Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

maximaz said:
TwinkieGorilla said:
Would be cool if NMA did a similar thing:

Codexian Wasteland 2 Location + Statue Fund-Raising Drive


A statue of NMA in the game?
Yeah, but why not stick with the $1,000 and instead have an NMA location or something? It's easier to achieve and all.

Doing some maths, looks like Wasteland's going on a $50-60 trend per person. Not really surprised, considering that $50 seems like the best choice out there in the price/quality relation.
Yea, I would put in another 10 euro for some NMA location whatever thingy. Though, maybe it would be better to support the codex in that, no clue.
Ausir said:
"No Mutants Allowed" would make a fine name for a bar.

Awesome, i backed W2 with $250 and would put $10 to 50$ for NMA bar! please try to make it.
You should ask Fargo, if he adds a NMA bar, if we get x amount of money together. :>
I'm a little wary of the 'be a location/NPC/weapon/have a shrine' thing. Especially if each tier includes all the tiers below as well (so someone getting a shrine also gets an NPC or something). I don't want the game to be 50% of what are essentially easter eggs or references to backers; and they could get quite a few people becoming NPCs or whatever.
maximaz said:
TwinkieGorilla said:
Would be cool if NMA did a similar thing:

Codexian Wasteland 2 Location + Statue Fund-Raising Drive


A statue of NMA in the game?

if we all poll our money sure, but some of us will be donating 2 times and how many are we total. Personally i think we can chip inn like 25 dollars then we only need 200 people to get 5k. i think it would be a mess tho to organize.

i sent inn tips to the 2 bigges news computer sides in Norway, we will see tomorrow if they print the news tho.

241k as type. 3m here we go.
God is Dog backwards said:
I'm a little wary of the 'be a location/NPC/weapon/have a shrine' thing. Especially if each tier includes all the tiers below as well (so someone getting a shrine also gets an NPC or something). I don't want the game to be 50% of what are essentially easter eggs or references to backers; and they could get quite a few people becoming NPCs or whatever.

That was my initial reaction, and well, it still is actually. But it is happening so if there are any statues or shit in there, it would be cool for one of them to be NMA. I would donate for that. A bar or even a drink at a freaking bar would be worth it. It's still money going toward the project.
don't worry guys, maybe they will make it in form of random encounters or even some special city where they will add all fans statues, bars etc
God is Dog backwards said:
I'm a little wary of the 'be a location/NPC/weapon/have a shrine' thing. Especially if each tier includes all the tiers below as well (so someone getting a shrine also gets an NPC or something). I don't want the game to be 50% of what are essentially easter eggs or references to backers; and they could get quite a few people becoming NPCs or whatever.

Well, it's not really a big deal with NPCs named after real people. They'd have to come up with some names for them anyway, and names taken from real people who donate are as good as any. And a "No Mutants Allowed" bar sounds pretty natural in the setting anyhow.
Yea I do think and hope that they will do this in the best way possible. I was thinking about upping my contribution but now I will actually wait for BN or someone to possibly start an NMA campaign for an ingame something.
Ausir said:
God is Dog backwards said:
I'm a little wary of the 'be a location/NPC/weapon/have a shrine' thing. Especially if each tier includes all the tiers below as well (so someone getting a shrine also gets an NPC or something). I don't want the game to be 50% of what are essentially easter eggs or references to backers; and they could get quite a few people becoming NPCs or whatever.

Well, it's not really a big deal with NPCs named after real people. They'd have to come up with some names for them anyway, and names taken from real people who donate are as good as any.

True! As this game will have "real" people in it and not dwarfs and others :)
Ausir said:
God is Dog backwards said:
I'm a little wary of the 'be a location/NPC/weapon/have a shrine' thing. Especially if each tier includes all the tiers below as well (so someone getting a shrine also gets an NPC or something). I don't want the game to be 50% of what are essentially easter eggs or references to backers; and they could get quite a few people becoming NPCs or whatever.

Well, it's not really a big deal with NPCs named after real people. They'd have to come up with some names for them anyway, and names taken from real people who donate are as good as any.

In many games NPCs, locations, etc get named for employees, friends and family anyway. I certainly hope it doesn't go overboard so that every NPC or location is a recognizable website name, but I think that's not any real danger.

If it helps raise the needed money, I'm all for it, though I've already donated and probably won't be adding to any website pool.
Fair point re: NPC names.

It's really awesome to see NMA and the Codex getting behind a project like this. Especially the Codex, which as far as I can tell has spent the last 15 years hating pretty much everything.

I just hope the games themselves (DFA and W2) aren't a disappointment...
LOL - I'll change mine hopefully by tomorrow. I'm working on a new animation in the mold of the Wasteland portraits and I'll switch it out when I finish.

Gotta love the punk though...
I would donate for an in game NMA bar.
Inside you could meet Miro, Odin, Silencer, Brother None, Sander and Killap the Bear Dude (not too bad for NPC names) :crazy: