What f****d up your day today?

DDD said:
I'm constantly and painfully reminded that I'm not getting any.

Then you can't be evil. Evil masterminds always get some.

You're the diet-coke of evil.
The fact that I was constantly disturbed while doing an essay, but heck, now I'm done (10 hours later...)
Wooz said:
Yeah, I know. But nevertheless: thanks for the advice. I think it's time to confess to my readers that I've failed. Horribly. I don't know the answers to the big questions either. And Gawd knows I've searched. I'm such a lo...

*emo alert*


*self-esteem injection*

Fuck you, Wooz. Go mind your own business, crusty boy! :P

Today? Not much, on monday I failed in my Perssonal Record attempt to go into work without a hangover. I was aiming for a month, but only managed less than two weeks.

alec said:
Boredom is a constant, does not count.

Muff said:
What pissed me off today was getting a butt load of spam
This may be an unwise thing to mention, but I totally read that as "buttload of sperm".

Also, kid with the girlfriend's dog: rat poion works just as well on dogs.
I'm broke.

Which would be less of a problem if Blockbuster Video's credit agency wasn't after me for $40.

Which, in turn, would be less of a problem if Cingular wasn't after me for $100.

Which, incidentally, would probably be less of a problem if Bank of America wasn't after me for $200.

Which I could earn a lot faster if I could get more hours at work.

Which would be a lot easier if I could afford a level of health insurance that would allow me to function as anything more than a quasi-invalid.

Which I could probably pay for with my tax return, if I had actually FILED it yet, instead of realizing two weeks before the deadline that my roomate threw away my W2.

Which I'd be perfectly happy-go-lucky about if I didn't have to move. Out of California. To... the Texas.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
What fucked up my day is that I'm constantly and painfully reminded that I'm not getting any.
Great, it's 1:36 AM, and you just reminded me that I know a wonderful and beautiful woman who would do things with me that would make a nun's head explode. The problem? Distance. And my day just got started...
Had to wake up at 8:00 this morning (I work night shift) to go to the dentist, luckily every thing is ok. Now I have a headache and I need some sleep.
hey my day was great! but sometimes....

i work in the water industry and sometimes we have to clean up after a sewer blockage/spill, picking up used condoms off the road and pulling womans sanitary products out of blocked pumps..... :evil: IF I EVER CATCH ANYONE FLUSHING ANYTHING OTHER THAN SHIT, PISS OR PAPER I WILL MAKE THEM EAT IT :twisted:

Today? Only one thing for a change... I think that some chick I barely know is kind of pissed off at me for no good reason, which is something really frustrating... It was in fact such a good day that it's too good to be true... I am expecting some major crap tomorrow to compensate for this...
I woke up and there was snow. I just went back to bed then I realized that I wasn't dreaming.