What is your favorite Deus Ex game

Which Deus Ex game is your favorite?

  • Deus Ex: Invisible War

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sabirah said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
[spoiler:76761f2948] India [/spoiler:76761f2948]

[spoiler:76761f2948]Jai Bharat, It's a male version of me!

But it would probably be a really racist and overtly negative depiction like in Slumdog Millionaire (I love that movie but come on) and that book Song of Kali[/spoiler:76761f2948]

Heh, actually I brought it up as it was initially planned.
So yeah, if it was planned, I want to see it.
Finally cast my vote in favor of Human Revolution. I don't know exactly why, the qualities I pointed out earlier are certainly a big part. It's not perfect, but it's closer to being than any game this year, and even the past one. GOTY 2011 for certain (what contenders are there remaining? maybe Arkham City, and even then. Skyrim? please), and a more than worthy addition in the franchise. I heard Eidos Montréal is expanding, and wish them much success with Theif 4 (stupid marketing leetspeak for the title aside). If I had to tell somebody why modern gaming can be as good as old-school classics if it wants, this would be the number one example.
I haven't finished DE:HR yet (although it feels like I'm close to the end), but I can already say it's not my favorite. they've done one hell of a job with this game and I never thought they could come so close the original in both gameplay and atmosphere (or even that they wanted to, I was for a long time under the impression that they wanted to somehow "renew" the series).

there are a few big flaws in this game, however. for one, even though I haven't finished the plot yet, it never really grabbed my attention and I could foresee most of the twists and turns miles ahead. it simply can't compare to the feeling you had when exploring the story in the original game. that "what the fuck is going on / holy shit that's awesome" factor just isn't there. still, this can change I guess. I shouldn't judge the story completely before finishing it.

second, most of the time the controls are great. I like the cover system a lot. and I'm so happy they've actually tried to make the game feel like a PC-game, not a console port. however, mouse-clicking and mouse-sensitivity is kinda fucked up in the menues. this is a problem that can hopefully be fixed, though.

my main gripe with the game is however the difficulty. again, I probably shouldn't judge the game yet since I'm playing on Normal and there are two higher leves of difficulty. hopefully enemies are smarter and not as oblivious as to what's happening around them (and clean their ears a bit) on higher difficulties. but what I don't expect to change is hacking and exploration. as for hacking, it was a bit challenging at first, but after levelling the hacking stealth augmentation and over-using quick-save/quick-load I'm currently at 50+ of stop and nuke viruses each and can hack anything, usually without even using the viruses. I haven't levelled the other hacking augs, except for the capture one. hacking is fun, but I wish there were more challenge in it and bigger rewards that a few xp here, a few creds there and a shitload of viruses.

and as for exploration, well... I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda feel like they've gone a bit too far with alternative paths. there's a path to EVERYTHING for EVERY type of character. which means no one gets excluded from anything. this might sound like a good thing, but to me it's a bit disappointing. I want to feel like I'm missing out on at least a few things based on my choice of augmentations. like I did in the original game. it makes me want to replay the game with a different set of skills/augs to see what I didn't see last time.

what all this boils down to is that, at least on normal difficulty, it feels like I could've gotten this far into the game without levelling any of my augmentations. I have a surplus of EVERYTHING, including praxis points. I'm actually withholding them because I don't want to be any better than I am at the moment. when I first read about the Stealth Enhancer augmentations I thought "cool, I'm gonna take that path" but I simply don't need them. I don't need to see how much noise I make because even when standing close enough for the enemy to hear me breathing, they don't notice me. and I certainly don't need to see their cones of vision, but I'm assuming that if I did, it would be more of a straight line than a cone. I didn't increase my number of energy slots at all before now, because I never felt like I needed them (I only did it now to waste my praxis points on something). I also thought the running/landing silently path sounded awesome, and upgraded it, but still haven't had any use of it whatsoever. the only thing I've felt necessary to upgrade is the inventory size, since my inventory is always full (unfortunately with things I barely use, but what can I say - I'm a hoarder), and the capture aug so I can hack anything.

and then there are a few other annoying details, that I guess I should be used to by now: including a sniper rifle, but forcing you to buy a special edition of the game to be able to get it silenced; if you get any of the special editions, you get awesome bonuses that simply make the game unbalanced - you don't even have to work for that silenced sniper rifle, you get it right from the start; having an NPC react on which path you're taking in a mission, bragging about it in previews... but only letting it happen at one single point in the entire game - gimmick much?; and finally, over-abundance of weapons, ammo, grenades, upgrades etc - in the original game you had to work for those upgrades, and for some of the weapons at least.

