What game was this?

This thread needs to live.

That is correct (more or less) aboniks. This was actually Moktar, the predecessor of Titus the Fox. It greets me with this sexy (and slightly depressing) screen when I run it in this fantastic futuristic age.

Was the developer Titus founded by Herve Caen? (Cain? Don't recall)

I wonder what happened to his old employees, did he also royally screw them like he did with Interplay

Anyway, let someone identify this one

No clue what Abonik's ASCII rpg is so times to try and find the KKND look-a-like. Sure I've seen that blue factory before.
Dutch Ghost's is Napalm: Crimson Crisis, I played this with my sister when I was about four!

I'm pretty sure I've played the game aboniks posted, the name and details elude me though - will think on it.

Only noticed this thread today, some serious nostalgia and misplaced memories as I read through it!

An obscure puzzle game from the mid-90's (I think).

oh fuck, man. I KNOW that game. That screen jumped right at me. It looks a bit like Dune but it's not and I KNOW what it is but I can't remember!
Yoshi525 said:
I'm pretty sure I've played the game aboniks posted, the name and details elude me though - will think on it.

Moria :P

Yup. Bonus points for knowing it wasn't Angband. (yet) :)

(which is still in development, BTW. I find it comforting to know that a game made in 1983 still has a rabid fan base and more variants than you can shake a stick at.)

EDIT: The game Yoshi posted is S.C.OUT. That was obscure, no doubt. I had to look it up. Excellent premise, too:

"The goal of the game is to destroy the alien head on each level with a portable bomb using your advanced spaceship..."

Here's the next one:

aboniks said:
EDIT: The game Yoshi posted is S.C.OUT. That was obscure, no doubt.

I guess I never knew its' name but I definitely recognize that look. Probably from those obscure old gaming magazines I used to buy back in the early 90's.
maximaz said:
I know that one too. Some french sounding name... aghh what was it.

EDIT: Albion!

Albion is what England used to be called, not exactly French. :V
Nice game though I tend to get motion sickness from it.

Man we're really getting into obscure territory here.