Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

hakimio said:
Actually I couldn't talk to Inchu-Chuna after killing Kruger. So, I guess, for some reason the pelts MUST be returned before even killing him (or that's another bug)...
The pcshamch.ssl script I wrote about is for Inchu-Chuna. It is a bug!

hakimio said:
Some other questions concerning Ruined Reactor 7:
1) Is there actually any way to "Finalize an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel."? If yes, how?
2) The bounty hunter boss has Steyr IWS 2000 weapon, which seems to be pretty good:
Dmg: 45-72
Rng: 75 (!)
What skill is required for this gun (small guns/big guns/energy) and what is the minimum strength requirement for this weapon (nothing is said about that in its description)?
1) I don't know yet, will try it out tonight.
2)Steyr IWS 2000, Small guns, 7 AP ,strength 7.
No burst, but very powerful, pretty much one shot, one kill.
It looks a bit strange that it's small guns skill yet it uses big guns animations, but that's how it is.
Darek said:
2)Steyr IWS 2000, Small guns, 6 AP ,strength 7.
No burst, but very powerful, pretty much one shot, one kill.
It looks a bit strange that it's small guns skill yet it uses big guns animations, but that's how it is.
It must be the only gun with such strength requirement in small guns range. Anyway, if default AP is 6, then there is a bug with this gun: it doesn't take into account "Bonus Rate of Fire" perk, which I have.

Edit: just checked: there is no other "small gun" with strength requirement 7.
Thanks, Darek. Everything you wrote about Kruger was right on. His location is set randomly, only once, when you talk to the lead bounty hunter. As for the issue with the gecko pelt and him being in Gecko, that is all messed up. It was looking at the dialogs initially that made me think he was in fact moving around. Looking closer at the script, this is not the case. Sorry for misleading you. That script doesn't even check the variable where Kruger was supposed to be. So, either it's the result of bad scripting, or the storyline was changed. Inchu-Chuna tells the player character that Kruger was seen in the ghoul town whenever any pelt is brought to him and Kruger is still alive.

I also could not find any other reference to global variable 1092 being set to 2. I'll keep looking.

Regarding that weapon, I haven't changed it at all. So, if anybody thinks it is too strong or needs to be changed in some way (such as the skill needed), then let me know, and I can change it. It sounds really overpowered right now.
hakimio said:
Anyway, if default AP is 6, then there is a bug with this gun: it doesn't take into account "Bonus Rate of Fire" perk, which I have.
Nah, default is 7 AP, I was the one missing to take Bonus Rate of Fire into account, sorry.

Finalize an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel. 1500xp:

The bounty hunters are running low on ammo, and wish for you to contact the Brotherhood of steel, to inquire about an alliance between them. Go to the 4th floor of the BOS Bunker and talk to the Elder in the north part of the level.
He says they will discuss it and for you to come back in two days. So check back in after two days and then report back to the bounty hunters.

The only way to get the BOS Bunker location that I know of is from Matthew in San Fransisco after you give him the vertibird plans. You will also have to do the "Discover the reconnaissance troop's fate" before you get access.

@ MIB88, No problem. Since that quest is broken anyway it hardly matters. I would guess it's a combination of bad coordination and changed story.
Oh, and Gvar 1092 needs to be set to 1, not 2.
About the Steyr, it is overpowered, but you usually only get one shot off per round and besides, it's not entirely easy to lay your hands on one. I don't know what the plans were for it so I'd say leave it for now.
MIB88 said:
Regarding that weapon, I haven't changed it at all. So, if anybody thinks it is too strong or needs to be changed in some way (such as the skill needed), then let me know, and I can change it. It sounds really overpowered right now.
+1 for changing skill to big guns, because it looks like a big gun and strength requirement is 7. Also there is sth wrong with the damage it does, because just did critical hit which resulted in 992 hit points of damage.

Thanks. I'll try that quest tomorrow.
Darek said:
Finalize an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel. 1500xp:
The bounty hunters are running low on ammo, and wish for you to contact the Brotherhood of steel, to inquire about an alliance between them. Go to the 4th floor of the BOS Bunker and talk to the Elder in the north part of the level.
He says they will discuss it and for you to come back in two days. So check back in after two days and then report back to the bounty hunters.
There is one big problem with this quest - the elder only talks in errors and you can only reply in errors, also if you try to know who he is before talking to him you get some more errors.
Anyway, if someone would copy the original russian text here, I could translate it.
@ hakimio,

It works correctly for me, so the problem is on your end somehow.
Maybe you should check that your bosheldr.msg file is as it should.
Darek said:
It works correctly for me, so the problem is on your end somehow.
Maybe you should check that your bosheldr.msg file is as it should.
Checked bosheldr.msg and it looks ok. It might be because I am using wine under linux to play the game. Anyway, I booted win XP, tried clicking on the elder and... the game just CRASHED.
What's the megamod version on your side? Here I have 2.34.
I have the same version as you. I don't know why that happens sometimes, but I do know that a complete reinstall helped someone who had similar problems (though not with the same message file).
While I've been playing I have taken some notes, to give to Morticia and to check for bugs. Now I don't really know what to do with it. I think the bugs are easier to understand together with a walkthrough, but then I can't really put it in the technical problems thread. So I thought it to be better to post it here. So sorry for the bug reports. :)

Also this contains spoilers...................................................................

This is about the Brotherhood of Steel.

BOS Bunker:

You can get some free verti/flamethrower fuel every now and then from the requisitioning officer on level 1.
There is a doc on level 2 to who will fully restore your HP for free.
On level 3 there is a scientist that you can help to test a new armor, on the shooting range. You get 500xp and the unfortunate side effect of a critical eye injury. [Not working fully yet.]
You can take the "professional power armor" from Newman's cold dead body, but I don't think it's possible to steal it.
[Watch instructor train, sequence messed up, possibly 500xp.]

*The brohdent.msg file is missing, it should contain lines #100 and #101, resulting in ERROR message when entering the "BOS Bunker" entrance map.]
*Doctor on second level will give you the full treatment and advance the time with a day, even if you already have full HP.
*Armor looks like a big roach during shooting test.
*Last step of the shooting sequence is being skipped. from fixed_param 17 it says to go to 19 (which don't exist), instead of 18.
*It says you get a critical eye injury during the armor test, but you don't.
*It's mentioned a couple of times that you can learn the Brotherhood History from the computer consoles, but this has not been included.
*Training session not working properly.
*Every time I come from level 1 of the bunker and then exit the map I get spawned a few squares to the left of it on the world map, it works as it should when I don't come from level 1.