plus, the game is freakin ugly. and people whine about Alpha Protocol? compared to this, that game's a beauty. it certainly did better in facial animations and textures. and voice acting, for that matter.

other than that, the game is awesome. one of the best I've played in many years. but I think I'm gonna replay the original after this.
Aren't there three difficulty levels? Easy, Normal, And Hard? (Story, challenge, Deus Ex)

Also, this game is pretty goddamned pretty. Maybe your rig isn't so hot but it's fucking gorgeous for me.
He's got a point about facial animations. For all their blank stares, the NPCs in Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV at least didn't ceaselessly twitch around like ants are climbing up them when in conversation. Apart from that, yeah, I can't see how one could find Alpha Protocol prettier, especially since HR's art direction is flat-out superior.

About hacking, yeah, if you abuse quick-saves of course you are going to have an easy time, it's a minigame (a quite well designed one too imo), it's not supposed to be really hard. But no, as far as I can tell NPCs don't get smarter as difficulty goes up, only tougher. If you didn't invest in dermal upgrades/use HP boosts they almost insta-kill you on Deus Ex difficulty however (which is ironic for me, as JC Denton was far tougher than Jensen is, and overall I found the first game easier).
I'm just starting to play HR after a playthrough of the original, and first thing that is noticeable is the much smarter AI in HR. And it's giving me a much harder time than anything in the original ever did. I'd say, if they added a lighting system, the sneaking in the game would be almost as good as in the Thief series.

hacking is fun, but I wish there were more challenge in it and bigger rewards that a few xp here, a few creds there and a shitload of viruses.

I agree less with you and more with the Cynical Brit (his WTF on DX:HR persuaded me to try the game), that the rewards on hacking are already too much and even a bit restricting, to the point where it's a better choice to hack even if you have the codes - for the extra rewards. The same kind of goes for sneaking vs aggressive approach. I think the original game had that balanced better. Anyway, point is, any bigger minigame rewards would break the game. In fact, I'm almost positive a big part of the "unnecessary surplus" in XP you have comes from those extra rewards.

Also, this game is pretty goddamned pretty. Maybe your rig isn't so hot but it's fucking gorgeous for me.

Other than everything being in sepia, I absolutely agree. I'm running it with everything on medium and it's beautiful, can only imagine what it's like with everything maxed out.

EDIT: So HR has been great so far, but not the wild boss battle appears, and I feel like uninstalling the game forever. Whoever came up with a stupid idea of forced heavy-duty fighting bosses deserves to be strapped to a chair and forced to play those over and over again with a stealth character. It's really stupid how the game encourages you to be stealthy, but then forces open battles on you.
Ausdoerrt said:
I agree less with you and more with the Cynical Brit (his WTF on DX:HR persuaded me to try the game), that the rewards on hacking are already too much and even a bit restricting, to the point where it's a better choice to hack even if you have the codes - for the extra rewards. The same kind of goes for sneaking vs aggressive approach. I think the original game had that balanced better. Anyway, point is, any bigger minigame rewards would break the game. In fact, I'm almost positive a big part of the "unnecessary surplus" in XP you have comes from those extra rewards.

I didn't really make myself clear on that: I'd prefer more of a challenge AND bigger rewards, but only when you really earn them. like say, you might have to spend 10 or so nuke/stop viruses to get to that neat little package which will grant you something special. see what I'm getting at?

I'm well aware that the hacking gave me all the surplus xp and I can honestly say I hacked every single console/computer, even those I had a password for.

