Kinda like Fallout 3 wasn't that good without mods? Most games are made better with mods or patches. You mean games can improve by people polishing unfinished work?Makta said:Especially since the original 2 games weren't "that good" without the awesome work from the community like the restoration project?

Makta said:Walpknut said:Then the obvious question, why don't just make a new game instead of rehashing an old one?
Because as i said before. Most people wants the timeline to go on and a Fallout without all the things that made Fallout what it is would not be so great. Sure you could make a game happening around the time of F1-F2 but then they might just step on the lore and people would complain as usual.
Fallout can still visit other places within the timeline of the original. It can't step on lore if it takes place in Texas, Seattle, Montana, Florida - Pretty much everywhere else in the United States minus California, D.C, and Arizona. Revisiting the old locations might make more sense if done AFTER F1 and F2. I would rather expand upon the lore rather than rehash it. I guess I'm just complaining as usual. It's not like Fallout is my favorite RPG series or anything. Maybe I should just keep my opinions to myself for fear of bothering someone...

Makta said:Surf Solar said:And I an still waiting for an explanation what exactly is so outdated in Fallouts gameplay.
Lets see where should i start?
Melee: Basicly you are slamming your hammer 1 way over and over in hope of getting a crit and sometimes "crits included here!" your target falls down! Facinating to do this over and over for the entire game!
Unarmed: Well well what do we have here? Special attacks!.. That you actually don't use because you can't use them when having a fist weapon equiped.. And even without it you will prolly use that strong punch/kick 99% of the game anyways.. Not repeatable at all!
Guns: Same thing here. Just click on the target and hope for a crit.. Or unless you are going with small guns then you can actually target certain parts!.. But you will allways aim for the head/eyes anyways!
Throw: This is really something!.. That you will never use? Really awesome that they put a combat skill in game that you can't use efficently at all.
Non combat things.
Companions: If you ever played with x companions then started a solo game you will never want to use them again.. Unless you need a pack mule. Not only do you have to talk to them.. Then enter a menu to tell them not to use than spear they had in their inventory but use the awesome gun they actually got? And now that you are done with that you can't just continue the game you actually have to "slowly" click back twice! At least new vegas fixed this really well compared to all the previous games.
The same crappy speech checks that F3 had. Basicly it can still fail if you have the right ammount of speech and it it does just reload and try again.. But F2 actually had "1?" speech check that worked decently! And i'm obviously talking about Officer Jack in NCR! And that's it.
Honnestly. Have you ever used the map? I can say that i never did since the map is useless and with the overview you get there is no need for it.
The world!
Going over a "map" and then enter a town without seeing anything of the surronding area feels really RP'ish. Who needs to see the world when you are thrown into the parts of the world where the next quest is?
Languorous_Maiar said:Also! By reading trough the forums most of "you" wants the BOS/Enclave ETC gone from the game and focus more on the rebuilding instead of the original radiated wasteland? That sounds really fun...
You should learn one word. Logic.
BoS and Enclave in future games is unlogic.
Simple and obvious.
Also, actually F:NV/F3 is outdated because their system of character/fighting sucks, in comparing to old Fallouts.
Ahh yes. The BOS and Enclave just vanished from the face of the earth. And clicking twice with the mouse to kill someone is a "better" combat gameplay then actually having to aim whatever weapon you are using? I guess pong is your fauvorit sports game to since the new sport playstyles sucks so hard compared to the simple style of pong!
Walpknut said:Makta said:Seeing how the "Original" Fanbase thinkts that every game but the first one and "maybe" the second one is bad in one way or another and the slightest new thing will be crap no matter what.
And your logic about "Don't touch the old things!" is ruined by every modification to the ORIGINAL game/games.
Also! By reading trough the forums most of "you" wants the BOS/Enclave ETC gone from the game and focus more on the rebuilding instead of the original radiated wasteland? That sounds really fun...
How is my "Logic" ruined? one thing is a FAN MADE MOD that restores cut content or makes their own game with the assets, and another is making the exact same game in another engine because apparently Turn Based should be buried forever and replaced with First Person.
Also, just to clarify, New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game.
On another note i'm not saying that this idea is the next comming of christ but it was an idea and the responce i got was just what i was complaining about earlier. "Oldschool" fans with rosetinted glasses saying "In my days everything was better than now!"
Worst part is that i've been with "you" guys since 2000 ish and when i came back to these forums i was sickened by how much you guys complain about every new thing since Fallout 2 and nowdays most of you even complain about that game to.
Bullshit. How much have you read the forums ? "You" must want 'sploding heads, Nuclear 'splosion launching catapults, and "immursion", right? See how that works? Don't expect everyone to agree with you when you suggest something. People are nifty like that - We all have differing opinions on what makes Fallout great. The BoS and Enclave should not play a major role since they're practically wiped out. You want more of the same factions? Why not introduce new factions? Who wants the same fucking factions over and over again? I tell you who – Uncreative people.
Why revisit old plot-lines anyway when so much can be done with new ones? It's not a horrible idea, but the way it was said was pretty assholish. Assuming that the entire NMA community is one way, is pretty fucking stupid, and it gets old after awhile. Most of your complaints about the originals are all based on graphics. You act as if the combat in the originals is inferior to Fallout 3. I guess you prefer Raiders charging at you with poolsticks while repeating the same dialog over and over again. You can always just eat some Cram to regain health if the kamikaze Raiders do hit you, so Fallout 3 has that tactical advantage that the originals never had. Yeah, aiming without having sights is so superior to isometric combat too. Why not completely remove all RPG elements from the game while we are at it? How did Fallout 1 and 2 have the same speech checks as Fallout 3? Fallout 3 hardly had any skill checks at all anyway when compared to the older titles and even New Vegas. A RPG game feeling too RP'ish? Yeah that sounds horrible.
No one denies that the originals had issues, but most of them are fixed with one mod, as opposed to needing over 80 to make Fallout 3 playable. I honestly hope Bethesda knocks Fallout 4 out of the park, so I would prefer if they focused on that.
Beavis said:FOvet said:Don't missunderstand, Walp. I want to see new FO games too--but in between games, I don't think it would hurt to remake the older ones. But the key is *so long as they don't screw it up* which is expecting a lot from Bethesda, I think. I love FO3, but I CAN see it's flaws. New Vegas was much better, and now I know why--Obsidion was involved with that one, according to what I've read. A remake would be much better by them, but even NV wasn't without its flaws.
Like I said though, in between 'main' fallout games, as long as they still work on those too, I don't see the problem in remakin the older games.
There's no reason they couldn't farm out FO1 and 2 remakes to Obsidian while they work on the new games
I would definitely like that if it was handled properly, but Bethesda treated Obsidian pretty shitty with New Vegas, so it might not work out.