What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

There's a list of unique weapons that's been posted from the guidebook

Amongst other things it confirms that the Brotherhood of Steel isn't the Midwestern Chapter from the description of Final Judgment.

The Elder of the chapter is an Elder Maxson. Which SHOULD indicate that it's not the Midwest or Capital wasteland, but the original setup from California come east, under a new Maxson
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That's disappointing, because I've been telling people elsewhere that it was a mix of the two.

And you forget, they had Arthur Maxson in the CW.
That's a good point

Yeah considering Arthur Maxson, all bets are off then, and it's just a case of wait and see. Hopefully it's not "Arthur Maxson is the representative of the CW in the Commonwealth," or something equally likely, that'd be awful.
Well, there's a line from Danse that suggests Elder Maxson is running the BoS much like how they used to be.

"The Elder before Maxson sent us down a path that was leading nowhere... he was more concerned about charity than the preservation of technology."

And if it's not the Eastern and Midwestern BOS, I'm very curious how they got working airships.
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Potentially A. Maxson's Dad then, can't see a timid kid turning into a domineering technology first Elder in 10 years. Would fit into a pretty easily painted picture, dad comes east, dad is tightwad, cue stereotypical Hollywood plotline #46, overbearing father dominates son, son disobeys father becomes his own man, etc etc.

Off the shelf plotline, not exactly Avellone, but hey as long as it's not Fallout 3 saints in mechanically whirring armor.
Yeah, it's the Maxson kid from FO3, now sporting a Hairdo and Coat that makes him look like Macklemore.

He seems more of a controlling douchebag than the Elder from Fo3, so it's a return to form, One of the very few positives of FO4.