Ausdoerrt said:
So HR has been great so far, but not the wild boss battle appears, and I feel like uninstalling the game forever. Whoever came up with a stupid idea of forced heavy-duty fighting bosses deserves to be strapped to a chair and forced to play those over and over again with a stealth character. It's really stupid how the game encourages you to be stealthy, but then forces open battles on you.

yeah, the boss battles are a drag but like others have said before in this thread, they're not that hard if you just use some grenades. and stealth can definitely help you in the boss fights. they can't see you when you're cloaked. I beat the first boss by cloaking, changing position and shooting from cover.

so anyway, I completed the game last night and at a whole it was a very pleasant experience. I'm now replaying the original, but I'm gonna do one more playthrough of HR on the hardest difficulty later on. might try a more combat-oriented playing style then, since it seems combat is mainly what gets tougher. and if I don't max out hacking I won't get as much xp, I imagine. plus, it seems simply killing things nets you less xp than doing non-lethal takedowns.

speaking of which, I was wrong in my previous post - I was actually playing on Challenging, which was even more of a let down since it was so easy. at the end I had all but 3 or 4 augs maxed and still had praxis points to spend. I'm considering doing a playthrough without getting any augs, or at least as few as possible.

as for the graphics, yes the design is amazing and the environments are usually gorgeous, if a bit stale. and there are barely any environments that really stand out from the rest. any way, what I mean is mainly that characters are butt-fucking ugly, both animation and model wise. a lot of them are extremely disproportionate. and the textures are pretty bad for being a 2011 game. and all the sepia in the game is kind of annoying. I may exaggerate a bit, but honestly the game is pretty behind by todays standards. graphics aren't the most important thing, however. far from it.
Currently playing at the highest difficulty setting, and I can tell you, the amount of praxis points don't change. As long as you're more prone to the stealth approach, get a few Ghost (500+) and Smooth Operator (+250?) bonuses, you'll be swimming in praxis points. Most skills I took, I took for fun, up to the point where I had to do boss battles, then I seeped some into one or two necessary skills, like stealth and the anti-EMP thing.

What I do know, however, is that if you're planning to go all shooter style, you'll run into trouble fairly quickly on the highest difficulty. And you'll end up with considerably less XP. Whenever I did give it a shot, there was a fair chance of me ending up dead, and it usually ends up costing me a boatload of ammunition.

Thats one point of criticism I got. I don't like the way ammo works. You need to scavenge EVERYTHING, and every package gives you about 1-10 bullets, usually just a few, less than 5. Instead, they should've just gone with lesser, but bigger packages. That way, exploring would've been more rewarding, especially concerning areas that only few characters can reach (like those that got the jumping aug early, or the wall breaching thing). As its right now, I don't really care that I can't get through or over a certain wall if all there is behind it is another paltry 3 bullets.

A good shootout is still doable on Deus Ex difficulty, especially if you don't mind using some augs such as the stealth one, but that'll cost you quite some energy. And energy really isn't that easily available I think, especially since I want to save it up for boss fights rather than use it up on rooms upon rooms of grunts. So I end up playing pop-a-mole with a few secs of stealth to pull off some quick headshots. Although that ended up getting difficult as well now that people have started to wear medieval bucket helmets, or diving helmets, or whatever the hell those Harvesters use...

I wonder whether there is even enough ammunition in the game to actually go play it as a straight shooter with some added skills. I usually try headshots from stealth if I resort to a gun, but whenever things get hectic bullet depletion runs up really high.
speaking of which, I was wrong in my previous post - I was actually playing on Challenging, which was even more of a let down since it was so easy. at the end I had all but 3 or 4 augs maxed and still had praxis points to spend. I'm considering doing a playthrough without getting any augs, or at least as few as possible.

"Give me a Challenge" = Normal difficulty.

yeah, the boss battles are a drag but like others have said before in this thread, they're not that hard if you just use some grenades. and stealth can definitely help you in the boss fights. they can't see you when you're cloaked. I beat the first boss by cloaking, changing position and shooting from cover.

And apparently they're very vulnerable to stun, as I now found out. Still, the boss design is the absolute opposite of the design for the rest of the game - they're basically typical action-gamey one-trick battles, where there is one way to cream the boss, and every other course of action leads to trouble. For example, the four explosive barrels at the first boss are just about enough to kill him, all in under a minute and with barely any damage taken. That kind of design is fine in a slasher like, say, Devil May Cry, where you know you're supposed to find the enemy's weak point and exploit it, but feels inappropriate for a game that's supposed to promote freedom of gameplay choice. Anyway, /rant.

Thats one point of criticism I got. I don't like the way ammo works. You need to scavenge EVERYTHING, and every package gives you about 1-10 bullets, usually just a few, less than 5. Instead, they should've just gone with lesser, but bigger packages. That way, exploring would've been more rewarding, especially concerning areas that only few characters can reach (like those that got the jumping aug early, or the wall breaching thing). As its right now, I don't really care that I can't get through or over a certain wall if all there is behind it is another paltry 3 bullets.

