I haven't finished DE:HR yet (although it feels like I'm close to the end), but I can already say it's not my favorite. they've done one hell of a job with this game and I never thought they could come so close the original in both gameplay and atmosphere (or even that they wanted to, I was for a long time under the impression that they wanted to somehow "renew" the series).
there are a few big flaws in this game, however. for one, even though I haven't finished the plot yet, it never really grabbed my attention and I could foresee most of the twists and turns miles ahead. it simply can't compare to the feeling you had when exploring the story in the original game. that "what the fuck is going on / holy shit that's awesome" factor just isn't there. still, this can change I guess. I shouldn't judge the story completely before finishing it.
second, most of the time the controls are great. I like the cover system a lot. and I'm so happy they've actually tried to make the game feel like a PC-game, not a console port. however, mouse-clicking and mouse-sensitivity is kinda fucked up in the menues. this is a problem that can hopefully be fixed, though.
my main gripe with the game is however the difficulty. again, I probably shouldn't judge the game yet since I'm playing on Normal and there are two higher leves of difficulty. hopefully enemies are smarter and not as oblivious as to what's happening around them (and clean their ears a bit) on higher difficulties. but what I don't expect to change is hacking and exploration. as for hacking, it was a bit challenging at first, but after levelling the hacking stealth augmentation and over-using quick-save/quick-load I'm currently at 50+ of stop and nuke viruses each and can hack anything, usually without even using the viruses. I haven't levelled the other hacking augs, except for the capture one. hacking is fun, but I wish there were more challenge in it and bigger rewards that a few xp here, a few creds there and a shitload of viruses.
and as for exploration, well... I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda feel like they've gone a bit too far with alternative paths. there's a path to EVERYTHING for EVERY type of character. which means no one gets excluded from anything. this might sound like a good thing, but to me it's a bit disappointing. I want to feel like I'm missing out on at least a few things based on my choice of augmentations. like I did in the original game. it makes me want to replay the game with a different set of skills/augs to see what I didn't see last time.
what all this boils down to is that, at least on normal difficulty, it feels like I could've gotten this far into the game without levelling any of my augmentations. I have a surplus of EVERYTHING, including praxis points. I'm actually withholding them because I don't want to be any better than I am at the moment. when I first read about the Stealth Enhancer augmentations I thought "cool, I'm gonna take that path" but I simply don't need them. I don't need to see how much noise I make because even when standing close enough for the enemy to hear me breathing, they don't notice me. and I certainly don't need to see their cones of vision, but I'm assuming that if I did, it would be more of a straight line than a cone. I didn't increase my number of energy slots at all before now, because I never felt like I needed them (I only did it now to waste my praxis points on something). I also thought the running/landing silently path sounded awesome, and upgraded it, but still haven't had any use of it whatsoever. the only thing I've felt necessary to upgrade is the inventory size, since my inventory is always full (unfortunately with things I barely use, but what can I say - I'm a hoarder), and the capture aug so I can hack anything.
and then there are a few other annoying details, that I guess I should be used to by now: including a sniper rifle, but forcing you to buy a special edition of the game to be able to get it silenced; if you get any of the special editions, you get awesome bonuses that simply make the game unbalanced - you don't even have to work for that silenced sniper rifle, you get it right from the start; having an NPC react on which path you're taking in a mission, bragging about it in previews... but only letting it happen at one single point in the entire game - gimmick much?; and finally, over-abundance of weapons, ammo, grenades, upgrades etc - in the original game you had to work for those upgrades, and for some of the weapons at least.
plus, the game is freakin ugly. and people whine about Alpha Protocol? compared to this, that game's a beauty. it certainly did better in facial animations and textures. and voice acting, for that matter.
other than that, the game is awesome. one of the best I've played in many years. but I think I'm gonna replay the original after this.