Wasteland 2 Gameplay Demo:Prison Level video released


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
inXile has been showing off a demo at GamesCom, which they've now opened up to the public in their latest Kickstarer Update. This isn't the first video they've released, as they showed us a first look back in February, but the game is now much farther along.<blockquote>This area was not built purely for demoing purposes and it is a straight video capture. While the level will be further polished and improved (we’re missing a bunch of sounds among other things), it gives you a sense of the final game flow. The level was the winner of an internal competition process (as mentioned last update). This is only a tiny fraction of the game which is very hard to show in a 20 minute update. It represents about 1/3rd of the prison map and isn’t even one of the larger levels, so you can imagine it can be tricky for us to share enough without too many spoilers or overwhelming you.</blockquote>We're getting fairly close to a release now, so this is pretty interesting to see.

<center><iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/sdmGthYqTbo" frameborder="0"></iframe></center>
The game looks pretty good from where I'm sitting. I especially love the text bubble to the bottom right of the screen.
Yeah, I don't have any bad feelings about it right now. Though, the map looks quite corridor-ized. I'll hope that not every map will be in such narrow corridor style.
Lexx said:
Yeah, I don't have any bad feelings about it right now. Though, the map looks quite corridor-ized. I'll hope that not every map will be in such narrow corridor style.

Something I didn't add into the preview (my fault): while the prison is a more guided tour style map, it still supports alternate solutions, non-linear tackling of objectives, and generally gives the player a lot of freedom.
Looks good. Still some rough edges to fix in terms of UI, but I liked the small vignettes, the voice acting, the area design and what little was shown of the combat.
Lexx said:
Yeah, I don't have any bad feelings about it right now. Though, the map looks quite corridor-ized. I'll hope that not every map will be in such narrow corridor style.
It is a bit more canyon/mountainpath driven than others, but also realize it's an effect of doing practiced demo runthroughs through the area. You can see the map continues off to the east beyond the gas station, there's a side-path towards the farm on the ridge when we run up to Anna. At the first raider checkpoint you can veer off east to sneak beyond them or flank them, at the second there's a narrow mine-laden path in the south-west to avoid that fight that you can perception your way through or gain info on. It goes all over the place, but for demo purposes, we had a specific run in mind, and that makes it look more narrow.

Walpknut said:
Those guys fucked you up at the end.
Hah. I was demoing the game for most of day 2 and 3 and the fight could go many different ways depending on such minor things as checking my sniper's ammo prior to combat. coz this is not a tanky team and they had no surgeon/medic either, losing one ranger - especially the sniper - makes it escalate quickly. Matt's losing pretty badly there. But I've also done clean runs with right tactics and a bit of luck where I don't lose a single ranger.

Also not shown but I'm very fond of it: we have an unconscious to death system. You can see the sniper, Natosha, gets knocked out. She's not dead yet, but she's hurting. If she's not bleeding out and safe she'll last until after combat, patch her up then, but if she's losing blood or still getting attacked, she can go to critical, comatose, and then dead. It's a race to get a surgeon to her in time to patch her up. If she's dead, she's dead, the PC is removed from the slot forever, tho you can put a NPC in her place.
That Unconcious to death system sound a lot like an idea I had with a friend for a Strategy RPG game we were planning on making at some point.
Very good Demo, the UI looks better in use. Couldn' tback the game but I'll buy it for sure.
The combat was pretty nice, apart from the fact that it doesn't have any stance changing functions. At least I missed them.

Brother None, can you confirm that the game will or won't have any stand/crouch/prone functions (a-la Fallout Tactics) during combat? Thanks.
Pretty good demo. I like the conversation system and the UI and all that. Combat looks pretty slick. That music was probably my favorite part. <3

Was just curious if there was any thought for a prone stance for snipers? Because the sniper up there was pretty exposed. If she went prone, it would've provided for better cover. I know it's just a game and stuff and $2.9M limited budget and all that, but y'know...a sniper should be able to do that. :p
Walpknut said:
That Unconcious to death system sound a lot like an idea I had with a friend for a Strategy RPG game we were planning on making at some point.

It's also more or less the same system the original used :P
Never played Wasteland 1 for mor than 20 minutes so I never got to a point were I was getting knoked unconcious so I didn't know that :P
Walpknut said:
Never played Wasteland 1 for mor than 20 minutes so I never got to a point were I was getting knoked unconcious so I didn't know that :P
Rangers are zombies :lol:

Unconcious->revive-> Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive->Unconcious->revive.....................

sometimes it getting worse though :lol: but it's rare thing.
I'm not a backer, but I'm definitely a buyer.

Looks very, very good and the game mechanics feels very...natural. Morgan's score is top-notch, and I love the guitar which is oh so reminiscent of Redding theme.

I have full faith in this game. I just hope it won't have bugs...at least not many.
The trading screen reminds me very much of Fallout. Nice.
Looks good in motion, I'm very excited.
Also, the music. Nice slide guitar.
Hassknecht said:
The trading screen reminds me very much of Fallout.

Reminds FO3 and NV, that is.

I wish they used icon/pictures of the items, like in FO1 and FO2, instead of just the name.

In FO3 and NV the simple list of names is ok because the items can be seen when equipped. But in an isometric game, the picture of the item in the inventory adds a lot, imo.