What if?: Alien Invasion

Look, about infecting aliens... try to think about it like this: If an alien does not posess DNA or even cellular composition - then infecting them with viruses would be as efficient as impregnating a woman by urinating into her womb. NOTHING would happen! :D

(well, she would break up with you, I suppose)
You have a point. But there could always be a case where the alien medicine is not enough to fight back earth borne diseases that could be spread in many ways. Antibiotics are good for fighting bacteria but not viruses. Of course there would be a quarantine for the aliens but depending on how many are infected. It'd lay down a pretty big stress factor on the aliens having to allocate resources to treat at least 200,000 infected aliens that have no honest measure of being quarantined forever. Along this it'd basically be a war on two fronts.
It is still highly unlikely that they'd be infected with anything at all, since they evolved dozens to hundreds of light years away and are probably way beyond any natural evolution anyway. And if, for some reason, convergent evolution allows for some sort of infection, that species would very likely have medical technology far more advanced than ours (because if you set for the stars with the intent to expand you'll have to be incredibly advanced already, as a warlike journey to the stars doesn't make any sense earlier, unlike peaceful exploration).
The big bummer with this kind of scenario, is the big IF

IF they are on OUR level of technology: Space travel, nuclear bombs, math, philosophy, art - then they can NOT visit us - at all! Because they're on our level, and we can't visit them in return. Our level = no chance of ever meeting.

IF they are able to come here, then they are - compared to us - like we are, compared to a rodent. We would have no chance, whatsoever. It would be a foe frustratingly beyond us, and as I said initially, chances are we would not even have the mental capacity of comprehending what was happening to us, even with all our current intellect. IF - that is - they were capable of coming here.

So, you have to choose... :D Either, they are on our level - and CAN be defeated by us, in theory, but then we'd never ever meet. OR! They are able to come here and harass us, meaning they're way beyond us, and would finish us off without even trying. It sucks, but that's the options we got :D
Given the nature of humans I'm guessing they would be STD's.
Lol haha. No, if any case I think the only way they maybe beatable is if they only send a very small force our way or we quickly reverse engineer their tech against them. But even that'd take really long to grasp an understanding of alien tech.
What would we do though? Shoot them? With what, bullets?
Even we primitive ape-humans have bullet-proof material, so lol @ bullets.
Explosives, that do what? Expand a very hot shock-wave? But... They have to withstand a million times the force of our puny explosives just by flying from there to here.

Again, the IFs come into play - IF they have flown here - IF that is the case, then we have nnnothing to throw at them :D NOTHING! :D
IF we have something to throw at them, IF explosives or bullets were to hurt them, then their technology is NOT good enough to have flown from there to here!

I know it's a very tempting thought to consider that humans are not weak, that we would be able to band together, and defeat an alien invasion - I love the scenario myself. We ARE the strongest most badass organism in the entire universe - from what we can tell! Imagine all the awesome one-liners we could spew, while killing alien scum, I love it.
If you REALLY want to imagine it, we'd have to - unfortunately - swap the scenario around. WE have the tech to fly to them, WE are impervious to bullets and explosions, and THEY are awaiting us with - bullets and explosions, in their home. And we fuck them over.
I know, it's not quiiite the same - but at least in that scenario, we win!
The common assumption in the thread is that it's a large alien nation spanning multiple systems attacking us.
Okay think about that. How unified are the countries of Earth? Why assume aliens are unified?
A lot depends on what they want, how they got here, how expensive it is to get here and their politics. Did they crawl out of stasis tubes and blearily see that we're on the blue ball out the window. Are they some smaller group or nation?

All these things set the "win" conditions for both parties in a war.

Take the movie Avatar, for example. Humans are the aliens could blow the planet up, except as a whole, nobody is actually that genocidal and there isn't any reason to. There's quite a lot of scientific reasons not to, if nothing else. The natives only won their war because they were fighting corporate mercs, not any official military. The rest of humanity doesn't really give a fuck and it makes little difference ultimately.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown does do the whole backengineering alien tech as part of its premise. But ignore that for the moment.
The alien leaders really weren't interested in wiping out humanity, but "uplifting" it for its own purposes. And the aliens you fight in it are actually the various failed attempts at uplifting a species. And there's mention that the leaders are outcasts. So ultimately, very powerful and capable of planetary destruction, but not exactly the armada of the entire race proper.

Fantastic examples, to be sure, but they illustrate my basic point.
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What would happen in the event of an Alien invasion in the future?

Let us see. A species that can travel trough space, probably because of some technology that allows them to travel faster than light and would be probably, from a human point of view, as close to magic as it can be.

I guess nothing would happen. We would be simply dead. Such a species would probably have such a vast understanding in all fields of technology, it's like asking how much of a chance a chimpanzees have in fighting humans.

