While I've been playing I have taken some notes, to give to Morticia and to check for bugs. Now I don't really know what to do with it. I think the bugs are easier to understand together with a walkthrough, but then I can't really put it in the technical problems thread. So I thought it to be better to post it here. So sorry for the bug reports.
Also this contains spoilers...................................................................
This is about the Brotherhood of Steel.
BOS Bunker:
You can get some free verti/flamethrower fuel every now and then from the requisitioning officer on level 1.
There is a doc on level 2 to who will fully restore your HP for free.
On level 3 there is a scientist that you can help to test a new armor, on the shooting range. You get 500xp and the unfortunate side effect of a critical eye injury. [Not working fully yet.]
You can take the "professional power armor" from Newman's cold dead body, but I don't think it's possible to steal it.
[Watch instructor train, sequence messed up, possibly 500xp.]
*The brohdent.msg file is missing, it should contain lines #100 and #101, resulting in ERROR message when entering the "BOS Bunker" entrance map.]
*Doctor on second level will give you the full treatment and advance the time with a day, even if you already have full HP.
*Armor looks like a big roach during shooting test.
*Last step of the shooting sequence is being skipped. from fixed_param 17 it says to go to 19 (which don't exist), instead of 18.
*It says you get a critical eye injury during the armor test, but you don't.
*It's mentioned a couple of times that you can learn the Brotherhood History from the computer consoles, but this has not been included.
*Training session not working properly.
*Every time I come from level 1 of the bunker and then exit the map I get spawned a few squares to the left of it on the world map, it works as it should when I don't come from level 1.
- Discover the reconnaissance troop's fate. - Access to the BOS Bunker, and 5000xp if you also save their lives.
Note that you get this quest from a guy outside of the bunker labeled as "Paladin of Brotherhood", and not from General Barton.
"When you receive this quest, a new location, "Siege", appears on the world map, near the coast between San Francisco and Navarro. At this location you will witness an angry dialogue between Enclave and BOS troops (who are hidden in a cave), and then you will have to fight the Enclave troops." The four BoS soldiers will come out and help you once you have killed three of the enclave soldiers.
You don't actually get any xp for completing the mission, but you get 5000xp for saving the troops.
There is another way to do this if you don't want to fight. [But it's not working properly.]
When you arrive at the "siege" a float pops up telling you that you better get out of there. Do so and go back to the BOS bunker and tell them about the troops in trouble. They will send you to Matthew in San Fran for backup.
He and his posse will go there with you. Unfortunately you will be too late to save the troops and you don't get any xp, but at least you still gain access to the bunker.
Note that after you have completed this quest, Matthew in San Fran will be killed by Horrigan.
*There is a problem with the "alternative" solution to the above mentioned quest though, one that makes it unsolvable.
Instead of fighting you flee back to the BOS Bunker and then go to San Fran to get help, Matthew says he'll help but nothing happens.
Nodeo23: "gsay_option(1158, 310, Node024, -1);" should be "gsay_option(1158, 310, Node023a, -1);".
*Also, you get no xp for going with the alternative option. The mission is to discover the troops faith, not to save them, and after running around TRYING, you should at least get some xp, although less than if saving them. Or maybe access to the BOS Bunker is reward enough?
*Missing line #510 and #520 in brhdhlp.msg resulting in ERROR message when entering the "Siege" map.
- Bring the holodisk to Professor Steel. No xp but a Gauss Rifle
General Barton urgently wants you to deliver a holodisk to one of their researchers.
Professor Steel is on the second floor of the BOS Research Facility. After you deliver the holodisk to him, if you ask if there is anything more for you to do, he'll give you a machinery part to deliver back to General Barton.
If you exit dialog right after you deliver the holo without first asking, you won't be able to get that quest again.
[Though it seems to not matter, the outcome is exactly the same anyway, and no different reward.]
In the middle of a conversation with Barton, the bunker gets attacked by a swarm of mutated creatures. The brotherhood can handle this on their own, so it's up to you if you want to join in the fighting. If you talk to Barton afterward, he'll give you a Gauss Rifle.
*You don't receive any holodisks in the holo quests. It would be nice to see the holo's in the inventory.
*The mutants attack the bunker after you've delivered the holodisk and then talk to Barton, even if you never got the quest to deliver the machine part (and therefore don't have it on you).Not a bug as such but it makes little sense, since that object is what draws the critters there in the first place. Also there is no extra reward for bringing it.
*Missing line 1300 in map_update_p_proc in bosbartn.msg - don't know what it is for.
*For every critter killed a new one is spawned to the south of the map. They are non-hostile and are called holo generator, and say something like "DO NOT TAMPER WITH". What the fuck?
