Van Buren Resources Exported!

The shadow looks interesting, indeed. Guess it's an advantage of the FOnline engine again, because it supports half-transparent graphics like that.
The shadow looks nice though I think instead of using tiles for it a shadow scenery would be easier and faster
Either in this thread or here. I converted various stuff into frm back when we worked in this thread.
Jotisz said:
The shadow looks nice though I think instead of using tiles for it a shadow scenery would be easier and faster

Yes, but you need to adjust the frame offset in such a way to avoid things falling behind the shadow, and becoming unreachable.

The advantage of a tile shadow is that the shadow doesn't need to be 100% opaque, you can make it 70% and have some of the tile (brick, dirt, etc) coming through. But then again it's more work... :roll:
latest Blender import script


Could anyone provide a link for the freshest blender importer of g3d?

Wow, this topic is fresh.

kvark, if you're still alive, you might find this handy.

Or maybe not.
Because the scripts that are supposed to import g3d files, may have the same extension, but wrong header.
Blender will say, that is NOT a g3d file. I tried to manipulate the script, but my Python skills were not sufficient enough.
Blender 2.5 and 2.6 doesn't import anything at all. Since it has no console i can't see what he is saying, but probably the same.

Next story, 3ds max. Struggled 2 days to find a working demo of 2009, everything dead everywhere, found it on my own old HDD.
The only script for import i found is this.
g3d = fopen "C:\\F3_Demo\\props\\DS_Dunebuggy.g3d" "rb"

function byte2Char b =(
local Char=" !'#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?


š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×

  return Char[b-31]

function StringRead f =(
  s = ""
  len = readshort f
  for i = 0 to len - 1 do (
    n = readbyte f
    s += byte2Char(n)
  return s

struct g3d_header (
    Sign			 = "",	--: array[0..7]of char; // "B3D 1.1 "
    Unknown1		 = 0,	--: byte;
    Unknown2		 = 0,	--: byte;
    Unknown3		 = 0,	--: byte; //Header ID??
    GlobalScaleFactor= 0.0,	--: single;
    Unknown4	     = 0,	--: byte; //Header ID??
    CoordinateScale  = 0.0,	--: single;
    Unknown5		 = 0,	--: byte; //Header ID??
    CoordinateSystem = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown6		 = 0,	--: byte;
    Unknown7		 = 0,	--: longword;
	function ReadFromFile f =
  	  for i = 0 to 7 do (
        n = readbyte f
        Sign += byte2Char(n)
	  Unknown1 = readbyte f; Unknown2 = readbyte f; Unknown3 = readbyte f
	  GlobalScaleFactor = readfloat f; Unknown4 = readbyte f
	  CoordinateScale = readfloat f; Unknown5 = readbyte f
	  CoordinateSystem = StringRead f
	  Unknown6	= readbyte f; Unknown7 = readlong f

Model_Vertex_Position = #()
Model_Vertex_Normal   = #()
Model_Faces_Index     = #()

Vertex_Type_Flag      = 0

FS = 0
Zone_Flag = 0;

struct TVertex64 (
  Coordinate = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0,      --: array[0..2]of single;
  Normal	 = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0,      --: array[0..2]of single;
  Color	     = Point4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0,  --: array[0..3]of single;
  Unknown1   = Point2 0.0 0.0,          --: array[0..1]of single;
  Unknown2   = Point2 0.0 0.0,          --: array[0..1]of single;
  Unknown3   = Point2 0.0 0.0,          --: array[0..1]of single;
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Coordinate.x = readfloat f; Coordinate.z = readfloat f; Coordinate.y = readfloat 

    Normal.x = readfloat f; Normal.y = readfloat f; Normal.z = readfloat f	 
    --for i = 1 to 4 do Color[i] = readlong f
	Color.x = readfloat f; Color.y = readfloat f; Color.z = readfloat f; Color.w 