- Discover the reconnaissance troop's fate. - Access to the BOS Bunker, and 5000xp if you also save their lives.

Note that you get this quest from a guy outside of the bunker labeled as "Paladin of Brotherhood", and not from General Barton.
"When you receive this quest, a new location, "Siege", appears on the world map, near the coast between San Francisco and Navarro. At this location you will witness an angry dialogue between Enclave and BOS troops (who are hidden in a cave), and then you will have to fight the Enclave troops." The four BoS soldiers will come out and help you once you have killed three of the enclave soldiers.
You don't actually get any xp for completing the mission, but you get 5000xp for saving the troops.

There is another way to do this if you don't want to fight. [But it's not working properly.]
When you arrive at the "siege" a float pops up telling you that you better get out of there. Do so and go back to the BOS bunker and tell them about the troops in trouble. They will send you to Matthew in San Fran for backup.
He and his posse will go there with you. Unfortunately you will be too late to save the troops and you don't get any xp, but at least you still gain access to the bunker.

Note that after you have completed this quest, Matthew in San Fran will be killed by Horrigan.

*There is a problem with the "alternative" solution to the above mentioned quest though, one that makes it unsolvable.
Instead of fighting you flee back to the BOS Bunker and then go to San Fran to get help, Matthew says he'll help but nothing happens.
Nodeo23: "gsay_option(1158, 310, Node024, -1);" should be "gsay_option(1158, 310, Node023a, -1);".
*Also, you get no xp for going with the alternative option. The mission is to discover the troops faith, not to save them, and after running around TRYING, you should at least get some xp, although less than if saving them. Or maybe access to the BOS Bunker is reward enough?
*Missing line #510 and #520 in brhdhlp.msg resulting in ERROR message when entering the "Siege" map.

- Bring the holodisk to Professor Steel. No xp but a Gauss Rifle

General Barton urgently wants you to deliver a holodisk to one of their researchers.
Professor Steel is on the second floor of the BOS Research Facility. After you deliver the holodisk to him, if you ask if there is anything more for you to do, he'll give you a machinery part to deliver back to General Barton.
If you exit dialog right after you deliver the holo without first asking, you won't be able to get that quest again.
[Though it seems to not matter, the outcome is exactly the same anyway, and no different reward.]
In the middle of a conversation with Barton, the bunker gets attacked by a swarm of mutated creatures. The brotherhood can handle this on their own, so it's up to you if you want to join in the fighting. If you talk to Barton afterward, he'll give you a Gauss Rifle.

*You don't receive any holodisks in the holo quests. It would be nice to see the holo's in the inventory.
*The mutants attack the bunker after you've delivered the holodisk and then talk to Barton, even if you never got the quest to deliver the machine part (and therefore don't have it on you).Not a bug as such but it makes little sense, since that object is what draws the critters there in the first place. Also there is no extra reward for bringing it.
*Missing line 1300 in map_update_p_proc in bosbartn.msg - don't know what it is for.
*For every critter killed a new one is spawned to the south of the map. They are non-hostile and are called holo generator, and say something like "DO NOT TAMPER WITH". What the fuck?
*Seems to be a problem with Gvar 1079 in bosbartn.ssl during the battle. In map_update_p_proc if its set to 6 it calls combat_complete but that is the procedure where it sets it to 6 in the first place. I think the dead bodies are supposed to be removed but they aren't, so my conclusion is that the battle never finishes properly.

- Find out where the Enclave troops disappeared to. ?xp [Not fully working.]

If you talk to General Briggins on level 3, he will give you this quest. So where could those enclave troops have gone? The Military Base maybe? You can find the info both before and after you get the quest.

This is what the guide thinks about all this, and which I think is wrong since the bodies have no scripts:
"You must examine the bodies and find all five of the holodisks at the Military Base to know what has happened to the troops.
It may not be possible for the player to 'understand' anything from examining the bodies until after receiving this quest from the BOS. Therefore, it probably cannot be completed if you have already entered the Military Base."

*You are supposed to be able to go to the Military Base before ever getting the quest, and then report that you already know what happened to them. What sets Gvar 1076 to +1 (it needs to be either 1 or 3 to be able to report anything)? It should be something in Mariposa is my guess. Don't think there are any new scripts except for the computer terminal. The holodisks haven't been changed to my knowledge.

- Bring the data from Den. 200xp

If you talk to General Klodt (the secret service officer) standing in the exercise room, and ask for orders, he'll ask you to go to the Den and copy some info from there outpost there. That means just go there and use the computer and report back again.

- Fix the computer network. 1000xp

This quest you get from Pol the clerk in purple robes, on the third level. They are having some problems with malfunctioning computer terminals down on the fourth level.
What you have to do is to turn on the eight computers. Once this is done, go to the control room which is situated in the upper room. There, you click on the left computer and you choose the password "jkh4vsf7s5" and turn it on. Click the left computer again and turn it off, then push the right computer and turn it on and everything should be OK.
You get the password from the tech guy in the control room.
Tell Pol you've fixed it to finish the quest. You get no xp but he'll mark the location of the Bos Facility in case you didn't already have it.

- Join the Brotherhood of Steel:

As a Clerk 4500xp

If you talk to Chief Clerk Shon on the fourth level, he may offer you to become a scribe.
You must have completed the computer network quest, cured Lenny and one more thing I didn't understand, plus you can't already be a paladin.
Then talk to professor Brillef on the second floor. He'll give you a test to see if you are fit to be a scribe.
If you tell him you are not ready, he'll give you two hours. Don't be late! If you are, you'll have to wait a whole year to retry. The same goes if you fail the test. Also, you only get two chances.

Here's how to pass the exam - and don't even think of trying to bribe him:

1 and -2.5
Two sines alpha on cosine alpha
The second leg will be about 8 centimeters long
20 Ohms
"Lay the wounded down and give him any available anesthesia (Alcohol will do), disinfect the wound and my hands, keep a knife over fire, make a small incision, feel about for the bullet and extract it gently with fingers or a special clip, cauterize the wound and put a plaster or a bandage on it."