*Seems to be a problem with Gvar 1079 in bosbartn.ssl during the battle. In map_update_p_proc if its set to 6 it calls combat_complete but that is the procedure where it sets it to 6 in the first place. I think the dead bodies are supposed to be removed but they aren't, so my conclusion is that the battle never finishes properly.
- Find out where the Enclave troops disappeared to. ?xp [Not fully working.]
If you talk to General Briggins on level 3, he will give you this quest. So where could those enclave troops have gone? The Military Base maybe? You can find the info both before and after you get the quest.
This is what the guide thinks about all this, and which I think is wrong since the bodies have no scripts:
"You must examine the bodies and find all five of the holodisks at the Military Base to know what has happened to the troops.
It may not be possible for the player to 'understand' anything from examining the bodies until after receiving this quest from the BOS. Therefore, it probably cannot be completed if you have already entered the Military Base."
*You are supposed to be able to go to the Military Base before ever getting the quest, and then report that you already know what happened to them. What sets Gvar 1076 to +1 (it needs to be either 1 or 3 to be able to report anything)? It should be something in Mariposa is my guess. Don't think there are any new scripts except for the computer terminal. The holodisks haven't been changed to my knowledge.
- Bring the data from Den. 200xp
If you talk to General Klodt (the secret service officer) standing in the exercise room, and ask for orders, he'll ask you to go to the Den and copy some info from there outpost there. That means just go there and use the computer and report back again.
- Fix the computer network. 1000xp
This quest you get from Pol the clerk in purple robes, on the third level. They are having some problems with malfunctioning computer terminals down on the fourth level.
What you have to do is to turn on the eight computers. Once this is done, go to the control room which is situated in the upper room. There, you click on the left computer and you choose the password "jkh4vsf7s5" and turn it on. Click the left computer again and turn it off, then push the right computer and turn it on and everything should be OK.
You get the password from the tech guy in the control room.
Tell Pol you've fixed it to finish the quest. You get no xp but he'll mark the location of the Bos Facility in case you didn't already have it.
- Join the Brotherhood of Steel:
As a Clerk 4500xp
If you talk to Chief Clerk Shon on the fourth level, he may offer you to become a scribe.
You must have completed the computer network quest, cured Lenny and one more thing I didn't understand, plus you can't already be a paladin.
Then talk to professor Brillef on the second floor. He'll give you a test to see if you are fit to be a scribe.
If you tell him you are not ready, he'll give you two hours. Don't be late! If you are, you'll have to wait a whole year to retry. The same goes if you fail the test. Also, you only get two chances.
Here's how to pass the exam - and don't even think of trying to bribe him:
1 and -2.5
Two sines alpha on cosine alpha
The second leg will be about 8 centimeters long
20 Ohms
"Lay the wounded down and give him any available anesthesia (Alcohol will do), disinfect the wound and my hands, keep a knife over fire, make a small incision, feel about for the bullet and extract it gently with fingers or a special clip, cauterize the wound and put a plaster or a bandage on it."
After this there is a stat/skill check.
Requirements: 8 IN, and doctor, science and repair skills at least 221 when added together to pass the test.
procedure critter_p_proc - There's 2 instances of the following line where the script breaks (don't continue):
float_msg(self_obj, message_str(1673, message_str(1673, 2000) + message_str(1673, 2000 + random(1, 3))), 8);
Is there something wrong with this ?
*Line #1900 is for when you fail the stat/skill requirements and says you get another chance.
The same line is also used when you fail a second time (last), so it needs a line of its own.
As a Paladin 0xp - Maybe a weapon instead?
This is messed up and not fully working.
Get this from Marshal Pauly on the fourth floor. Gvar 1076 , 1078 and 1080 all have to be set to 3, and 1077 (scribe) has to be 0. That means you have found the missing enclave soldiers but not reported it yet (so Gvar 1076 should probably be 4 instead), brought the holo from the Den and have done the damned battle.
Get to choose a motto, if you choose "Money!" I think you are supposed to fail or something, don't seem to work.
Then you have to do a shooting test. Get to choose between 3 weapons. Gauss Rifle, Pulse Rifle (too short range to use here) and an antitank rifle (maybe supposed to be the Steyer but instead you get the shittiest gun in the game.)
You only get a fully loaded gun and with that have to take down a non-hostile sentry bot wit 999 hit points.
Have to keep starting attack after every turn.
If you fail the test you have to wait another year before you try one last time, but that's not working so you can ask right away and however many times you want.
Wen the bot is down nothing happens, so leave the area and nothing really happens, your karma status changes to Paladin but no one says anything, no message and no XP. You get to keep the gun, not sure if you are supposed to.