= readfloat f
    Unknown1.x = readfloat f; Unknown1.y = readfloat f
    Unknown2.x = readfloat f; Unknown2.y = readfloat f
    Unknown3.x = readfloat f; Unknown3.y = readfloat f

struct TVertex44 (
  Coordinate   = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0, -- Координата точки (x, y, z: single)
  Normal	   = Point3 0.0 0.0 0.0, -- Нормаль точки (x, y, z: single)
  Color	       = #(0, 0, 0, 0),      -- Цвет точки (r, g, b, a: byte)
  TextureCoord = Point2 0.0 0.0,     -- Текстурные координаты (s, t: single);
  Unknown1     = #(),     -- Неизвестно
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Coordinate.x = readfloat f; Coordinate.z = readfloat f; Coordinate.y = readfloat 

	Model_Vertex_Position[Model_Vertex_Position.count + 1] = Coordinate
    Normal.x = readfloat f; Normal.y = readfloat f; Normal.z = readfloat f
    for i = 1 to 4 do Color[i] = readbyte f
	TextureCoord .x = readfloat f; TextureCoord .y = readfloat f
    Unknown1[1] = readlong f; Unknown1[2] = readlong f

struct TVert_Bones_Data (
	Bone   = 0,   --: longword
	Weight = 0.0, --: single
	function ReadFromFile f = (
	  Bone = readlong f
	  Weight = readfloat f

struct TMaterial_Data (
    Name		  = "",		
    Mtl_ID		  = "",	    
    Unknown1	  = 0.0, --: array[0..16]of single; //Most likely Ambient, Diffuse, 

Emissive, Specular, Shininess, and Alpha
    BLEND_STATE   = "",	--: TCharArray;
    MATERIAL_TYPE = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown2	  = 0, --: array[0..63]of byte; //Flags??
    Zone		  = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown3	  = 0, --: longword;
	function ReadFromFile f = (
      Name = StringRead f; Mtl_ID = StringRead f
      for i = 0 to 16 do Unknown1 = readfloat f
      BLEND_STATE = StringRead f; MATERIAL_TYPE = StringRead f
      for i = 0 to 63 do Unknown2 = readbyte f
      Zone = StringRead f; Unknown3 = readlong f

struct TVertex_Node (
    Unknown1       = 0,		-- Неизвестно
	Unknown2       = 0,		-- Неизвестно
	VertexTypeFlag = 0, 	-- 
	NumberVerts    = 0,		-- Количество точек
	SizeOfVerts    = 0,		-- размер одной точки
    Unknown3       = #(),	-- Неизвестно
	Unknown4       = 0,     -- Неизвестно
	BonesPerVert   = 0,		-- Максимальное количество костей на точку
	NumberMaterial = 0,		-- Количество материалов
    function ReadFromFile f = (
      Unknown1 = readbyte f;
	  Unknown2 = readbyte f;
	  VertexTypeFlag = readbyte f;
	  Vertex_Type_Flag = VertexTypeFlag
	  NumberVerts = readlong f;
	  format "Количество точек - %\n"" NumberVerts
      if Vertex_Type_Flag == 1 then (
	    SizeOfVerts = readlong f;
		format "Размер данный одной точки - %\n" SizeOfVerts
		for i = 1 to NumberVerts do (Vertex44 = TVertex44(); 

Vertex44.ReadFromFile f)
		for i = 1 to 6 do (Unknown3[i] = readfloat f); Unknown4 = readbyte f
        BonesPerVert = readlong f
		format "Максимальное количество костей на точку - %\n" BonesPerVert
		for i = 1 to NumberVerts * BonesPerVert do (VBD = TVert_Bones_Data(); 

VBD.ReadFromFile f;) --print VBD)
		NumberMaterial = readlong f
		format "Количество материалов - %\n" NumberMaterial
		for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (MD = TMaterial_Data(); 

MD.ReadFromFile f; print MD)
		for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (
		  Zone = ""; S = ""
		  for j = 1 to Zone_Flag + 1 do (
		    S = StringRead f; Zone += S
		  print Zone
		  pos = ftell f; print Pos
		NumVert = 0; NumTri = 0
		for i = 1 to NumberMaterial do (a = readlong f; NumVert +=a; b = 

readlong f; NumTri +=b)
		print NumVert; print NumTri
		for i = 1 to NumTri - 1 do (
		  pos = ftell f
		  if pos == (FS - 3) then exit
		  a = 0; a = readshort f #unsigned
		  b = 0; b = readshort f #unsigned
		  c = 0; c = readshort f #unsigned
		  a = a + 1;  b = b + 1; c = c + 1;
		  Model_Faces_Index[Model_Faces_Index.count + 1] = [c, b, a]
	  ) else (
	    Vertex64.ReadFromFile f
--		Print Vertex64
--	  Print Model_Vertex_Position

struct TMaterial_Data (
    Name		  = "",	--: TCharArray;
    Mtl_ID		  = "",	--: TCharArray;
    Unknown1	  = 0.0, --: array[0..16]of single; //Most likely Ambient, Diffuse, 

