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Iain Banks's Culture style post scarcity sucks.

Every book is basically some conceited way to get action going right?

Well. You know. In the books they traveled for like 2 years or something. If I remember correctly.

T.A. 3018, September 23 to T.A. 3019, March 15 into Mordor. T.A 3019 March 25th - Ring Destroyed

The distance between Hobbiton and Mordor was calculated to be around 1779 miles, and if a person can do 20 miles a day, maybe 10 or 12 for a hobbit, getting there in three months to five months was more than possible, and six months and two days is more than reasonable due to all the shit they did (including trying to cross a mountain range, then they follow a big river).
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You're right. The journey took 6 months. However now that I am reading about it again, I quote "Frodo and Sam left Bag End the day after Frodo and Bilbo's birthday, September 23 3018 TA (exactly 17 years after the night of Bilbo's disappearance).". 17 Years! That definetly wasn't represented in the movie.
Every book is basically some conceited way to get action going right?
Yes basically the idea of the ulimate form of Self-Actualization from Maslow's human need theory, being the best bliss. That's like the missing puzzle in Iain Bank's Culture society.

Special Circumtanse which is part of Contact organization is basically the wish fulfilment of that. The only institution that might not as heavily influenced by Culture's godlike AI Minds.
Come to think about it, LOTR and Fallout are actually kind of same when it come to letting go of the past (the One Ring and rings of power representing very warped spacetime vs fallout pre-war technology). And LOTR is arguably post apocalyptic as well with something worse than Stalker's zone and fallout radiation lingering in the background. Including but not limited to; active metaphysical threat of curse and higher dimension induced plague, depopulated cities turning continent wide metropolises into something as worse as early iron age greek dark ages, and bioengineered warlike races with imprinted memories akin to neural chip.
According to Tolkien the Ring isn't an allegory for anything. He dislikes allegories.
While dislikes allegories, he prefer to use the term applicability
I much prefer history, true or feigned, with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse ‘applicability’ with ‘allegory’; but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.

And it is, you use the One Ring to applying in any doomsday device, be it weapon, means of mass control of technology and psychology, or a device that seek to bind the nature to one's will without considering the unbalance side effect to ecology. Which can be apply to industrialism i guess?

The One ring, back in 1960s, was applied to drugs because it does described as being "thought given object". As if its a something that can affect one's mind and reprogramm it bypassing someone morality and remorse. Smeagol killing his best friend and first cousin, all because The One Ring reprogramming his psyche. Which kinda remind me a bit of that supposed "satanist" who kill his sister under heavy influence from experimental street drug.
My Courier's faction called Blackjack and Hookers with a Ton of Cocaine On The Side (still working on that title) is better than all factions in New Vegas.