter. Probably should have an additional (area == SHOP) condition when transferring the inventory. And if you kill them, the inventory should perhaps go into a shelf at their house instead of into a corpse.
If I'm an enemy of Klamath and click on Sajag, nothing happens, even though he has a dialogue node for this case.
When an orphan steals from you, if the item randomly selected is in one of your active slots (and therefore not eligible to be stealt), the script goes on to treat this as if the original roll had been a failure. It would make more sense to default to stealing cash in this case.
One of the Dccustmr people (who have different floats depending on where they are) was standing around in Tubby's shop (having walked there purposefully from Becky's), but didn't have a proper description (just the default "nothing out of the ordinary") nor offered any floats. Another townsperson who had done the same journey across the street at almost exactly the same time had a proper "customer" description and appropriate floats.
When you fixed Jeremy so that you can only get one part from him, did you do it by activating his previously inactivated floats once you get a part?
You can ask Lenny for healing before you learn he's a doctor.
If Lenny heals you for free because you didn't have enough money, node 024 (where he informs you of the fact) doesn't get called.
Broken Hills
The scorpion will make a "human" float if you're caught stealing from it.
There's a big set of gates next to where your car is, but only one hex between them admits passage, which looks very odd in combat when caravan henchmen behind the fence can't move towards you despite the huge-ass opening.
Henchmen will make non-combat floats in combat, complaining about the latest caravan or whatnot.
The guy who pays you for the NCR brahmin quest (Scdrvpay) has a green outline since he was copied from Hal's script, but there's no reason for this.
If you give the chip to McGrew he keeps it in his inventory, if you give it to LeBarge she eats it. Just a little inconsistency. McGrew should probably destroy it as well to prevent players from seeing an illogical ending for Redding after stealing the chip back.
Should a miner massacre prevent mining endings for Redding? Expansion maybe.
New Reno
Drug dealers don't seem to set barter modifiers correctly depending on circumstances and/or how much money you have. Is this a generic problem with the gdialog_set_barter_mod command? Also, the cash limits for raising their prices are ridiculously low - by TCO's standards if not by theirs.
Myron says "Could we go somewhere where there's more women?" even when you're surrounded by prostitutes. What place is he referring to?
If Myron won't join you because you have CH 1, he says line 1725 instead of line 1549.
Myron's watch script is odd because the watch condition is that he's in your party, should be that he isn't (and never has been). Even so he often fails to react if you touch any of the containers.
* The street band now actually sings.
They do sing in 1.02. There is however a bug that their descriptions are off so that one singer can display two different names, is that fixed?
* Back door to New Reno Arms now correctly displays a message when you use a skill (like lockpick) on it.
* The doors to New Reno Arms now have scripts attached to them.
Pretty much the same thing?
* Corrected Lloyd issues. (Let him go free, yet he attacks.
* It is now possible to peacefully let Lloyd go. Before both end options led to combat.
Same thing?
* You no longer get double the xp for discovering the map on Sam Pritchard.
Entries like this look a bit odd since this line seems to imply that it was in the original. You should probably append stuff like this to where you note that you actually added something that was missing instead of having them as independent entries.
Junkies accumulate Jet because after spawning a Jet object they don't properly use it on themselves (which is done to change their floats).
*You can no longer get infinite boxing rematches if you box for the first time after defeating the enclave.
Doesn't have to be the first time, you just can't be Prizefighter yet. It's also possible to get infinite rematches before winning the game by going from node 024 to 976 and then 016 by *failing* a Speech check. I see no reason for 024 not to point to 985 instead of 976.
Joqq doesn't have a joqq_dead flag so he's the only main boxer that doesn't have a replacement, even though there's a name for this.
* It is no longer possible to tell Mason you solved the Lloyd situation before ever speaking with Lloyd.
This isn't exactly a bug, more like a bald lie, which Salvatore correctly calls you on.
I found a bunch of bugs with Lloyd, not sure if you've corrected some of them already. To begin with, if you make Lloyd hostile in the basement and he runs, you can end combat and talk to him as if nothing has happened.
Secondly, if I dig and trigger the grave trap in dialogue, there is no explosion and combat starts right away. I'm pretty sure this has worked for me before though.
Thirdly, the set_escape commands scattered in Lloyd's New Reno dialogue are a bit inconsistent. For instance, if you pass nodes 015, 017 and 981 you can go to Golgotha and stand talking over the correct grave, but you still can't enter it because the escape variable was never set to anything. Meanwhile if you pass through 018, 036, 019, 021 and 022, then tell him to wait, you can go and enter the grave without even having heard anything about Golgotha or graves, just because you made a 50/50 deal with him and thus set the escape variable. This probably requires a major cleanup.
Fourthly, when I used the covered grave (with my hands), the earth disappeared but the grave was still set as covered.
*Salvatore no longer freaks out if you talk to him after he just gave you a mission. He now says the correct message of "Go see Mason."
I couldn't find any cause for this in the script so I tested it in the game and it never happens for any of the missions in 1.02. The Salvatore permission flag is only unset in appropriate cases, where you'd get the script freeze bug in 1.02 anyway.
