Chris Parks
Vault Senior Citizen

This game should be finished and released if so much had been done on it.
Such a waste.
Such a waste.
Not sure what do you mean, but you may always send your green, small spies to find out!Jesterka said:How much do they pay you
Thanks!Lexx said:Your painting job is great.
Maybe because I never tried before to make anything like that. I didn't pay much attention to how renderoutput will fit into art style. But later this ugly shit started to burn my eyes!Lexx said:And you always said, you can't do this. :p
Scene went to hell pretty quick, but some copy & paste should do the trick:Lexx said:Can you make the police car without the lamps and siren, etc. too or have you deleted everything already?
Well, yeah. But not by painting on the 3d render, but rather by replacing existing texture with the new one, more or less similar to original mountain. Also, VB's mountain can be imported in single pieces.Lexx said:Do you think, it's possible to paint the mountain tiles a bit more into fallouty-original style and make a set out of it? It would be so uber awesome, if I could build custom mountains, in the style of the original mountains, without needing to use tricks all the time.
You don't need to ask about it - just use it!Krizalis said:Can I use the materials presented here in our mod?
Those black boarders did just appear out of no where…I was trying to think of a solution to the horrible edges, and that was the best thing I could think of. Originally I used 100% black, and the bastards disappeared, later I realize Fallout engine didn’t like pure black but – 0c0c0c instead – which is a dirty dark grey. I love Matt’s higher resolution patch, its brilliant, but I still play the game at 800x600, ultra high resolutions don’t suit the game play – artwork, etc.Lexx said:In the RP 2.0 it has been solved with black borders around the map. But I personally don't really like this solution. :/