Wasteland 2 Saturation Option Screenshots

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
inXile has posted a trio of screenshots showing the same scene as the first screenshot but with different levels of saturation and types of post-processing. A poll is up in that thread asking the community which look has the general preference.<blockquote>In this example the screen shot is taken in the late afternoon. The lighting is set up to be warm, but not too harsh, and the shadows are long. Knowing that you can customize the graphics to a wide range of different saturation levels, we want to know what setting our community thinks should be the default setting. “Option A” shows the scene as it was originally presented, with no post process filter doing any desaturation. “Option B” shows some filtering and “Option C” shows extreme desaturation. Please let us know which setting you would like to see be the default configuration.

Keep in mind that these screens do not represent the final camera. Also, note that we have improved the player models, but don't let those sway your opinion on the backgrounds. This screenshot is just one map, so expect a different look for Los Angeles, underground sewers, the Agricultural center, etc. Mood and atmosphere is are very important to me, and the palette tone is part of that.</blockquote><center> </center>
The first one is a little to orange for me. I prefer the second, there is some color but the world isn't grey, nor is it bright.
I am torn between the first and second one. Either is fine I suppose.
I think the first is fine, now that the character models don't blend with the ground so much. The only issue is the really bright patch on the left, which is irritating. Probably a problem with the lighting rather than than the amount of colour.

Maybe they could just darken the ground.
I like Option B the most, but Option A seems fine too.

Can't wait to see the shitstorm of arguing over at the Wasteland forums. Those guys don't take stuff like this lightly.
Option A for me. The other ones are too much lacking contrast for my taste.
Option A isn't bad but I prefer B. It is just the right mix of color to give the sense of realism to the world without sacrificing stylization. C is way too filtered, feels like how Fallout 3 had that massive green filter over everything. It feels unnatural and ultimately, dull.
I like B most, reminds me of the Fallout games.

But it is still lacking lots of effects, especially I am missing dust clouds moved by the wind and "godrays". Scenes like this should seem really bright, sunny and hot in my opinion.
Heh, I just noticed that the figures are looking different now. They wear cowboy hats, backpacks, the poses are a little different, etc. Also the enviroment changed a bit. A wall is missing on the right side, the house in top center is a bit moved into the ground... Looks nice.
The textures look crispier and more detailed too.

For me it's #2, but #3 reminds me of the true Fallouts, with their 256 (right?) colour palette.
The colours or saturation are by far the least things I would worry avout these here fine screenshots.

I guess I'm the only one that likes C. Gives a gritty feel to the world, which would fit the theme of the game imo. Maybe they will end up putting in a saturation slider in so people can choose for themselves.
Out of those three options, I like B the best. But as NovaRain said, I think somewhere between A and B would be better.
Takashi said:
Maybe they will end up putting in a saturation slider in so people can choose for themselves.

The "you can customize the graphics to a wide range of different saturation levels" part does hint at that.