Update 1.3 Lies

I think Fallout 3 was a good game. Hell, it was technically my first Fallout game that I sat and played. I played a sliver of Fallout 1 when my father showed me the game, but I started with 3 for a bit (but my hard copy broke) and then played NV. Good times.

Fallout 4 is a dumpster heap of a game.
I think Fallout 3 was a good game. Hell, it was technically my first Fallout game that I sat and played. I played a sliver of Fallout 1 when my father showed me the game, but I started with 3 for a bit (but my hard copy broke) and then played NV. Good times.

Fallout 4 is a dumpster heap of a game.

Fallout 3 is a bad game when you compare it to good RPGs, but it is way better then Fallout 4.
What do you mean "you people" ?

Exactly. There's probably users here who like Fallout 4 even more than you (@Martin) does. This is not a hivemind or a cult. It's a collective opinion and fact sharing site with several people with varying opinions.

Who exactly are you referring to here?
sigh... "you people" as "you people, who take everything personally" didnt you read the rest of the sentence? like you people like to "bitch" about beth stuff. you take everything personally. hope its clear now.

now, for quest, i really enjoyed silvershroud quest. pretty funny shit. liked cambridge labs one too. nice little story, with twist in the end. vault 81 was interesting too. here comes monsters or something like it. original, shame that it was not so well executed. constitution was fun. expected ship to blow up. and when i first played cabot house, i was kinda entertained too. lovercraft reference was too pretty nicly done. took me 1 hour to get to the bottom of it.

could be more, but i guess thats everything i considered good.
So when we talk about the bad about Fallout 4 it's "bitching" but when you complain about us "bitching" then it's okay. Obvious troll is obvious.
you didnt read my other comments, did you? "bitching" is criticizing in other words. also, some bitching is valid (story, quests and such) some bitching shouldnt really be in place, patching glithes and shit. got it know? next time read all my comments.
i really enjoyed silvershroud quest.
liked cambridge labs one too.
vault 81 was interesting too.
constitution was fun.
and when i first played cabot house, i was kinda entertained too.
5 quests? AAA game? I don't see the folks here taking anything personal. I see them as being honest, that is why I like them. How many hours do you have into F4? Have you replayed it? How many times can you do the main quest or those shit sidequests? My personal opinion without taking anything personally, is that the quests you mentioned as being "interesting" all equal pewpew and therefor boring and not worth any praise. A 4 month old could write better then Emil does.
you didnt read my other comments, did you? "bitching" is criticizing in other words. also, some bitching is valid (story, quests and such) some bitching shouldnt really be in place, patching glithes and shit. got it know? next time read all my comments.
Bitching is "Ugh I can't stand this pile of garbage."

Criticizing about the bad of something would be "This game has some awful quests due to the copious amounts of radiant quests like the kind you have to keep repeating for the Minutemen with a lack of any variation which includes killing enemy X at location Y".

Do you understand now? I certainly hope so.
5 quests? AAA game? I don't see the folks here taking anything personal. I see them as being honest, that is why I like them. How many hours do you have into F4? Have you replayed it? How many times can you do the main quest or those shit sidequests? My personal opinion without taking anything personally, is that the quests you mentioned as being "interesting" all equal pewpew and therefor boring and not worth any praise. A 4 month old could write better then Emil does.
you... didnt read rest of my comments did you. because i'm pretty sure you didnt.
Bitching is "Ugh I can't stand this pile of garbage."

Criticizing about the bad of something would be "This game has some awful quests due to the copious amounts of radiant quests like the kind you have to keep repeating for the Minutemen with a lack of any variation which includes killing enemy X at location Y".

Do you understand now? I certainly hope so.
but most comments here are types of "i cant stand this shit" really. look up. also, for like 20th time, i'm not talking about mf quests here. my original point was to point out bitching about patches.
Sometimes some of us can be that way but it's usually after posting about its flaws but don't want to repeat ourselves. If you bothered to look around you would see most of the members here write detailed posts about what's wrong with the game and what could/can be done in a new Fallout game.

As for your second point I was just making up examples, no need to get mad about it.
Sometimes some of us can be that way but it's usually after posting about its flaws but don't want to repeat ourselves. If you bothered to look around you would see most of the members here write detailed posts about what's wrong with the game and what could/can be done in a new Fallout game.

As for your second point I was just making up examples, no need to get mad about it.
i understand, and agree that fallout 4 is not a good fallout game. f3 wasnt good fallout game too. my point is, its a pretty good game overall, not counting its source material. i get why people bitch about story and quests, i really do, but when i point out that there are actually some good, most people here straight out mock me, or call me a troll. for not thinking that f4 is worst thing since holocaust. thats what really pisses me off. i'm all for personal opinion and shit, but i didnt really got any amount of respect for mine here. even if my points do have a sence in them.
Martin, we have debated Fallout 4 and it's many flaws for weeks. At this point most people, even those not on NMA, agree that Fallout 4 is the worst entry in the SERIES, aside from maybe Tactics and the other one. Does it have redeeming qualities? Sure. It looks pretty, the gunplay is okay, and you can have fun with some mindless shit like building lifeless settlements, and crafting shitty equipment. If you want meaningful consequences, branching quest design, and a coherent story, look elsewhere.
i understand, and agree that fallout 4 is not a good fallout game. f3 wasnt good fallout game too. my point is, its a pretty good game overall, not counting its source material. i get why people bitch about story and quests, i really do, but when i point out that there are actually some good, most people here straight out mock me, or call me a troll. for not thinking that f4 is worst thing since holocaust. thats what really pisses me off. i'm all for personal opinion and shit, but i didnt really got any amount of respect for mine here. even if my points do have a sence in them.
You know, I also wanted to think that "it's a pretty good game", but honestly? It kinda isn't. It's entertaining for a short while, but even that entertainment is damped right from the start by all the flaws. And it gets only worse from there. It's a good timesink that gives you an illusion of fun gameplay. Exploration is what's most fun, but since most places are filled with enemies it gets old really quickly. It lacks pretty much everywhere.
What I'm trying to say is, yeah, I sunk about 50 hours or so into the game and I'd love to justify that by Fallout 4 being a good game and all, but if I'm being honest: It just isn't. It's too flawed in every possible way to be actually considered "good". It's not the worst, there's some enjoyment to be had, but it's mediocre at best. A few hours of enjoyable timewasting and unlimited hours of utterly pointless boredom.
One could argue that "well, it's a bit of fun, and isn't that what a game needs to do, really?". In a way that's correct, but Fallout 4 isn't Flappy Bird. It was not advertised and hyped as a simple time-waster, but as a role-playing-game. As the deepest story-telling-experience Bethesda ever offered. And all kinds of other superlatives. It just isn't good at what it tries to be.
you... didnt read rest of my comments did you. because i'm pretty sure you didnt.
You are correct, I did not read through your posts in full, I got bored. It felt like I was playing Fallout 4 so I just tuned out.
I do respect how you feel though and that you think people here are not reading what you have written and there may be some truth to it. Perhaps you could include less blanket statements or be less of a hypocrite by stating that people are bitching when you are doing the same thing. It's only okay to bitch about what Martin wants to, and it doesn't matter what your background is. Martin is all knowing and wise with his knowledge of all things Fallout and game development related. Sorry for bitching about Bethesda's Bullshit update lies, next time I post a thread I will consider your feelings and put a spoiler up of anything you might deem to be bitching. You clearly must have a career in game development to be so knowledgeable. Thank you for honoring me with your wisdom. I will now blindly accept random statements without reference or fact.