In addition, if you have a good town rep in Klamath, you bypass the check and get the key for free.
Turns out there IS a bug with Slim Picket - when I tried to barter for the key, the dialogue which normally appears after you finished bartering was displayed atop the bartering screen, obscuring the items.
The following are questions, not bug reports...
1) Is there really any difference between two dialogue options when talking with the prostitute in The Den (Sulik was in my party)?
"It's going to cost you more if you're not alone"
a) "They go where I go."
b) "I want them with me."
Shoudn't there be an option "I *don't* want them with me"?
2) Noticed this because I tend to restart the game alot.
When doing the first quest for Becky, I told Fred that I will pay 100$ for him and refused to give him another 50$. After that he was either telling me that he was broke and cursed me, or praised me for covering for him. I fail to see the reason behind such different reactions to the same action in different games... is there? Is it random?
3) When ordering whiskey at the Becky's place I paid 3 times but got only 1 bottle (I mean, I lost only 1 Perception). And when somebody is blocking Rebecca, I don't get anything at all. I think this is the case for all barmen who "serve" their clients by running to them and "applying" the booze (and for Miss Kitty in New-Reno, too). Can something be done about it?
Robbers in the caves (random encounters) are still buggy. They no longer run as close as possible to me which I believe was part of your fix, but they still do not know how to use their weapons. I can provide you a save if needed.
Update №2.
Croupier in Redding Casino gives floats in red even though she is not angry.
When talking with the New-Reno Caravan Leader in Redding there is a dialogue option "When on the 21st?". Shoudn't it be "Why on the 21st?"