Given a realistic scenario, I doubt we would have any chance with our current level of technology.

It is still highly unlikely that they'd be infected with anything at all, since they evolved dozens to hundreds of light years away and are probably way beyond any natural evolution anyway. And if, for some reason, convergent evolution allows for some sort of infection, that species would very likely have medical technology far more advanced than ours (because if you set for the stars with the intent to expand you'll have to be incredibly advanced already, as a warlike journey to the stars doesn't make any sense earlier, unlike peaceful exploration).
Now that you mention it. What's fun is that in all the alien-invasion movies where the humans win it is only possible because the script writers of the movie assume that those evil aliens stoped to develope new technologies. Outside of space travel and weapon technology - and even their weapon technology seems to be incredible awfull at aiming, much worse than our systems infact. Particularly at the hero-guy/faction. But well, it would be probably a very boring movie if it was kept more realistic.

But, given our chances to think about a fight with aliens is boring anyway. I feel the much more interesting question is, why would aliens actually visit us in the first place? I personaly think there is very little reason for such an advanced species to get even near our solar system. But from a realistic point of view, thinking about that, is a lot more intriguing than some invasion. That's my opinion at least.
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What if the aliens are more akin to Earths superpowers back in the days of imperialism?
You know, it'd be more of a passive invasion where they ignore us but on occasion commit a massacre or genocide, that to me would be the most realistic invasion scenario.
We would probably blow the planet up before letting a hostile civilization land and colonize.
It depends, the key word here is "alien" so anything could practically be possible. So what if alien life evolved to biologically travel between star systems? Would they even need sentience as we know it or something similar to it?
Aliens or not, they still have to obey the same physics as we do, as long they want to exist in the same universe as we do. For the case they don't, then it wouldn't matter anyway, since we could not see them - parallel universe, higher planes of existance and shit. If you can't measure it, and if you can't interact in any meaningfull way, it might as well not exist - for us.
The Drake equation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation) and the Fermi Paradox (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox) leave me to believe that only the most peaceful and long-term thinking of species / civilizations would survive long enough to become an extraplanetary civilization and be well on their way to a Type II technology level (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale) - otherwise they would have destroyed themselves one way or another. This could mean that any advanced civilizations are stable and content within their own stellar neighborhoods and refrain from contacting us due to either a Prime Directive-like prohibition OR a caution towards broadcasting a signal lest agressive civilizations (including perhaps ours) set their sights on their star systems. They could still be listening to our signals and evaluating us.

Another possibility is that advanced civilizations have transcended tribalism, emotional responses, and perhaps even biological bodies. Imagine a space-faring race of robots that are mearely indifferent to us. They don't care what we are doing on our planet. They arrive at our solar system, mine some asteroids, rebuild / reproduce, and leave. Why would they bother going down into a gravity well?

Regarding a possible weakness of biological aliens to our microbes (bacteria, viruses, etc.), I think the chances of a species developing either a generational ship or relativistic spaceflight without having advanced microbal defenses are incredibly small. Right now, our civilization seems within decades of surpassing the WWII era medical technology (anti-biotics, vaccines, and simple epidemiology) to arrive at a biotech future: rapid gene-sequencing of every new strain of virus; computer prediction of proteins synthesized, cell structures, and weaknesses; and nano-bots in the bloodstream to act as surgeons, pharmacists, and security guards on the cellular level.

The thing about microbes is the details may differ, but there are only so many ways to make a reproducing ball of chemicals (bacteria, amoeba, viruses, prions). Our variety of microbes are extremely likely to have evolved anywhere that ever had primitive life. Therefore aliens should have evolved or technologically developed defenses against these disease to the point that any threat to them would be either manageable or negligible.

In the unlikely scenario of there being a biological species intent on conquering every habitable planet, a lot might depend on their motivations - resources, slaves, or a token of bravery. Again any civilization that can travel interstellar distances must have extremely long-term planning as one of its qualities. Sure if they desire to show off or want us as slaves (at the current 7 billion level), maybe they would try to destroy our militaries and infrastructure and then start abducting us.

But if they just want our resources, what they would probably do is redirect about a few hundred big asteroids to impact our population centers all at the same time. It would take really good calculations, very basic propulsion technology, and a lot of patience (maybe 100 years). The impacts damage to population, infrastructure, the likely "nuclear" winter for the next few years, and fighting among old and new factions would probably reduce Earth's population from 7 billion to 70 million in 20 years. Plus most of the warheads, munitions, and bullets would be used up by then. Its a real easy way to soften up Earth as a target. The best part is that there is almost no chance that with today's technology we would be able to know who did it to us. We probably wouldn't detect them until it was too late. Some scientists might even think it was a big coincidence at first.
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