That's a movie you never forget once you've seen it. Visionary.Arr0nax said:Gattaca
Crni Vuk said:it is a good movie. Best part "what do plants crave" - "mondo has what plants crave"
I wouldn't go into a David Lynch film looking to be swept along by a story. Haven't seen Eraserhead in a loooong time, but it did drag.verevoof said:Am I the only one who found Eraserhead to be boring?
Redemption said:Blade Runner, The Book of Eli, and Idiocracy, in no particular order.
Has a few nice easter eggs, like the "A Boy And His Dog" poster in the room in which he's forced to sleep.MutantScalper said:Saw The Book of Eli recently, left me feeling a bit indifferent, really. Tries to hit the right notes for a post-apocalyptic movie but stays just too predictable, or didn't make me interested. Which is sad because I wanted to like it, Denzel is a good actor usually and he did what he could with the role. Gary Oldman wasn't bad either.
That movie would be close to the top of my Most Overrated list. It's a gimmick movie with a stupid ending. Every movie Chris Nolan has ever done is overrated, but Memento is the most overrated of the lot.TaapLuup said:Most of my favorites have been mentioned by others except for my number one spot.
I watched Blue Velvet a couple of years ago, and I had exactly the same reaction. Even the "normal" parts are subtly strange, but those intense scenes sneak up on you and punch you in the gut. He does it with any powerful emotion - love, hate, fear...Cimmerian Nights said:Watched Blue Velvet the other day, that's a great Lynch one. His movies have this way of starting out fairly normal, and slowly, gradually slipping more and more into complete surreality, and they usually all have a mind blowing "holy-shit moment" that just makes smoke shoot out of your ears.