After this there is a stat/skill check.
Requirements: 8 IN, and doctor, science and repair skills at least 221 when added together to pass the test.

procedure critter_p_proc - There's 2 instances of the following line where the script breaks (don't continue):
float_msg(self_obj, message_str(1673, message_str(1673, 2000) + message_str(1673, 2000 + random(1, 3))), 8);
Is there something wrong with this ?
*Line #1900 is for when you fail the stat/skill requirements and says you get another chance.
The same line is also used when you fail a second time (last), so it needs a line of its own.

As a Paladin 0xp - Maybe a weapon instead?

This is messed up and not fully working.
Get this from Marshal Pauly on the fourth floor. Gvar 1076 , 1078 and 1080 all have to be set to 3, and 1077 (scribe) has to be 0. That means you have found the missing enclave soldiers but not reported it yet (so Gvar 1076 should probably be 4 instead), brought the holo from the Den and have done the damned battle.
Get to choose a motto, if you choose "Money!" I think you are supposed to fail or something, don't seem to work.
Then you have to do a shooting test. Get to choose between 3 weapons. Gauss Rifle, Pulse Rifle (too short range to use here) and an antitank rifle (maybe supposed to be the Steyer but instead you get the shittiest gun in the game.)
You only get a fully loaded gun and with that have to take down a non-hostile sentry bot wit 999 hit points.
Have to keep starting attack after every turn.
If you fail the test you have to wait another year before you try one last time, but that's not working so you can ask right away and however many times you want.
Wen the bot is down nothing happens, so leave the area and nothing really happens, your karma status changes to Paladin but no one says anything, no message and no XP. You get to keep the gun, not sure if you are supposed to.
Your old inventory was removed earlier and placed in a locker, but if you fail and redo the test, the first weapon you got will be put in the locker as well, so you can basically get however many Gauss Rifles you want.

Attacking the Enclave together with the BoS: [This is not working fully yet.]

One year from when you delivered the vertibird plans to Matthew, the BoS will have constructed a vertibird of their own. If you then make an alliance between BoS and the bounty hunter, or if you did earlier, talking with the BoS Elder will give you the option to fly with them and attack the enclave.

*When you are going away with them, the map just turns black as if the map you are being taken to don't exist.
It loads map 167, I think it's supposed to be map 253 (Enclave doc with verti).

- BOS Research facility:

You get this location from General Barton or from one of the computer terminals in the Abbey.
You will not be allowed to enter until you receive a mission from General Barton at the BOS Bunker first.
If you come here from the Abbey, you can lie to get in (say you have bad news for Daniel). If you don't know about Daniel from the Abbey computer (need IN 8), the only way in is to fight.

When you sign in with Kurt you only get to stay there for 12 hours. If your speech skill is higher than 120 you can convince him you need more time because you bring bad news to Daniel. You then get unlimited time.

*Missing dialog lines for the entrance guards, #750 and #760 in bosknig.msg (bosepgrd.ssl).
*Also says Professor Steel, should be Professor Daniel in bosknig.msg. Or since Daniel is on the first floor and Steel is on the second, where you have to talk to Kurt to get in, it would really make more sense if Steel is the one you lie about to get in. In that case aiquest.msg and epakurt.msg needs to be changed to say Steel instead of Daniel.
*Entrance map lightning is messed up.
*Node009 in aiquest.ssl (abbey computer) is supposed to set Global_var 1070 to 2 instead it sets Global_var 660 (MrFixit energy weapons) to 2. This is what lets you enter the research facility peacefully if you go with the monks instead of BoS.

*Professor Steel calls himself professor Still and General Barton for Burton amongst other dialog bugs.
*Wall lockers on first level are fucked up. Crashes when taking objects from them.

- Bring Biomed-Gel. 1000xp [Not fully working]

Louis is the scientist on the second floor standing near the big computer that is AI Baby. She is bored and want's your help to get some biomed-gel so he can construct a playmate for her.

- Bring Skynet for AI baby. 5000xp [I had Skynet sentry bot, so I don't know if this works.]

If you have Skynet in your party when you talk to Louis and have 8 IN, you can hook up Skynet with AI Baby.
Nothing much happens, they will just have a little chat about ones and zeros.

*Game breaks when you give biomed to AI Baby. That's in "procedure i_have_biomed" in epaluis.ssl I think, maybe same problem is also in "procedure i_have_the_bot"?
*Node007 in epaluis.ssl, or maybe in talk_p_proc, looks like there is no check to see whether you have already given the biomed-gel, so may be able to do it several times.
*Also in Node007, when it checks for Skynet it only looks for robobrain and not for the sentry bot (if I understand correctly).

- Bring gecko skins. 1000xp

Daniel steel wants you to collect three Gecko pelts for him, one of each kind, small, gold and fire gecko, that he needs to study the mutation of the lizards.

- Bring a ghoul volunteer to Professor Daniel and - Cure Lenny is already in the guide.

And this last piece is really a Bounty Hunter quest in Carson, but it involves the Brotherhood:

Finalize an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel. 1500xp:

The bounty hunters are running low on ammo, and wish for you to contact the Brotherhood of steel, to inquire about an alliance between them. Go to the 4th floor of the BOS Bunker and talk to the Elder in the north part of the level.
He says they will discuss it and for you to come back in two days. So check back in after two days and then report back to the bounty hunters.

The only way to get the BOS Bunker location that I know of is from Matthew in San Fransisco after you give him the vertibird plans. You will also have to do the "Discover the reconnaissance troop's fate" before you get access.

[Note: There is text and script in lcbhntrm.ssl (bounty hunter) for an alliance with BoS, one where the bounty hunters take the initiative and one for when the Brotherhood does. In the BoS version they say they need to think about it and that you in the meantime have to kill Kruger. When you have they say they will accept the alliance, but it's missing in Node100 I think. Unfortunately there is no start for a Bos alliance initiative, bosheldr.ssl is the one I would expect to start it but there is no trace of that. I was thinking that it would be good if that was fixed/added in, and that we then get the reactor 7 location, then if we do Leon's quest, make it so we get the Carson location and don't have to get there through the Abbey.]

So MIB88 or anyone who's been playing, if you know some more or have other experiences with what I've written, please comment.

Damn, I am late... I just finished my compilation of bugs... Anyway, maybe it will be useful to you, anyway.

Just wanted to share my experience with megamod, make some suggestions and list the bugs which I still remember. I enclosed my rants with spoiler tags to separate them from bugs. Also I have some suggestions concerning megamod development which I presented at the end. Moreover, I have cleaned up a bit the bug list (there are still some duplicates left), so that it now looks similar to the one which is used by Killap.
MIB88 and Darek, please take a look at the bug list, add
<font>Fixed:</font><s>some bug report</s>
like in Killap's list and comment my suggestions and some of the bugs I reported which were not mentioned before (when you'll have some time for that, of course).

