Wasteland 2 new screenshot


But best title ever!
Brian Fargo and his crew have put out another screenshot for Wasteland 2, for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure, I guess, in case you really hate the game's looks):

It is advisable to put some distance between you and the rest of the party before casting Omega Murder Blast.
I thought we were past the whole "needs Rsum GFX or GTFO" deal.

So long as it can immerse me in its universe of RPG goodliness, it can look like pacman for all I care.
Sicblades said:
I thought we were past the whole "needs Rsum GFX or GTFO" deal.

So long as it can immerse me in its universe of RPG goodliness, it can look like pacman for all I care.
well I think it should at least go with a certain standart in graphics. It doesnt have to be the newest shader or always 3D. But I dont see any reason at all why we should return to text adventures.
Hopefully going forward exile will return to 2d art based games -- either that or prettier 3d games. I understand 3d is cheaper, and that's why they did it; but honestly I think fallout looked better than this.

Seriously, though, I think the game looks okay, despite the purple chi attack that seems to be going on, but I don't know about that UI. While having a sequence list is handy for strategy, I'm used to not having a given order in who is going to attack when and I don't see this as being necessary.
Idiotfool said:
I think the game looks okay, despite the purple chi attack that seems to be going on

I think that's most likely the ion beamer animation.
From the screenshot looks worse than nwn2 and quite a bit cartoony. Not a good visual representation of the wasteland imo, but if the gameplay is really nice, that wouldn't be a big problem. Hope the gameplay and writing shines, else this is will be sad.
Surf Solar said:
that's some nice MMO User interface.

"Raider said: Raider No No No!"

Quality writing!

it was "no NO?". Seriously! You would not notice quality writing if it hits you right in the face! :P
Maybe it's just me, but I still can't get past everything being at precise right angles and perfectly fitting the battle grid squares, like that thing with tires and or the fallen fence. Looks fake as hell. And what's jammed into the rock in front the raider? Not really inspiring. I hope it's not really representative of the whole game.
deadlus said:
Maybe it's just me, but I still can't get past everything being at precise right angles and perfectly fitting the battle grid squares, like that thing with tires and or the fallen fence. Looks fake as hell. And what's jammed into the rock in front the raider? Not really inspiring. I hope it's not really representative of the whole game.

The fallen fence doesn't perfectly align with the battle grid, and neither does the cliffside at the top or the rocky outcropping at the bottom of the screen. I think you're overstating the effect.
Gnarles Bronson said:
Hopefully going forward exile will return to 2d art based games -- either that or prettier 3d games. I understand 3d is cheaper, and that's why they did it; but honestly I think fallout looked better than this.

You do realize Fallout was 3D? Everything was 3D models stored as 2D sprites due to the lack of processing power in contemporary computers. If they could, they would've made it full 3D as they had everything modeled.
Looks great!

Those complaining about graphics disgust me. You fucking bums probably didn't even donate to this game and now are criticizing it with all the arrogance. Do you realize the tiny budget this game had? This is a game which was purposefully created with the graphics being of absolute least importance. Wasn't there a poll very early on by backers where it was decided that graphics had 0 importance? If you want graphics, go stick your dick into a PS4 and jerk off waiting for Todd Howard's Fallout 4 or whatever the fuck is your high standard of great graphics.
TheBearPaw said:
You fucking bums probably didn't even donate to this game and now are criticizing it with all the arrogance.

I'm not complaining about the graphics but I don't want anyone calling me a bum! I pledged $100 for this game.
Game looks great, better than FO3 in fact.

Love that grid overlay on the ground when battle commences.
The game is starting to look and feel really good, IMO. Sure it's not an AAA game, but we were never going to spend that much money on graphics, screw that.

These desert-canyon areas aren't necessarily my favorite aesthetics-wise. There's more interesting areas you'll find in the beta. I think people will like it, as long as you don't set the standards too high, graphics really isn't the focus of this game, but between Unity Store and work from our guys, I do think it looks good.