UP and RP updates

Everytime I've tried to complete a playthrough with the updated restoration project I'm eventually always met with random crashes, and my game not responding whilst in combat. The only thing I could find wrong with my saves was an error regarding a file called "sfallgv.sav" it would state in F12se "sfallgv.sav has loaded with errors" or something to that effect. When I use the original restoration project (2.3.3) this error doesn't appear

I got my first crash after using a plasma rifle for the first time. Crashed during the "melt animation" I think.
After reloading, it didn't crash anymore.
I have 2 other suggestions:
- I have a high charisma character, trying a playthrough with as many followers as possible.
There are areas in the game that require to remove your weapon (speaking to the guy at the entrance of Broken Hills, entering NCR, etc), so going through all characters, asking them to remove their weapons individually is a chore. I was wondering if we could add a dialog option (when talking to the people who want you to remove your weapons) to do that automatically for your whole squad.
- Another suggestion, probably impossible to achieve, but the same way "autodoors" work it would be a great QoL addition to automatically move NPCs away from blocking the path. Again, in my current playthough with many followers, narrow areas are a real burden, and the squad keeps squatting door spaces.

I'm sure that kind of things benefit all players in general.
I was wondering if we could add a dialog option (when talking to the people who want you to remove your weapons) to do that automatically for your whole squad.
If you're playing RPU, it already has the party orders addon that let you tell all party members to holster their weapons. By default it's the "H" key, check mods\party_order.ini for detail setup.
Why can't Kitsune open locks when she's wearing Power Armor?
How do you get rid of those rocks at the EPA? Blowing them up doesn't work.
It appears that the game doesn't recognize that some of Cassidy's voicelines are supposed to be played one after another.

{302}{}{The things that little cuss says ain't fit for decent ears.}
{303}{}{Especially a woman's.}

{308}{}{Yeah, but when I do it, it's got style. He's just a little trash mouth.}
{309}{}{And I don't like the way he looks at you, neither.}

{313}{}{Now hold on, I didn't mean it like that.}
{314}{}{All I'm saying is that bona fide little asshole's gonna get his number clocked one day when it's just me and him and a hole in the desert.}

This is his dialogue about Myron.

He's supposed to say "The things that little (...) especially a woman's." if the player is female, and the dialogue text actually states like that. His voiceline, however, does not play the 'full dialogue', and only plays "Especially a woman's."

This goes for all the other dialogues I've stated above. His voicelines are all should be played one after another, but they don't.
Why can't Kitsune open locks when she's wearing Power Armor?
Wearing Power Armor to Kitsune will increase her Strength, which also increases her Unarmed and Melee skill. Unarmed in particular gets increased to the point where it would out-class her Lockpick skill, making Unarmed as her tag skill as well. From that point, Kitsune can't be order to open locks, as that's not her specialty anymore.
I seem to have an issue that I've never had before, but I'm also using the latest version of sfall, if that matters. The elevators in the EPA when you first enter the bottom level to go to the rest of the levels (red, green, blue, etc.) are not working at all. In fact, the doors just open and there is no window that usually pops up to push the buttons. What do you think the problem is? This is a first for me, so I don't know what to do about it. I can't finish playing the EPA area without using the elevators. Thanks for any help on this.
New UPU release: v22.

Major changes:
  • Fixed a v20 bug which prevented NCR brahmin drive from starting, as well as multiple vanilla bugs.
  • Now includes all gore animations missing from German version.
  • Sfall’s AP ammo mod is included (but not enabled by default).
  • Karma perks implementation is pretty much complete.
  • Added native support for Cassidy talking head mod (not included, needs to be downloaded separately).
For the full changelog, check github.

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New UPU release: v22.

Major changes:

  • Fixed a v20 bug which prevented NCR brahmin drive from starting, as well as multiple vanilla bugs.
  • Now includes all gore animations missing from German version.
  • Sfall’s AP ammo mod is included (but not enabled by default).
  • Karma perks implementation is pretty much complete.
  • Added native support for Cassidy talking head mod (not included, needs to be downloaded separately).
For the full changelog, check github.

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Congrats for another release!

Any chance that Restoration Project might also get updated soon?
  • Added native support for Cassidy talking head mod (not included, needs to be downloaded separately).
Endorsed by MCA:

Chris Avellone on Twitter said:
One of the best parts of fan mod projects (in this case, the Fallout 2 Restoration Project) is hearing additions we never had time or budget for - like Cassidy getting his own voice actor, courtesy of Joey Bracken (
). #Fallout Great stuff!
Is Cassidy's talking head working correctly for anybody? Mine's broken and he doesn't appear to have a talking head.

Checked the 'mods' folder under my Fallout 2 folder, and all the required files are there. cassidy_head.dat, cassidy_voice_joey_bracken_hq.dat and etc.
Do not use Jet until the next version of sfall is released. mmmkay? drugs are bad. mmmkay? after release are good. mmmkay?
Using one or two doses of Jet and getting addicted should still be curable even after 7 days.
Or people can download the sfall development build that should fix the issue.


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