Temple Of Trials
  • At some point to pass the temple you need to drop stone block on a raised plate. The problem with this as I see it, is that the raised plate looks like a trap and acts like a trap - it becomes visible only when you approach it. I would suggest to make it look different and make it always visible.
  • At the end of the trial Cameron asks some questions about F1. What's wrong? If you never played, you can't answer, even if you played but can't remember all the details, you can't pass, if answered incorrectly the only thing left is to go ALL the way back to Klint or steal the key. Also I wonder what happens if you are playing a stupid character? The only way to get through is by stealing the key?

  • One of shaman's quests is to kill the spore plants in his garden. I just wonder, how can you know that you have to do that with HEALING powder? Maybe there should be some other powder or at least the chosen one could tell some hints in some floating text after getting this quest or some hints could be shown after you "look" at the plants?
  • Another quest here that left me wondering is "Prove that the Trial in the Temple had been passed legitimately". The problem here is that, unlike during the quest in New Reno, there is no way in which you could tell for sure that it was Sly Fox. The only option is to guess...

  • Why you have to try so many times to reach the valves from the old distiler?
  • Currently the only way to seduce Emily is to bring sweets or trinket her. Why the only way to get them is by steeling? Couldn't there be some in some shop or lying around? Also, I don't see why couldn't this be done by talking to her if you have high speech skill?
  • Even I have strength 10 (6+advanced armour) and I have wrench + sledgehammer in my item slots, I still can't open the locked door in the rat caves behind which a dead traper is lying. [spoiler:3fd43743fb]Also, there could be some hints concerning the wrench and sledgehammer. How can you know that you have to use them?[/spoiler:3fd43743fb] And if you try to use the sledgehammer on the door, you get "Almost no fresh air is coming from the vent" message. How that supposed to help?
  • I didn't find a way to reveal the location of Toxic Caves to Sajag (or maybe there was some mistake in the walkthrough and you should talk to someone else, not to Sajag (the barman at "Golden Gecko")) in exchange for the key to the caves

Cold hearts
  • Wouldn't it be possible to make that the kids would only take the poisoned candy from you once you have it in your inventory (from what English Bob says it seems that it should be that way).
  • Why give a spear and a grenade if you can use only one anyway?
  • If you kill English Bob during the special event when he is talking to Salvatore's men and then tell that to fence, you still can't open the door - you have to talk once again to him.
  • If you kill everyone there and try to open the door, you still get the somebody's watching line and can't open them.
  • If you kill some Cold heart member, run away and come back, the survivors act as if nothing has happened.
  • All cold hearts except Jack don't even have any guns.
[spoiler:3fd43743fb]I think it would be a lot better idea, to make the door act as the shack door in Navarro - you can open it once you get rid of the robed guy. Just give some really powerful guns to Cold heart members and also make them "a bit" tougher (English Bob: 10AP, 150hp and .223; others: 12AP, 200hp and Pancor Jackhammers) that it wouldn't be so easy to kill them.[/spoiler:3fd43743fb]

Vault City
  • The guards near the slave pen don't move an inch when Steve comes to talk to them.
  • Steve comes and goes way too fast.

  • it seems if you manage to start conversation with enclave soldiers before all the soldiers are looking at you, you can manage to get the same dialog again and fight only a lot smaller group then there was initialy.

Sierra Army Depot
  • There seems to be some problem with the original Brainbot/Skynet (the one present in vanilla F2) combat options - they become all messed up. Screenshot:

San Francisco
  • When talking to Dr. Wong about the reward for returning the biology corpse you can talk only in errors.

  • The dialog sequence required to get the pilot training from pilot Fassard is just plain stupid: why do you buy drinks when you say "That's enough."
  • Why do you need to buy so many of them to get to the right dialog path?
  • You can always buy him the first drink which you buy after saying "Eh, what the heck..." even you actually don't have ANY money.
  • No way to get "Locate the crashed Vertibird near Klamath" quest.
  • No way to complete "enter the toxic caves quest".
  • Now concerning Enclave soldiers, you get after talking to Maria about toxic caves:
    • They spit errors after clicking on them so they would join you;
    • They fight other enclave soldiers if you encounter any of them during your journey to toxic caves;
    • Because megamod uses old Killap's patch, even the soldiers wear Advanced Power armour they get hurt if they step on radioactive goo;
    • They attack you once you enter the base if they are still in your party;
    • They can not be dropped - you have to kill them to do that.
    [spoiler:3fd43743fb]More bugs than features, +1 for getting rid of the three soldiers.[/spoiler:3fd43743fb]

    • How can the mole rats walk through walls on the green level?
    • When entering utility level from the elevator view is positioned incorrectly.

    Primitive tribe
    • One of the tribals who tells you what you can do, still tells you to fix the well and help the shaman, even you already did that.
    • There are like few billion coins in the skeleton you find in the woodland.
    • You can find billions of healing powder and 80 gecko pelts in one of the tents.
    • There is a pile of firewood which you can't reach positioned near the woodland entrance.
    • The only way to enter the village is by pressing 2.
    • You can find useless sharpened spears in the woodland - the head warrior only accepts non-sharpened. Also, practically how can SHARPENED spears be just luying around?
    • Why not just use Primitive tribe from RP which has more quests and less bugs?

    The abbey
    • You don't get the XP reward after retrieving info from some (Hubologist's, Shi, Bos facility, Carson and so on) computers.
    • Info from NCR computer can be retrieved only if you have the implant and high scinece skill (should be OR instead AND)
    • EPA computer for some reason is BOS facility computer
    • Carson city computer is Ruined reactor computer.
    • Anyway, how about just incorporating Abbey from RP which makes a lot more sense?

    • Conflict between gangs can only be resolved by killing both.
    • You get a bunch of hieroglyphs after clicking on the fridge or the generator (missing translations?)
    • You can join both gangs.
    • In 9 out of 10 cases you can't talk to Phil about his problem with the dog.

    [spoiler:3fd43743fb]Just like scraptown, this place is full of bugs.[/spoiler:3fd43743fb]
    • You can only say "I am here to give you some money" when talking to the man in lower right room of the motel, even when you don't have any and never give him any.
    • If you save the game, then completely exit it, run it again and try to talk to the man in lower right room of the motel, you'll be only able to talk in errors and you'll get an error when you point at him.
    • Game crashes when trying to talk with the the man in black suit. Also you get an error when "looking" at him.

