eaten by a grue.
Yeah, but with Obfuscate you can run around as much as you like whether you have good stealth skills or not. I've also discovered that level 5 Obfuscate allows stealth kills without breaking invisibility at all. You can murder entire groups of enemies unnoticed. Oh, and the flamethrower doesn't break invisibility either.SuAside said:you can wander above ground as much as you like as long as your stealth skills are up to par.

The only things that break level 5 Obfuscate are bumping into NPCs (including feeding but not killing), firing missile weapons except the flamethrower, and cutscenes. Certain vampires can see through it too, but they're rare.
Since the timers for Obfuscate and Potence stack each time you activate the disciplines, you can pump them up a few times every time you eat a human. They're almost permanent. Annoying that the game clears your timers and weapons whenever you get to a boss-type fight though.
One of my criticisms of the game is that it's too easy to play a Nosferatu. You actually have to try pretty hard to break the Masquerade. You can scare humans so they run away, but that's not enough to get a violation. Some of the plot-critical NPCs barely even notice your deformity, and those that do only require a lame explanation. I'd make the rules for being seen as a Nosferatu much more stringent, but allow you to wear a trenchcoat and a big hat to hide your appearance, and make stealthy alternatives to talking to human NPCs in order to advance the story.
I think this is getting a bit OT, so I'll switch to a specific VtMB thread. Fun game though.