Again, it has been awhile but if I remember correctly if you got your car back, went to Newo Reno (first map) with it, and then went back to the shop on foot, your car would still be there. At this point your car would be present in both places.
I could be wrong about something but it seems to me that once you drive the car off the map, global 348 will always be set to 3, and you'll only get the extra car if it's 1 or 2. At least I can't replicate the bug in my game.
You can press A and kill the announcer at the end of a boxing fight. Control should be removed from the end of the last round until you're out of the ring. Killing the ring girl at the start of a round should also be fixed if you haven't done that already.
Myron won't let you use Jet on him, so why is he set to use it on himself?
No reason why Hal should be on the player's team and help you fight the NCR police before you leave NCR.
NCR police will give you gun warnings while you're fighting them, even though of course nothing happens if you comply.
Thinking I might have a lead on the reported "trigger-happy NCR cops" bug that I can't find a cause for, I tried recruiting an NPC, arming him, making him invisible in New Reno, then bringing him to NCR. Sure enough, the guards start yelling at you to put your weapon away. But to be precise, they're yelling at your NPC, and cannot attack him, so this doesn't explain reports of cops attacking *you* (because they don't). Anyway, is it possible there are "legitimate" cases of NPCs going invisible that could still trigger this instance of the bug? Goris can be invisible, but he isn't checked by the guards. I think Laddie goes invisible if you bring him to Jonny in the Ghost Caves and then never get him home, but he shouldn't really be armed - he does appear in the list of checked NPCs though.
If you abandon the cattle drive you can still pick up a reward.
Vault 15
With extreme Traps you can't open the outside elevator door after Lockpicking it because you keep detecting an undetrappable trap.
Vault 13
* Fixed potential crash occurring in Vault 13 after the death of Matt
Were you able to determine the exact cause of this? I know it doesn't happen if you kill Gruthar as well, so I assume it's got something to do with him trying to find i_matt_obj, but under what specific circumstances does it break? I think I've played games in the past where Matt was killed and Gruthar was not and I returned to V13, without crashing, at some time before the massacre, but I can't be sure.
Unverified: Someone said the Dragon would always tell him to come back for training next day, no matter how much time had passed. I haven't been able to find any likely cause for this. (Unless the bug is that the game timer somehow loops around, which might partially explain the no restocking bug as well, but that's pure speculation.)
* Replaying the BOS bunker video sequence with NPCs in your party would cause them to appear inside the video thus complete mayhem would commence.
* Your party members will now be hidden when you watch the tape of Horrigan killing Matt.
Same thing.
* Should no longer be able to go through Vikki's & Juan's Hubologist initiation sequence multiple times.
*Should no longer be able to go through their scripted sequence multiple times.
Same thing? I know I've asked about this before but they still look like the same thing.
Matt gets killed even if you already killed Horrigan. An optimal fix would probably set a date variable on Horrigan's death and use that for a trigger rather than a simple "is Horrigan dead now" flag. The condition needs to look something like, "Would Horrigan some time between the projected death of Matt, or the time Matt was last seen alive, whichever is latest, and his own death, have had time to go to SF and return to the oil rig, while not being spotted during all of that time at the oil rig by the player?" Or maybe that still leaves some logical hole open.
The red and blue guards aren't on the same team in the Steel Palace, so you can get them to fight each other, or you can kill the two red ones and wave hello to the others. It's doubtful whether the Lo Pan/Dragon rivalry should extend into the palace to that extent, so maybe they should check which map they're on when they assign teams and when setting enemy status in damage_proc.
Jing should always destroy the delivered armour so you can't steal it back.
Maybe put an Atgoo spatial on the chemical spill in the harbour for the expansion pack?
Even though Badger will get the vertibird plans for you if you have the Brotherhood quest active and gave the plans away, it won't allow you to ask Badger for hacking in the first place.
It sort of looks like a bug that you get extra experience for moving fuel with the Emperor computer (in the tanker case, only if you didn't get permission). It gives you the "bad" reward for hacking the computer over again.
* Dr. Fung will no longer cause the game to freeze when you ask him for stimpaks after he refuses to heal you because you don't have the money to pay him.
Do you know why this happens? I know it does but I can't see what in the script is the cause.
Having the Hardened Power Armor quest bypasses Crocket's check to see if he's out of chemicals.
If you drop the Vertibird Plans after getting Handy to copy them from you, you can ask him to do it again.
It seems the tanker door you open with the Fob was supposed to stay open and unlocked, but in my experience it doesn't.
The door to Chris' shack looks wooden but cannot be exploded. (If you make it so that it can, doing so should probably annoy Chris.)
Either correct Xarn's floats if you release him before you get the quest to do so, or remove the Blue Pass Key in Gecko that allows this.
You can walk on one of the rocks near the air vent.
There are scriptless bots on the detention level. If you start a fight between them and the guards, the Elder will often be killed by a turret or by the nearby guards for some reason (maybe team 1 is the default team?). Just adding scripts here should fix it. The barracks level also has two scriptless bots.
