You know, I also wanted to think that "it's a pretty good game", but honestly? It kinda isn't. It's entertaining for a short while, but even that entertainment is damped right from the start by all the flaws. And it gets only worse from there. It's a good timesink that gives you an illusion of fun gameplay. Exploration is what's most fun, but since most places are filled with enemies it gets old really quickly. It lacks pretty much everywhere.
What I'm trying to say is, yeah, I sunk about 50 hours or so into the game and I'd love to justify that by Fallout 4 being a good game and all, but if I'm being honest: It just isn't. It's too flawed in every possible way to be actually considered "good". It's not the worst, there's some enjoyment to be had, but it's mediocre at best. A few hours of enjoyable timewasting and unlimited hours of utterly pointless boredom.
One could argue that "well, it's a bit of fun, and isn't that what a game needs to do, really?". In a way that's correct, but Fallout 4 isn't Flappy Bird. It was not advertised and hyped as a simple time-waster, but as a role-playing-game. As the deepest story-telling-experience Bethesda ever offered. And all kinds of other superlatives. It just isn't good at what it tries to be.