    Ruined reactor
    • When checking on Leon's girlfriend, you CAN find her with another man (citizen) if he accidentally walks in the room (which should never happen theoretically).
    • You can start a conversation with the woman, choose "You know honey, I can tell that you were alone, if you do sth pleasant for me", then instantly end conversation, then again start talking to her as if nothing's happened.
    • After that, when you return to the reactor and start conversation with her boyfriend first option you get is Error.
    • The outlaw Kruger can not be found because one global variable is never set.
    • An alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel can be finalized but the Elder in the BoS bunker only speaks in errors, also sometimes game just crashes when trying to speak to him.
    • When you look at bounty hunters, you see sth like: bounty hunter(19-?) or bounty hunter (13-18). What do those numbers mean? Also there is "Hero Female (don't use)" outside the ruined reactor.

    BOS Bunker
    • Why ALL lockers and crates are empty?
    • You can walk on walls and your car here (same for Carson and research facility). Some screenshots:

    • If you enter the bunker (go to some lower level), then try to enter world map from this location, you end up teleported a bit further up.
    • If you use vertibird to get here, you lose it, and after exiting to the world map, you have to actually search where you are - view is not automatically moved so that you could see your location.
    • Where the Enclave troops disappeared can not be found even by acquiring all of the holodisks from MB and reading all of them.
    • If you enter some lower area and save your game you see "Aroyo warehouse" as the map name.
    • Fixing computer network quest seems to be bugged: if you first turn on both computers in control room, then the other eight and finally turn off the left pc in control room nothing happens.

    BOS Research facility
    • If you go behind the first guard you meet (general?) on the second level he'll start shooting at you. Also for some unknown reason he's named "Head of EPA security service".
    • Same as for BOS bunker: why there are no items here???
  • Maps are incorrectly named here too: if you save game on the surface level, the map name will be "Bos Facility Error" and when saved inside the facility, it's named "Arroyo Not used".
  • "Bring Biomed-Gel" and "Bring Skynet for AI baby" quests can not be completed because after talking to the scientist and clicking done doesn't end the conversotion - you just get in situation which looks like this (no conversation options but everything else functions as it supposed to):
  • Same as with BOS bunker: sometimes after exiting to world map, view is incorrectly positioned and you can't see were you are.[/list:u:3fd43743fb]

    Vault 14
    • I don't remember having any serious bugs here (except after completely exiting the vault being able to move the mouse pointer where it obviously shouldn't be able to move) and it was lots of fun because I like gunslingers. Anyway, when playing a poorly diplomatic game, you can't do anything here. Maybe there could be some diplomatic way to get the armour for Marcus? Somehow tricking the mutants?

    Vault 23
    [spoiler:3fd43743fb]Bugs plaguing this place should be well known, anyway.[/spoiler:3fd43743fb]
    • After completing Max requests he starts spitting errors.
    • The circle still stays unknown even after visiting the place.
    • The rats cave can not be accessed.
    • NPCs start acting crazy when fighting the rats in the lowest vault level.

    Scene of an Accident
    [spoiler:3fd43743fb]Just COMPLETELY pointless location? Even crashed whale has more sense than this...[/spoiler:3fd43743fb]

    [spoiler:3fd43743fb]Does this actually work in 2.34?[/spoiler:3fd43743fb]

    Worldmap Labels
    • Even changelog says russian labels were removed, they still are there...

    Weapon Upgrades
    • Valerie still upgrades weapons even you don't have the required parts.
    • What's wrong with this mod? Currently, if you want to know what weapons can be upgraded and what parts are required for the upgrades, you have ever to read the walkthrough or get the training from VIc. Here is a suggestion: when talking to people who can do upgrades, first check if the player has some weapons that can be upgraded, say sth like: "i can upgrade your, desrt eagle, hunting rifle"; player selects, let's say, desert eagle, then check if the player has the part required - if he has, do the upgrade, if not, say sth like: "...sorry, but it seems I don't have the extended magazine required for the upgrade".

    Megamod Weapon Changes
    • Steyr IWS 2000 defenitely should be BIG gun.

    B-Team Armor Mod
    [spoiler:3fd43743fb]This should be COMPLETELY removed as it messes up the game, ie:[/spoiler:3fd43743fb]
    • NPCs can use any weapon while wearing B-Team armour
    • disabled combat options.

    NPC Armor mod
    • When Cassidy is wearing combat armour he looks as if he was wearing Power armour.

    Wasteland Taxi
    • if some special place is chosen it teleports the player from New Reno to somewhere near Primitive tribe and there is no cab to take the player back. Not only you have to walk on foot all the way to New Reno (which takes a lot of time), but during your journey you can even encounter some Enclave soldiers.
    • The cab doesn't fit in the scenery: it's too big and it's not decayed enough.

    • Choosing "choose locations" causes to be teleported to the "shack" and loose the vertibird.

    Killap's Fallout 2 patch
    • The version used in megamod is really old.

    Gila Lizard and Cockroach critters
    • For some reason they don't attack...

    Friendly Klint
    • He doesn't level up normally
    • He levels up by getting better armour
    • He gets RANDOM combat options set
    • All combat options are enabled only during some special occasions (like combat armour) Though he still doesn't remember them and always gets some random values set anyway.
    • He has ENOURMOUS carry weight;
    • He can USE WELL ANY weapon;
    • He can only heal when he has no armour
    • He has ENOURMOUS amount of HPs.
    • Giving him advanced power armour makes him really weak.
      Anyway, I guess, some of the bugs are related to B-Team Armor Mod.

    Freelance slavery
    • Why NPCs start killing slaves when fighting slavers?

    • There should be some diplomatic way to end the fight.

    Seraph's Fallout 2 Mod
    • Brotherhood of Steel bunkers are not stocked.

    mysterious stranger mod
    • Because of it Morton brothers have some guns and armour which they shouldn't have.

    • Ammo amounts not added correctly. I.e. 50+12 results in 40 bullets (tested with 2mm EC).

