Van Buren tech demo

I also don't mind .ogg, it's just not too popular vis-a-vis mp3, which is why I prefer mp3 for easysharing.
By the way, all of those tracks are from the album Funeral Songs. They weren't made by BIS/IPLY and were only used as placeholders because we felt they were fairly close to the music from the first two games.
I knew you have the tech demo, that was really obvious but... i didnt even think that you'll release it so fast! Thanks you saved me a lot of... nvm.
This demo is clunky and barely playable. And yet, it has a tragic beauty of something with incredible potential that shall never be.
Even through the glitches, the crashes and the non-working and incomplete options I can see a marvelous game that was never born.

Thank you for releasing this demo NMA, and thank you Black Isle for all your hard work. We can only be left to wander "what if?".
Ratty said:
The game always logs missing female string table and PCEs, so they have nothing to do with the issue you are experiencing. Your issue is likely related to video card drivers or DirectX, so make sure everything is OK in that department.
My laptop has an integrated graphics card, which has the latest drivers, but still does not allow AGP texturing acceleration. Do you think that's the problem?

I managed to play Civ IV on my comp, and GTA:SA worked like a dream and now I can't run a 'tech-demo' which is older than those two... :(

:shock: What I wouldnt give for the source code...

I suppose I'll share since someone mentioned crashing at the first combat, if you have a dual core shove the f3.exe onto only one of your cores by using set affinity in the task manager, but you should be used to that by now....

And If you're getting d3d errors, either you're trying to use your onboard video and it can't hack it, or you need to fiddle with the directshow option in the f3.ini

Kudo's to everyone that's helped this out into the world, I can't believe I'm playing Fallout 3 :lol:
edit: And don't try n tell me differently (plugging ears) I'm not listening
I have an Intel Core2Duo without any task manager messing around with and don't have any problems with combat. *shrugs*
Epichaerecacia said:
This is probably the best thing to happen on the intarweb ever.

A hearty thanks to whoever is responsible.

No, the best thing would be somebody getting the source code of Van Buren and completing it.
Therefore, this is the second best thing.
Vault 69er said:
Epichaerecacia said:
This is probably the best thing to happen on the intarweb ever.

A hearty thanks to whoever is responsible.

No, the best thing would be somebody getting the source code of Van Buren and completing it.
Therefore, this is the second best thing.

i would definitely like to participate in that project

i could do graphics... got loads of time actually :D
Thank you Van Buren team and to the rest of Black Isle Studios!!!!

And Thank You NMA!
easier to just pick up an engine that is half finished already, like several mods already have for doom3 and hl2
just have a look at that youtube video of that doom3 mod from a few days ago
the sourcecode for this wouldn't do any good as there's so little resources and completed code here
it's like building an ocean liner from a plywood prototype model that can't even hold water
This is like a wetdream come true, THankyou to everyone that was involved in bringing this beautiful piece of heaven to my grubby fanboy hands