The Courier
Blain is a pain.
Seriously, no one complained in New Vegas when you have Hardcore off and Arcade doesn't just drop dead from Cazador poison. From years and years of my companions dying due to mishaps, (Marcus's minigun, Ian being Ian, Dogmeat running headlong into a freshly launched Mininuke,) I'm pretty much okay with my companions being immortal. The combat in this series, turn-based or real-time, is always messy and difficult to keep track of. In a bad way. In that way where it is often technically impossible. Mainly modern Fallout, thanks to bethesda's utterly batshit-crazy AI.
Does anyone really care if your dog, a non-speaking, likely backgroundless character, (Unless they go the cool route and reference A Boy and His Dog) is incapable of biting the big one during one of the thousands of nuke-shelling clusterfucks? I mean, normally I HATE Bethesda's hard-on for Essential NPC's like Maven Black-Briar, whom I want dead, but this just seems innocuous in comparison.
Does anyone really care if your dog, a non-speaking, likely backgroundless character, (Unless they go the cool route and reference A Boy and His Dog) is incapable of biting the big one during one of the thousands of nuke-shelling clusterfucks? I mean, normally I HATE Bethesda's hard-on for Essential NPC's like Maven Black-Briar, whom I want dead, but this just seems innocuous in comparison.