Emissive, Specular, Shininess, and Alpha
    BLEND_STATE   = "",	--: TCharArray;
    MATERIAL_TYPE = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown2	  = 0, --: array[0..63]of byte; //Flags??
    Zone		  = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown3	  = 0, --: longword;
	function ReadFromFile f = (
      Name = StringRead f; Mtl_ID = StringRead f
      for i = 0 to 16 do Unknown1 = readfloat f
      BLEND_STATE = StringRead f; MATERIAL_TYPE = StringRead f
      for i = 0 to 63 do Unknown2 = readbyte f
      Zone = StringRead f; Unknown3 = readlong f; Zone_Flag = Unknown3

struct TBone (
    Name	    = "",
    Unknown1	= 0, --: word;
    Flag  	    = 0, --: byte;  //Header ID?? For "Transform"
    Translation	= point3 0.0 0.0 0.0, --: array[0..2]of single;
    Rotation	= quat 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, --: array[0..3]of single;
	function ReadFromFile f = (
	Name = StringRead f; Unknown1 = readshort f; Flag = readbyte f
    Translation.x = readfloat f; Translation.z = readfloat f; Translation.y = 

readfloat f;
    if Flag == 3 then (Rotation.x = readfloat f; Rotation.z = readfloat f; Rotation.y 

= readfloat f; Rotation.w = readfloat f)
--	b = mybox = box length:0.01 width:0.01 height:0.01;
-- = Name
--	b.rotation = Rotation
--	b.pos = Translation	

struct TColor (
  r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0,
  function ReadFromFile f = (r = readfloat f; g = readfloat f; b = readfloat f; a = 

readfloat f

struct TMater (
  Ambient   = TColor(),
  Diffuse   = TColor(),
  Emissive  = TColor(),
  Specular  = TColor(),
  Shininess = 0,
  Alpha     = 0,
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Ambient.ReadFromFile f; Diffuse.ReadFromFile f
    Emissive.ReadFromFile f; Specular.ReadFromFile f
    Shininess = readfloat f; Alpha = readfloat f

struct TMaterials (
    Mtl_ID = "",
    Name = "",
    Mater = TMater(),
    BLEND_STATE = "",
    Flag_1 = 0,
	Flag_2 = 0,
	function ReadFromFile f = (
      Mtl_ID = StringRead f; Name = StringRead f
      Mater.ReadFromFile f
      BLEND_STATE = StringRead f; MATERIAL_TYPE = StringRead f
      Flag_1 = readlong f; Flag_2 = readlong f

struct TTextures (
    Unknown1 = 0, --: byte;
    Name = "", --: TCharArray;
    FileName = "", --: TCharArray;
    Width = 0, --: longword;
    Height = 0, --: longword;
	function ReadFromFile f = (
      Unknown1 = readbyte f; Name = StringRead f; FileName = StringRead f
      Width = readlong f; Height = readlong f

struct TNodes (
  Unknown1 = 0, --: byte;
  Name = "", --: TCharArray;
  function ReadFromFile f = (
    Unknown1 = readbyte f; Name = StringRead f