    Start using google code project hosting. Here is why I think it's a good idea:
    1. You'll have a REAL bug tracker;
    2. Place to host your megamod archives (no more "free" (like free beer) file hosting with lots of annoying ads and waiting 5 minutes for the download to start)
    3. subversion (there is GUI if you need it) repository - other developers won't need to wait until you personally send them the latest files;
    4. mailing list;
    5. Your project wiki;

    Also how about:
    • starting a BLOG where you could tell us about the current project state, what bugs were fixed, features added, a problem you need help with.
    • creating some megamod IRC channels - one for megamod users and one for devs.
    • Publishing some modding tutorial.

    EDIT: Ouch, just realized I've posted this in the wrong thread... :/// Moderators please feel free to move it to Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions.
Wow. Thanks a lot, both of you. Seriously. I know there is a lot to do. Hakimio, I'll post answers to those hidden questions/comments soon.

..so.. organized... *sob* ..so.. proud...

Here! Have a :cookie: - you deserve it.

NMA Status

<S>1. Make Unno weep, and give you his prize-wining cookie.</s>
MIB88 said:
hakimio said:
Temple Of Trials
[*]At some point to pass the temple you need to drop stone block on a raised plate. The problem with this as I see it, is that the raised plate looks like a trap and acts like a trap - it becomes visible only when you approach it. I would suggest to make it look different and make it always visible.
[*]At the end of the trial Cameron asks some questions about F1. What's wrong? If you never played, you can't answer, even if you played but can't remember all the details, you can't pass, if answered incorrectly the only thing left is to go ALL the way back to Klint or steal the key. Also I wonder what happens if you are playing a stupid character? The only way to get through is by stealing the key?

-I don't see a problem with the block and stone plate issue. instead of a sharpened pole shooting out of the wall, a door opens. And the character has to notice it. If it were on all the time, then the player might just rush over it and not notice. Then people would take issue with that. Besides, there is no other artwork that is really proper there.
-Never tried a stupid character. As for having to go ALL the way back to Klint, we're talking about back 3 maps... hardly anything to put someone out. But, what is an alternative to his questioning? They revere their Ancestor the Vault Dweller... I think it makes sense. And if the player doesn't know the answer, there is still Klint.
-You know, people tend to AVOID TRAPS not step on them... Making a stone block graphics shouldn't be so difficult.
-If you have avoided fighting some scorpions/ants, you have to encounter them once again. 3 big maps sounds as a big deal to me.

[*]Another quest here that left me wondering is "Prove that the Trial in the Temple had been passed legitimately". The problem here is that, unlike during the quest in New Reno, there is no way in which you could tell for sure that it was Sly Fox. The only option is to guess...
-Regarding Sly Fox, true, it isn't easy. It actually takes some work on the part of the player. But guessing isn't required. Just knowing that something is obviously wrong. If the player talks to everyone in the village, everyone is mad at him or is talking about it... everyone. How is it that only Sly Fox, a prominent warrior, seems to not know? Doesn't that seem strange?
If you don't know about some crime, you must be the criminal? Doesn't sound logical at all. It sounds more convincing that Aunt Morlis did that, because she never liked you.

[*]Why you have to try so many times to reach the valves from the old distiler?
[*]Currently the only way to seduce Emily is to bring sweets or trinket her. Why the only way to get them is by steeling? Couldn't there be some in some shop or lying around? Also, I don't see why couldn't this be done by talking to her if you have high speech skill?
[*]Even I have strength 10 (6+advanced armour) and I have wrench + sledgehammer in my item slots, I still can't open the locked door in the rat caves behind which a dead traper is lying.
-Regarding requiring many times to reach the valves, I don't understand this.
-Regarding Emily, it's not supposed to be easy. If I placed everything in the shop, then someone would have an issue with that, saying everything is 'right there'. Already one item you need for her is in that shop. And already, a certain amount of speech is required, I think.
-OK, I think I see the problem: you aren't reading everything. There is a hint when you look at/examine the door:
{110}{}{You could probably screw off the valve if you had a wrench and hammer.}
-Have you tried getting the valves from the old distiler? No? Then do that.
-How about people complaining it's too difficult? None of the required items can be found in any Klamath's shop.
-If you look at the door, you get a message saying "You see nothing out of ordinary". Trying to open it, you get a message saying "The door's lock used to be operated by electricity. You don't have enough strength to open it."

Cold hearts
[*]Why give a spear and a grenade if you can use only one anyway?

-You can use more than one. Give the player several weapons. The player DECIDES which one to use and lives with the consequences. I don't see what the problem is here.
-You can choose which one to use but you use only one, anyway. And do the consequences differ, depending which one you use to kill him?

[*]Why do you need to buy so many of them to get to the right dialog path?
-Why do you buy so many? People don't usually tell you everything you might want to know after just one drink, do they? If they do, I guess they just can't hold their liquor! Several drinks will 'loosen his tongue'.
The problem is, that you seem to be able to skip to the second part of the conversation without giving him enough drinks and after doing that you'll never get to know who he is. Also, maybe the dialog should change, so that it would reflect if you still need to give him more drinks or not.

More bugs than features, +1 for getting rid of the three soldiers.
-When I heard about the issues with the 3 Enclave guards, that was indeed my first reaction. I have since learned some of the reasons for those bugs, and can fix them. However, I think I'll still change the number to either just 1 or 2 guards.
Changing the number doesn't solve any issues.

Primitive tribe
[*]Why not just use Primitive tribe from RP which has more quests and less bugs?
-I can't "just use Primitive tribe from RP which has more quests and less bugs." I haven't included anything from the RP yet. This tribe was made a while ago by Chris Parks. To just add in Killap's as is means other stuff will get messed up. Finding it wouldn't work the same. Serious issues. I'll put it in someday as another location with the rest of the RP, or move the existing tribe to a different location. Besides, a few of those issues I've already fixed.
Currently only Kruger requires THIS village (though the quest with Kruger doesn't work anyway and needs to be fixed).

Vault 14
[*]I don't remember having any serious bugs here (except after completely exiting the vault being able to move the mouse pointer where it obviously shouldn't be able to move) and it was lots of fun because I like gunslingers. Anyway, when playing a poorly diplomatic game, you can't do anything here. Maybe there could be some diplomatic way to get the armour for Marcus? Somehow tricking the mutants?
-Perhaps. Or, maybe the player just shouldn't go here. I mean, it seems as though there are so many people who think that they have to be able to see everything and do everything with just one character... in one game. And really, they don't. Besides... being diplomatic with a bunch of raiding mutants? Good luck!
Raiders don't seem to be very friendly either, but there is a diplomatic path anyway.

