Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

they should put it on yt becouse they will loose lots of money if people would not be able to watch it, double fine used yt
shijoku said:
Someone just dropped a 10k.
now I start to really believe that this project have a chance to get those 900k

btw for me in Poland I will have to wait 40 minutes (with transfer of average 6kb/s) to download that vid. Maybe in US it's fast but ppl from Europe also have money in their pocket and would be easier to them to fund the game after watching promo vid
I must confess : this thing is really addicting....
Almost as much fascinating as playing an awesome RPG games.
Just changed my original amount and doubled it, I sat back and realised there will never be another opportunity like this and I only need to skip beer for a week to afford it. My liver will thank me!
That was my thought too. I won't start throwing money around like a madman now, and this is a special case.
SumsoluS said:
Just changed my original amount and doubled it, I sat back and realised there will never be another opportunity like this and I only need to skip beer for a week to afford it. My liver will thank me!

Haha, I done the exact same thing :P
Wow, Wasteland 2 is earning money faster than a cocaine bar in Bolivia. Way to go. Damn, I'm excited about this.
Notch tweeting it to all his 616,832 followers and Felicia Day to all her 1,889,803 followers...well...sure helps!

Jesses, 1.8M followers?
Felicia Day has retweeted the Kickstarter now too. Should bring in some additional monies.
I'm actually almost too scared to look... don't want to see it freeze in a few days..then I'll end up changing my amount again and going mad!!!
Felicia Day supports Wasteland 2? Wouldn't have guessed...
That's good, though.

200k mark reached and surpassed. This is all happening way too quickly for my heart to sustain.