struct TMat_Data (
    Unknown1 = 0, --: array[0..2]of byte;
    Name     = "", --: TCharArray;
    TextureOn = 0, --: longword;
    Texture  = "", --: TCharArray;
    Unknown3 = 0, --: longword;
    Unknown4 = 0, --: byte;
    NumOfPoints = 0, --: longword;
    function ReadFromFile f = (
      for i = 0 to 2 do (Unknown1 = readbyte f)
	  Name = StringRead f
	  print Name
	  TextureOn = readlong f
	  if TextureOn != 0 then Texture = StringRead f
	  Unknown3 = readlong f
	  Unknown4 = readbyte f
	  NumOfPoints = readlong f
      print NumOfPoints
--   Points                      : array of longword;
--    MatID                       : array of byte;
struct TMaterial_Node (
    NumberMaterialNodes	= 0, --: longword;
    Unknown1            = 0, --: byte;
    function ReadFromFile f = (
 	  NumberMaterialNodes = readlong f
	  Unknown4 = readbyte f
      print NumberMaterialNodes 
 --   Mat_Data                    : array of TMat_Data;

function FileSizeGet f = (
  fseek f 0 #seek_end
  size = ftell f
  return size

function FilePosGet f = (
  pos = ftell f
  return pos

function main f = (
  local FileSize = 0
  local FilePos = 0
  FileSize = FileSizeGet f
  FS = FileSize
  fseek f 0 #seek_set
  g3d_head = g3d_header(); g3d_head.ReadFromFile f; print g3d_head
  Material_Node = TMaterial_Node()
  do (
    b = 0; b = readbyte f
	case b of (
      0x07: (Materials = TMaterials(); Materials.ReadFromFile f; print Materials; pos 

= ftell f; print pos)
	  0x08: (Textures = TTextures(); Textures.ReadFromFile f; print Textures; pos 

= ftell f; print pos)
	  0x0A: (Nodes = TNodes(); Nodes.ReadFromFile f; print Nodes; pos = ftell f; 

print pos)
	  0x0E: (Bone = TBone(); Bone.ReadFromFile f; print Bone; pos = ftell f; 

print pos)
	  0x0F: (Vertex_Node = TVertex_Node(); Vertex_Node.ReadFromFile f; pos = 

ftell f; print pos)
	  default: exit
	FilePos = FilePosGet f
  while FilePos != FileSize

--for i = 1 to 1 do Model_Faces_Index[i]= [2018,20,18]
mnode = mesh vertices:Model_Vertex_Position faces:Model_Faces_Index
mmesh = mnode.mesh
--  buildTVFaces mmesh 
--  for i = 1 to mmesh.numfaces do (setTVFace mmesh i (getFace mmesh i))

main g3d

fclose g3d

Syntax errors everywhere, can't fix anything with my scripting skills.
Senpay fixed it, though, but his link is, as you guess, is dead.

Another script for importing .tre scenery, that at least have no syntax errors is here.
function String4Read f = (
	s = ""
	for i = 1 to 4 do (
		n = readbyte f
		s+= bit.intAsChar n
	return s

struct TSectionHeader
	id = "", -- name
	size = 0,
	function ReadFromFile f =
		id = String4Read f
		size = readlong f

function ReadSectionHead f =
	head = TSectionHeader()
	head.ReadFromFile f
	return head

GVP = #() -- vertex position
GVN = #() -- vertex normal
GVD = #() -- vertex diffuse color
GVT = #() -- texture coords
GVL = #() -- lightmap coords
IDX = #() -- face indexes

buffer_index = 0  -- current vertex buffer index
buffer_offset = #() -- 

Flag = 1

struct TREE_Data
	function FileSizeGet f = 
		prev = ftell f
		fseek f 0 #seek_end
		size = ftell f
		fseek f prev #seek_set
		return size
	function FilePosGet f =
		ret = ftell f
		return ret
	function IsHeader s =
		return case s of
			"NODE" 	: true
			"LEAF" 	: true
			"INFO"	: true
			"IDXD"	: true
			"IDXS"	: true
			"FLGS"	: true
			"TREE"	: true
			"LVL0"	: true
			"XYZ "	: true
			"MATR"	: true
			"MATD"	: true
			"TXTD"	: true
			"TREE"	: true
			"VTXD"	: true
			"VTXB"	: true
			"TXUV"	: true
			"LMUV"	: true
			"DIFU"	: true
			"NRML"	: true
			"LVLD"	: true
			"LVL0"	: true
			"HEAD"	: true
			"8TRE"	: true
			"LGTD"	: true
			"LGTR"	: true
			default	: false

	function ReadBlock f size= 
		header = ReadSectionHead f
	    if == "FLGS" do
			fseek f (header.size*Flag) #seek_cur
			return 0
		if == "IDXD" do
			fseek f -16 #seek_cur
			tmp =1 + (readlong f)
			if tmp >= 1 and tmp <= buffer_offset.count do 
				buffer_index = tmp
			--format "vertex buffer : % / %" buffer_index buffer_offset.count
			fseek f 12 #seek_cur
		if == "TXTR" do
			s = ""
			for i = 1 to header.size do s += (bit.IntAsChar (readbyte f) )
			print s
			return 0
		if == "IDXS" do
			--print header
			end = (ftell f) + header.size
			while ((ftell f)+12) < end do
				tmp = readshort f #unsigned
				if tmp == 0 do
					tmp = readshort f #unsigned
					--print tmp
				if bit.and tmp 0xFF00 == 0x8000 do fseek f 8 #seek_cur
				if bit.and tmp 0xFF00 == 0x4000 do fseek f 4 #seek_cur
				size = readshort f
				for i = 1 to (size/3) do
					a = buffer_offset[buffer_index] + readshort f #unsigned
					b = buffer_offset[buffer_index] + readshort f #unsigned
					c = buffer_offset[buffer_index] + readshort f #unsigned
					IDX[IDX.count+1] = [a,c,b]
			fseek f end #seek_set			
			return 0
		if == "VTXB" do
			readlong f
			header.size -= 4
			buffer_offset[buffer_offset.count+1] = GVP.count+1
			--format "vertex buffer offset % = %\n" buffer_offset.count  (GVP.count+1)
		if == "VTXD" do
			readlong f
			header.size -= 4 
		if == "XYZ " do
			--print header
			for i = 1 to header.size/12 do
				x = readfloat f
				y = readfloat f
				z = readfloat f
				GVP[GVP.count+1] = [x,z,y]
			return 0
		if IsHeader then
			--print header
			end = ( ftell f ) + header.size
			while (ftell f ) < end do
				ReadBlock f header.size
			fseek f -8 #seek_cur
			if size < 4  and size != 0 do size = 4
			fseek f size #seek_cur

	function ReadFromFile f =
		ReadBlock f 0

function tre_file f  = 
	reader = TREE_Data()
	reader.ReadFromFile f
	obj = Editable_Mesh()
	obj.mesh.numverts = GVP.count
	obj.mesh.numfaces = IDX.count
	for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numverts do
	  SetVert obj.mesh i GVP[i]
	for i = 1 to obj.mesh.numfaces do
			SetFace obj.mesh i IDX[i]
	update obj

m_roll=newrolloutfloater "TRE Importer" 400 130

rollout TREImport "TRE Import" width:400 height:104
	edittext filename "File:" pos:[9,6] width:312 height:17
	button OpenBtn "Open" pos:[326,7] width:56 height:21 enabled:true
	button ImportBtn "Import" pos:[9,68] width:80 height:21
	checkbox Flgs "FLGS Size" pos:[9,39] width:94 height:12
	on OpenBtn pressed do
		s = GetOpenFileName types:"TRE file(*.tre)|*.tre" historyCategory:"TREImports"
		if s != undefined do
			filename.text = s
	on ImportBtn pressed do
		if FileName.text != "" do
			Flag = if Flgs.checked then 4 else 1
			tre_file (fopen FileName.text "rb")
			fclose FileName	
			closeRolloutFloater m_roll			

addrollout TREImport m_roll
At least they will prevail the teeth of time as text.

As for now, i will call it a day for internet archaeology and start learn scripting tomorrow, because i asked already here for these materials and received no reaction. I doubt anyone is still interested in this old topic.

If i get something, i'll post it here.

edit: there, every succesful export of Van Buren maps in Wavefront.
Van Buren maps
Get it as long it's fresh.

Now onward to scripting stuff.

Oh, and find working scripts here.,26470.msg224618.html#new

Thanks for...your attention(?), NMA.
Continuum said:
Jacen said:
I don't think it was ever used though...
Maybe because it's looking totally out-of-place (or rather out of correct "perspective").

Meh. It works. Probably would be awful with moving characters, but that one screen works very well.