Scene of an Accident
Just COMPLETELY pointless location? Even crashed whale has more sense than this...
-Perhaps. But, it was the first new location I added into the mod. Or, perhaps you have an idea on how to make it less pointless? Til then, or until I decide that I no longer need that nostalgia or decide to spice it up, it stays.
Maybe by adding some original and useful items here?

Weapon Upgrades
[*]What's wrong with this mod? Currently, if you want to know what weapons can be upgraded and what parts are required for the upgrades, you have ever to read the walkthrough or get the training from VIc. Here is a suggestion: when talking to people who can do upgrades, first check if the player has some weapons that can be upgraded, say sth like: "i can upgrade your, desrt eagle, hunting rifle"; player selects, let's say, desert eagle, then check if the player has the part required - if he has, do the upgrade, if not, say sth like: "...sorry, but it seems I don't have the extended magazine required for the upgrade".
-That sounds reasonable. I'll add this one to my list of things to do. Even if I don't put more dialog options in, I could just modify the item components (modify their descriptions so the player will know what each can be used for).
Your way, you'd have to buy the parts before knowing which one is needed.

B-Team Armor Mod
This should be COMPLETELY removed as it messes up the game, ie
  • NPCs can use any weapon while wearing B-Team armour
  • disabled combat options.

  • -Thanks for your input. However, this is mostly a moot point. Almost all NPCS have their own armor that is specific to them... with the exception of the power armors. But, rather than remove this, since so many other people like it, there is a better solution. I could do some copying and deleting of various art files to ensure that NPCs can use only their original weapons. NPCs will still appear in power armor... and Myron will still be stuck using his needler while wearing it.

  • Another problem with this mod is that unlike when "NPC Armour Mod" is used, your friendly NPCs look just like the enemies.

    BTW, do you think it would be a good thing to leave the player a choice to either kill the cold hearts or do all the quests to get to the locked room?
    And what do you think about hosting the project at google code and other suggestions concerning megamod development?

    Unno said:
    ..so.. organized... *sob* ..so.. proud...
    Here! Have a :cookie: - you deserve it.
    F**K YOU ;)
Nice work with the bug list hakimio. :ok:

I have to comment on one thing:

-There doesn't seem to be a way to reveal the location of Toxic Caves to Sajag (or maybe there was some mistake in the walkthrough and you should talk to someone else, not to Sajag (the barman at "Golden Gecko")) in exchange for the key to the caves.
This is not a mistake in the guide, I wrote the second part of that section, so we are two who have done it. It may be incomplete though, like skill check or something that have to happen first...
I'll look at it when I have more time.

and then you wrote:
Why you have to try so many times to reach the valves from the old distiler?
There is a repair skill roll check for both noticing the valves and for when you try to take them. Using a tool will help in getting them.

For Emily, one of the three items can be bought from the Golden Gecko.
hakimio said:
-You know, people tend to AVOID TRAPS not step on them... Making a stone block graphics shouldn't be so difficult.
-If you have avoided fighting some scorpions/ants, you have to encounter them once again. 3 big maps sounds as a big deal to me.

Again, going through 3 maps is no big deal... especially if you got past them before. Also, you notice a "raised plate", not a "trap". People are free to do with the raised plate whatever they want. However, I'll be looking forward to your new artwork for the stone block when it's completed. ;)

-You can choose which one to use but you use only one, anyway. And do the consequences differ, depending which one you use to kill him?

I think there are three ways to kill Mickey. And there are two possible outcomes depending on the weapon used.

The problem is, that you seem to be able to skip to the second part of the conversation without giving him enough drinks and after doing that you'll never get to know who he is. Also, maybe the dialog should change, so that it would reflect if you still need to give him more drinks or not.

Well, heck, I know the dialog is messed up for Anthony Fassard. It is rough. However, it sounds as though you are missing something. Buying him drinks is only part of it. You still need to do something else in order to really figure out who he is and what he can do for you.

More bugs than features, +1 for getting rid of the three soldiers.
-When I heard about the issues with the 3 Enclave guards, that was indeed my first reaction. I have since learned some of the reasons for those bugs, and can fix them. However, I think I'll still change the number to either just 1 or 2 guards.
Changing the number doesn't solve any issues.

That's why I said before the part about changing the number of guards: I have since learned some of the reasons for those bugs, and can fix them.

Raiders don't seem to be very friendly either, but there is a diplomatic path anyway.

No, there isn't always. And, we were talking here of supermutant raiders. I'm not saying I'd never change this, but this barely even makes my list of things to fix or add.

-That sounds reasonable. I'll add this one to my list of things to do. Even if I don't put more dialog options in, I could just modify the item components (modify their descriptions so the player will know what each can be used for).
Your way, you'd have to buy the parts before knowing which one is needed.

No you don't. All you have to do is look at it in the trade inventory (or your own inventory if you find something).

B-Team Armor Mod
This should be COMPLETELY removed as it messes up the game, ie
  • NPCs can use any weapon while wearing B-Team armour
  • disabled combat options.

  • -Thanks for your input. However, this is mostly a moot point. Almost all NPCS have their own armor that is specific to them... with the exception of the power armors. But, rather than remove this, since so many other people like it, there is a better solution. I could do some copying and deleting of various art files to ensure that NPCs can use only their original weapons. NPCs will still appear in power armor... and Myron will still be stuck using his needler while wearing it.

  • Another problem with this mod is that unlike when "NPC Armour Mod" is used, your friendly NPCs look just like the enemies.

  • OK, now you've confused me. The NPC Armor mod is in the MM. The only time they look the same is in the case of some power armors. Oh, and Lenney, since his artwork hasn't been completed yet.

    BTW, do you think it would be a good thing to leave the player a choice to either kill the cold hearts or do all the quests to get to the locked room?
    Tricky. The player is free to do whatever he wants. He just has to live with the consequences. Either way, I do have to come up with a better way to deal with that door.

    And what do you think about hosting the project at google code and other suggestions concerning megamod development?

    It does sound like a good idea. All of those ideas were good ones and would definitely help to eliminate some work on the part of those finding/reporting bugs. But, I just can't do it. I have to rely on others to to tell me what is screwed up with the mod. I can't come close to playing it as much as I like to find the bugs. I have even less time to manage a developer's website.