Your old inventory was removed earlier and placed in a locker, but if you fail and redo the test, the first weapon you got will be put in the locker as well, so you can basically get however many Gauss Rifles you want.
Attacking the Enclave together with the BoS: [This is not working fully yet.]
One year from when you delivered the vertibird plans to Matthew, the BoS will have constructed a vertibird of their own. If you then make an alliance between BoS and the bounty hunter, or if you did earlier, talking with the BoS Elder will give you the option to fly with them and attack the enclave.
*When you are going away with them, the map just turns black as if the map you are being taken to don't exist.
It loads map 167, I think it's supposed to be map 253 (Enclave doc with verti).
- BOS Research facility:
You get this location from General Barton or from one of the computer terminals in the Abbey.
You will not be allowed to enter until you receive a mission from General Barton at the BOS Bunker first.
If you come here from the Abbey, you can lie to get in (say you have bad news for Daniel). If you don't know about Daniel from the Abbey computer (need IN 8), the only way in is to fight.
When you sign in with Kurt you only get to stay there for 12 hours. If your speech skill is higher than 120 you can convince him you need more time because you bring bad news to Daniel. You then get unlimited time.
*Missing dialog lines for the entrance guards, #750 and #760 in bosknig.msg (bosepgrd.ssl).
*Also says Professor Steel, should be Professor Daniel in bosknig.msg. Or since Daniel is on the first floor and Steel is on the second, where you have to talk to Kurt to get in, it would really make more sense if Steel is the one you lie about to get in. In that case aiquest.msg and epakurt.msg needs to be changed to say Steel instead of Daniel.
*Entrance map lightning is messed up.
*Node009 in aiquest.ssl (abbey computer) is supposed to set Global_var 1070 to 2 instead it sets Global_var 660 (MrFixit energy weapons) to 2. This is what lets you enter the research facility peacefully if you go with the monks instead of BoS.
*Professor Steel calls himself professor Still and General Barton for Burton amongst other dialog bugs.
*Wall lockers on first level are fucked up. Crashes when taking objects from them.
- Bring Biomed-Gel. 1000xp [Not fully working]
Louis is the scientist on the second floor standing near the big computer that is AI Baby. She is bored and want's your help to get some biomed-gel so he can construct a playmate for her.
- Bring Skynet for AI baby. 5000xp [I had Skynet sentry bot, so I don't know if this works.]
If you have Skynet in your party when you talk to Louis and have 8 IN, you can hook up Skynet with AI Baby.
Nothing much happens, they will just have a little chat about ones and zeros.
*Game breaks when you give biomed to AI Baby. That's in "procedure i_have_biomed" in epaluis.ssl I think, maybe same problem is also in "procedure i_have_the_bot"?
*Node007 in epaluis.ssl, or maybe in talk_p_proc, looks like there is no check to see whether you have already given the biomed-gel, so may be able to do it several times.
*Also in Node007, when it checks for Skynet it only looks for robobrain and not for the sentry bot (if I understand correctly).
- Bring gecko skins. 1000xp
Daniel steel wants you to collect three Gecko pelts for him, one of each kind, small, gold and fire gecko, that he needs to study the mutation of the lizards.
- Bring a ghoul volunteer to Professor Daniel and - Cure Lenny is already in the guide.
And this last piece is really a Bounty Hunter quest in Carson, but it involves the Brotherhood:
Finalize an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel. 1500xp:
The bounty hunters are running low on ammo, and wish for you to contact the Brotherhood of steel, to inquire about an alliance between them. Go to the 4th floor of the BOS Bunker and talk to the Elder in the north part of the level.
He says they will discuss it and for you to come back in two days. So check back in after two days and then report back to the bounty hunters.
The only way to get the BOS Bunker location that I know of is from Matthew in San Fransisco after you give him the vertibird plans. You will also have to do the "Discover the reconnaissance troop's fate" before you get access.
[Note: There is text and script in lcbhntrm.ssl (bounty hunter) for an alliance with BoS, one where the bounty hunters take the initiative and one for when the Brotherhood does. In the BoS version they say they need to think about it and that you in the meantime have to kill Kruger. When you have they say they will accept the alliance, but it's missing in Node100 I think. Unfortunately there is no start for a Bos alliance initiative, bosheldr.ssl is the one I would expect to start it but there is no trace of that. I was thinking that it would be good if that was fixed/added in, and that we then get the reactor 7 location, then if we do Leon's quest, make it so we get the Carson location and don't have to get there through the Abbey.]
So MIB88 or anyone who's been playing, if you know some more or have other experiences with what I've written, please comment.