Chancellor Kremlin
Mildly Dipped

Fade said:No law would destroy the city. Each of the gangs would make a powerplay *long* before the player shows up. You would end up 1 gang in control of the city or every gang down to a few members & one of the other cities taking over.
Not necessarily. These mafia families could have been the descendents from pre-war mafia, which could have had agreements and so on. It wasn't like four families arrived in New Reno at the same time, thought 'hey a city', and then began battling for it. The fact New Reno possesses little military value would lead me to believe it would not have been bombed.
Fade said:Gangs need a state to supply cannon fodder. Where are the new gang members coming from? And why do they find being in the gangs a better way of life than joining up with NCR or Vault City?
For the same reason people do it these days. Easy living (until you die), easy money, makes you look cool and you get to shoot people.
Fade said:As for the State not allowing such a development... how has the US been doing with the 'War on Drugs'? The state can try to suppress any development it wants, but there will always be a fringe element doing it.
Thats because drugs are illegal. In New Reno, no law, no one telling you drugs are bad. If the U.S legalised certain drugs a large number of drug gangs would cave in on themselves.
TakLoufer said:New Reno does not fit into a realistic model of a post apocalyptic community. For one thing, the reason real life crime families can be in a perpetual stalemate with each other is that in real life police exist to keep the opposing sides from engaging in open battles. The attacks are usually limited to property damage or "hits" or maybe raids, but not armies of soldiers marching down streets. In the absence of the restraining force of law and order, the four families would have long ago fought each other down to an endgame in which only one would be left.
Actually, any respectable mafia family knows war is bad for business. War is usually the last resort and mafia families usually are in agreement with each other to keep to their side and avoid meddling in each others business. The state has little to do with it.