USA Today previews Fallout: New Vegas

Maybe the D.C. BoS contacted the BoS from the west and you'll learn about what happened over in D.C. from them.

Other than the purifier, there's no other event worth talking about.
Surf Solar said:
just large areas full of ... nothing.

That'll make for riveting gameplay. And if you do have a vehicle to traverse it, I don't think I've ever seen a game randomly throw vehicle physics and handling into a franchise and turn out okay.
terebikun said:
Surf Solar said:
just large areas full of ... nothing.

That'll make for riveting gameplay. And if you do have a vehicle to traverse it, I don't think I've ever seen a game randomly throw vehicle physics and handling into a franchise and turn out okay.

See Mass Effect: Uncharted Worlds + Mako

Of course, they managed to make the suck-ass even bigger with that planet-scanning minigame.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
even that event isn't worth talking about.

PC "Do you have any news?"

NPC "I heard they activated a water purifier in the Washington DC area."

PC "That is nice."
Brother None said:
I'm more shocked that we'll see the first Fallout RPG without Dogmeat (and Harold)

I blame Bethesda for that ... if I think what they made out of him in F3 ... dont even want to see him again. I did him a favour and just lit his heart up in flames. Poor fella. RIP Harold, oh and Bob of course :(
Jet1337 said:
Maybe the D.C. BoS contacted the BoS from the west and you'll learn about what happened over in D.C. from them.

Other than the purifier, there's no other event worth talking about.

Yes, the east coast brotherhood has infected the west coast brotherhood with their knightly attitude. What great news! :p
Jet1337 said:
Other than the purifier, there's no other event worth talking about.

"Hey, guys, listen up! We got this awesome water purifier, which we put at the end of the river for some reason!"

"You guys do know you can remove 99% of the radiation from water just by filtering it through sand, right?"


Lexx said:
The NCR was growing and as we can see in New Vegas, they are big now and follow the Van Buren roots: They expand(ed) to the east.

The chronological progress of Fallout does indeed need to stop before we run head-on into sci-fi territory, but VB did resolve this somewhat by putting NCR at war with the BoS. I'm not sure if NV will offer similar solutions.

Lexx said:
Yes, the east coast brotherhood has infected the west coast brotherhood with their knightly attitude. What great news! :p

Sadly Emil actually implied as much in his BoS profile for the official site.

Man, that'd suck.
Well here's hoping they include the fighting between the NCR and BoS from Van Buren.
Seeing the East Coast BoS getting gunned down as their crappy PA offers hardly any protection would be a dream come true.
Brother None said:
Sadly Emil actually implied as much in his BoS profile for the official site.

Man, that'd suck.

motherfucker. why? there should be a list which Bethesda is required to present to the public which details all the shitty elements which they forced Obsidian into putting in the game and which shitty elements are Obsidian's idea.

jus' so...y'know...i know whose mothers to run over with a tank (i don't have a tank but i'll rent one for a few hours, i guess).
If they decide to make them a bunch of assmunchers again, at least give me the option of putting them down for their own good. I've had enough of the "knocked out" shit sandwhich.
Dead Guy said:
If they decide to make them a bunch of assmunchers again, at least give me the option of putting them down for their own good. I've had enough of the "knocked out" shit sandwhich.

oh hells yeah, I'm gonna play such an asshole in NV just to see how much of an asshole I can be. if I can make the BoS my sworn enemies and still complete the game I'll be a happy camper.

that reminds me of the last time I played FO3 btw. I loaded up my old game from several months earlier to give it another chance and found myself to be in the BoS stronghold. I thought I'd have some fun, started shooting everyone in there and never got futher as that blonde chick just wouldn't die. so I quit the game and haven't looked back since.
USA Today said:
In those games, as well as in 1998's Fallout 2, the main character leaves a fallout shelter

They must be doing this on purpose... I can't wait to NOT buy the game but still play it though.
yeah I know ... so much to choices and consequences. I dont get how people can take F3 serious and really thinking that you can do what ever you want in that game ... as soon you hit those "immortal" NPCs it was over for me. Killing EVERY single BOS member in the Pentagon and some time later suuuurpriise those Elder (what was his name?) would offer you help ... of course.
Limitless numbers of super mutants also ticked me off. Who knows where they were coming from. They can't reproduce and they have no purpose.

Please let me sterilize the evil PERMANENTLY in New Vegas like I did New Reno. :D
Limitless numbers of super mutants also ticked me off

I can't stand anymore good samaritan BOS and I cant stand FO3 Super Mutants, but I really dont mind FO1 & 2 BOS and super mutants. I wouldnt care a bit if BOS in NV was so low profile as they were in the west coast, and I really wouldnt care if super mutants were just a bunch of guys trying to survive the same way humans. But I really dont hate them, before FO3, most of times them were good characters, and, maybe obsidian knows how to make them fit again in the plot.
Jet1337 said:
Maybe the D.C. BoS contacted the BoS from the west and you'll learn about what happened over in D.C. from them.

Other than the purifier, there's no other event worth talking about.

The whole final, for the last time, seriously, killing blow to the enclave is sure to come up
sarfa said:
Lexx said:
"You were a courier, and you were obviously carrying something that somebody wanted," Hines says. "Part of the story is finding out what you had and what they took."</blockquote>

This ofcourse was the plot of PS3 exclusive superhero game Infamous. Infamous' biggest weakness was it's crap story.

As for it still being post acoplytic- what stuns me is that in Fallout 2 some progress had been made in getting past the acoplypse, but not in Fallout 3. I wonder if (in terms of post acoplyptic development) if New Vegas will have bizarrely undone the little progress we saw in Fallout 2?

Hey, whoa, Infamous had a cool story. Sure, it dragged on a bit, but the ending made it all worth it.

Anywhos, the West seems to have been a whole lot less ravaged by the Great War than the East was, so it's reasonable for a place like the Capitol Wasteland to not have made as much progress as the Core Region.