Hello, everybody.
I started to play Fallout 2 with this patch. First, I really-really liked it, because there is no annoying bugs at all, which is really good for overall "in-game diving" process

But a problem has occurred, effectively destroying in process all the fun I've got so far.
So, I came to the Vault City (spent lots of great time in other cities before), took reactor repairment quest, repaired it. After that I'm going to the brain-rat in Gecko in order to enlist their perspective organization. And here it comes: all dialogue lines with the rat consist from "error" messages only. I don't know, what I've told to the poor thing, but I somehow managed not to piss her off. After that I'm going to McClure, gotta tell him about reactor job. I initiate the dialog and he tells me "error" (yeah, just like that; where his manners are?) So, I reply the same "error"-ous way and dialog collapses. And I get no citisenship at all (and I should, if my memory serves me right), though Lynette tries to scare me about how I got this imaginary citizenship and stuff.
So, I think, my question stands pretty clear. What should I do?
I have already tried to reinstall the game. If it makes any additional sense, my installation consists only of the perfectly english Fallout 2 (dunno though, US it or UK) and Killap's patch.
I really looking forward to continue the game. I haven't played Fallout, like, for several years and in this game I'm getting huge amount of fun. Don't wanna ruin it.
PS: my english looks kinda poor after "preview" button, so pardon me in advance

PPS: I've tried to search the problem, but there is 37 pages and search function came back with no good results