    Darek said:
    -There doesn't seem to be a way to reveal the location of Toxic Caves to Sajag (or maybe there was some mistake in the walkthrough and you should talk to someone else, not to Sajag (the barman at "Golden Gecko")) in exchange for the key to the caves.
    This is not a mistake in the guide, I wrote the second part of that section, so we are two who have done it. It may be incomplete though, like skill check or something that have to happen first...
    I'll look at it when I have more time.

    Sajag is the right one to talk to. You can't be a good guy. And I think you only get one chance to accept or decline it. This is tied in with taking part in Sajag's "hunting expedition".
Darek said:
Nice work with the bug list hakimio. :ok:
Thanks :)

Why you have to try so many times to reach the valves from the old distiler?
There is a repair skill roll check for both noticing the valves and for when you try to take them. Using a tool will help in getting them.
Why does it need a repair roll to REACH some valve? Do repairmen have longer arms? :|

For Emily, one of the three items can be bought from the Golden Gecko.
I was only thinking about the first two needed for the first part of the quest. I just don't see why any of those couldn't be located in some Klamath shop.

MIB88 said:
hakimio said:
-You know, people tend to AVOID TRAPS not step on them... Making a stone block graphics shouldn't be so difficult.
-If you have avoided fighting some scorpions/ants, you have to encounter them once again. 3 big maps sounds as a big deal to me.

Again, going through 3 maps is no big deal... especially if you got past them before. Also, you notice a "raised plate", not a "trap". People are free to do with the raised plate whatever they want. However, I'll be looking forward to your new artwork for the stone block when it's completed. ;)

Hmmm... Do you actually get a message saying "You see a trap" when you get near any of those? :|
Or we could ask Continuum to make us one... :roll:

-You can choose which one to use but you use only one, anyway. And do the consequences differ, depending which one you use to kill him?

I think there are three ways to kill Mickey. And there are two possible outcomes depending on the weapon used.
I'll test that.

The problem is, that you seem to be able to skip to the second part of the conversation without giving him enough drinks and after doing that you'll never get to know who he is. Also, maybe the dialog should change, so that it would reflect if you still need to give him more drinks or not.

Well, heck, I know the dialog is messed up for Anthony Fassard. It is rough. However, it sounds as though you are missing something. Buying him drinks is only part of it. You still need to do something else in order to really figure out who he is and what he can do for you.
I know that you have to talk to Maria to get all dialog options and I did get the training after giving him the right amount of alcohol... Anyway, I'll investigate this one too and report what I found out.

Raiders don't seem to be very friendly either, but there is a diplomatic path anyway.
No, there isn't always. And, we were talking here of supermutant raiders. I'm not saying I'd never change this, but this barely even makes my list of things to fix or add.
I understand, but being open minded to new ideas doesn't hurt, does it? Maybe diplomatic characters could lie about sth to the guards near the entrance so all the mutants would leave. Anyway, some active members at Fan Fiction section, definitely could come up with sth ^^

OK, now you've confused me. The NPC Armor mod is in the MM. The only time they look the same is in the case of some power armors. Oh, and Lenney, since his artwork hasn't been completed yet.
I think Klint always uses B-Team armor. Anyway, I think, there is already artwork from "NPC armor mod" for old power armor for most of the NPCs.

BTW, do you think it would be a good thing to leave the player a choice to either kill the cold hearts or do all the quests to get to the locked room?
Tricky. The player is free to do whatever he wants. He just has to live with the consequences. Either way, I do have to come up with a better way to deal with that door.
Just hope you'll leave an option to just kill all of them to open the door.

And what do you think about hosting the project at google code and other suggestions concerning megamod development?
It does sound like a good idea. All of those ideas were good ones and would definitely help to eliminate some work on the part of those finding/reporting bugs. But, I just can't do it. I have to rely on others to to tell me what is screwed up with the mod. I can't come close to playing it as much as I like to find the bugs. I have even less time to manage a developer's website.
Talking about testing the game. You don't actually have to play megamod to test it. Here is what I do:
1) Run F2 with megamod, press Ctrl+R in the main menu;
2) Load some map I want to investigate;
3) Save the game;
4) Press Ctrl +R;
5) Exit the game;
6) (Optional)Open the saved game with F2se and change some gvars, edit stats, skills, items so on;
7) Run F2, load the game and everything works just as in any normal game except when exiting to the world map you'll always end up near Arroyo;

And by "managing developers website" you'll actually save some time - easy bug management, easy upload of new versions. If you choose to try subversion (which is optional...), you'll be able to attract more devs to the project. You'll have a centralized place for every tool needed to manage the project.
hakimio said:
Raiders don't seem to be very friendly either, but there is a diplomatic path anyway.
No, there isn't always. And, we were talking here of supermutant raiders. I'm not saying I'd never change this, but this barely even makes my list of things to fix or add.
I understand, but being open minded to new ideas doesn't hurt, does it? Maybe diplomatic characters could lie about sth to the guards near the entrance so all the mutants would leave. Anyway, some active members at Fan Fiction section, definitely could come up with sth ^^

I need to go, but I wanted to comment on this one before I go (and did not want to forget). I was working on an idea a while back. It would have taken into account some of the character's skills as well as his/her ability to collect certain items. When certain conditions were met, then the player could "create" a disguise kit. Originally, I was only looking at being able to make a man appear as a woman and vice versa... useful for dealing with situations like getting to Myron, for example. This would be in effect as long as the kit was in the character's hands (to simulate that something from the kit is being used). I guess, there would be no reason to be able to disguise yourself as a supermutant, and maybe sneak by all of the mutants.

Klint wasn't modified by the B-Team Armor mod. He has always been his own entirely different thing/mod.

And regarding raised plates, that's all you see. It's only after you step on one does it say that you narrowly avoided a spear shot at you from the wall, set off a trap, etc.
MIB88 said:
I was working on an idea a while back. It would have taken into account some of the character's skills as well as his/her ability to collect certain items. When certain conditions were met, then the player could "create" a disguise kit. Originally, I was only looking at being able to make a man appear as a woman and vice versa... useful for dealing with situations like getting to Myron, for example. This would be in effect as long as the kit was in the character's hands (to simulate that something from the kit is being used). I guess, there would be no reason to be able to disguise yourself as a supermutant, and maybe sneak by all of the mutants.
Sounds like an interesting idea :)

And regarding raised plates, that's all you see. It's only after you step on one does it say that you narrowly avoided a spear shot at you from the wall, set off a trap, etc.
And the text which you see when you approach the raised plate can not be changed?