When you get the 4th Hakunin sequence and Arroyo changes to a new map/town, the Arroyo button doesn't do anything. Unfixable?
Did you fix that Gold Nuggets and so on cannot be punched with because the range is set to 0 instead of 1?
* Corrected scripting issues with the Fallout 2 hint book that is obtained at the end of the game. Would not correctly set all your stats.
Duplicates more recent note under New Reno.
* Several doors (such as the slave pen doors in NCR could be destroyed just by punching them.
Did you also allow the quest to be completed by destroying the doors normally? Or did you make them non-destroyable?
Using SEC or MFC on a non-car party member refuels the car. Maybe this can be stopped with some script_overrides in their use_obj_on.
This is unfixable I guess, but I tried using Super Stims on the Enlightened One in NCR and running off the map. Crash! Tried it with a peon... worked. Then I tried it with Torr. Crash! A Dunton... crash! Basically it seems that any critter that starts doing things on dying (set globals, move items) crashes the game in this situation. Ordinary townspeople don't crash the game because they never get around to fiddling with globals (because they aren't killed by dude_obj, so inc_good_critter and such don't actually end up doing anything).
The Paramedics Bag doesn't seem to give any sort of bonus to Doctor, while the Field Medic kit does give a 40% bonus to First Aid. Can someone verify this?
* Some scripts were displaying incorrect colors (when using the empathy perk) for several dialog lines. Lenny and Salavtore are such examples.
This should be under "Misc".
* It is no longer possible to get every location from a Random Encounter traveler. Before if you ask the traveler for directions, the traveler will say that he/she only knows of these locations. Leaving dialog and then reentering would produce a new set of locations that the traveler only knew about. ..
Actually, "before" it wouldn't do this at all, it's a secondary fix. The same goes for the SAD/MB mixup bug. This whole entry looks overcomplicated and should probably read something like this: "Random encounter travelers would always offer to tell you about the same locations. Each traveler now knows of two randomly selected locations as intended. At the same time, three latent bugs were fixed: one that would have changed which locations they knew of each time you entered dialog; one that marked the location of the Sierra Army Depot when the description of the location given is clearly for the Military Base; and one where a dialog line was missing."
Here's an infinite ammo exploit I found that I've never heard of before. Get Mysterious Stranger. Enter an empty spot on the world map. There's now a chance that the MS is standing nearby. Use Steal to get some ammo and Stimpaks. If you get caught, nothing happens. Then leave the map. Repeat as many times as you like. Also, on some random maps after combat is over the stranger doesn't quite get off the map when running away from you afterwards (works on some mountain maps). Or save then load the game - they'll stop running. After you steal their stuff, enter combat and spend a round just running around. Steal again - new ammo. You can get 100 MFC every time you do this if they have it. Suggested fixes: 1) "Empty" maps don't generate strangers, if it's possible to make the distinction. 2) If 1 is not possible, either the MS should not have anything stealable at all - just a weapon and maybe a Stimpak in their other item slot - or 3) the stranger should turn hostile if you get caught stealing (and count as dead from then on). 4) In any case should they not generate new ammo from thin air. 5) The stranger's variable that says whether they should be running must be saved, perhaps even with a timer that makes them invisible if they aren't already after a number of seconds (à la the Infinity Engine, assuming that wouldn't be considered an even worse bug). 6) There's no reason to destroy remaining Stimpaks upon death since they aren't infinite anyway.
In the farmers encounter, the farmers and the children aren't on the same team. Same thing with VC patrols and their dogs, and slavers and their dogs. And Morton brothers and their cohort. And when a hermit and dogs fight rats. When trappers and a merchant fight bandits, both groups of bandits will be fighting just one of the other groups.
* Slaver and Marauder random encounters will now have NPCs which are able to use the HK Caws that are given to them. Before they used models which could not fire the guns.
The same is true of a female prospector carrying a CAWS, female bootleggers carrying pistols or SMGs, and male and female homesteaders with SMGs. May need to be fixed in Worldmap.txt and Bhrnddst.ssl both.
Female homesteaders in caravan encounters are described as a "lean, tan looking man" and "he has a farmer's tan" because they don't use the Echomwfe script.
Mad brahmin don't explode in combat mode, and mad brahmin spawned in combat mode don't do anything. Same goes for the brahmin using the same script spawned by the Bridgekeeper, although the second bug doesn't apply there.
When you run into trappers fighting geckos, after they're done killing the geckos, they let you skin them and run off with the skins! I think it's back to trapper school for them!
Killing the vorpal rat with the special grenade may lock up the game similar to the Lenny/serum case.
If you meet a group of Rangers and are a Ranger yourself, they ALL introduce themselves as Eziekel.
Not a bug, but there's just a 10% chance that a group of bootleggers has a still present. Isn't this a bit low? In the expansion maybe there could be two entries, each with a, say, 30% chance? That would leave a chance of them having two.
Robbers in caves can have incorrect ammo for the HK P90c.
The Ecgangs.ssl script has a 100% taunt chance, so all of them will make red floats in every round in addition to their normal combat taunts, which just looks dumb. Decrease to 50% at the very least.