OR, you could go to a merchant and just load up on the ammo you need, easy. The size of the package seems commensurate with the size of the clip and/or max amount of ammo you can stack. Lastly, my impression was that scavenging was even more important in the original Deus Ex, especially if you tended to rely on specific weapons, and it was quite common even late in the game to waste several lockpicks just to find another lockpick or a useless medkit behind the door.
I'm going to go with Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Deus Ex 1 I actually have super mixed opinions about. It was seriously buggy when I first played it, and the schizophrenic narrative and terrible voice acting really put me off in the age of Homeworld and Half-Life. As far as stealth-focused games where you can either approach it as a pacifist or a psychopath and having multiple points of ingress, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory scratched that itch for me (granted, it did come out 5 years later).

And honestly, even though I'm going to take quite a bit of flak for this, I don't much care for dice-rolls in a game that's 1st/3rd person and/or involves guns. As a big caveat, I'm perfectly fine with it in actual cRPGs like Fallout 1 and 2, Neverwinter Nights, and Planescape Torment and I wouldn't have them any other way.
On the subject of boss fights, the second in my mind was *almost* bearable or even good I dare say. It had you up against an interesting character (who unfortunately got zero development in the game), the atmosphere was great, and the mix of the audio of the song and [spoiler:69f163aa60]Eliza chiming in
[/spoiler:69f163aa60] did give it a sense of tension. It was just that the execution of the design of the fight was completely divorced from the creative/narrative side.
Ausdoerrt said:
speaking of which, I was wrong in my previous post - I was actually playing on Challenging, which was even more of a let down since it was so easy. at the end I had all but 3 or 4 augs maxed and still had praxis points to spend. I'm considering doing a playthrough without getting any augs, or at least as few as possible.

"Give me a Challenge" = Normal difficulty.

oh, right. for some reason I remembered there being 4 levels of difficulty. sorry bout that.

anyway, done with the first two missions in the original now and god damnit I love this game. the graphics are horrendously dated and I didn't have much luck using mods to enhance them, but you get used to it.

the AI is really bad, but it can still be a lot harder to sneak around than in HR simply because you have no radar to tell you where the enemies are, and if they see you they react right away instead of just thinking they might have seen something. also, the big open areas are a lot more fun to explore.
More like:

Give Me A Story = Very Easy mode
Give Me A Challenge = Easy mode
Give Me Deus Ex = Normal mode
On the subject of boss fights, the second in my mind was *almost* bearable or even good I dare say.

That'd be nice if I actually got to see it. For me, she died in under 30 seconds, after I used Typhoon 3 times in a row (decided to invest into some combat skills, finally). Just shows how poorly these fights are designed.

the AI is really bad, but it can still be a lot harder to sneak around than in HR simply because you have no radar to tell you where the enemies are, and if they see you they react right away instead of just thinking they might have seen something. also, the big open areas are a lot more fun to explore.

Actually, IIRC, there was a "I think I saw/heard something" mechanic in the original, just more primitive. I still find that sneaking was a piece of cake most of the time in Deus Ex, because of the dumb AI with a visual range of something like 2 in-game meters. About half the time you can just sneak in from the FRONT and then close in for a stun without them raising the alarm. That just doesn't fly in HR, they'd spot you across the room, sometimes even from a walkway above/below. Also, I recall hardly any instances in DX where you had to sneak past large groups of enemies. The news agency and the Alice Pods sequences in HR were quite challenging.

the graphics are horrendously dated and I didn't have much luck using mods to enhance them, but you get used to it.

I used the one called "new vision" or something, worked pretty well.

More like:

Give Me A Story = Very Easy mode
Give Me A Challenge = Easy mode
Give Me Deus Ex = Normal mode

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpFj6ocje2Q :roll:
After finished HR, I have the urge to go and replay Deus Ex again.

In terms of gameplay, Deus Ex has better. In terms of story, HR is better (and some cool artwork too).

I am still trying to wipe out the memory of playing DE:IW...it is a horrible horrible experience.
zioburosky13 said:
In terms of gameplay, Deus Ex has better. In terms of story, HR is better (and some cool artwork too).

I kind of felt the opposite.
The gameplay in DE HR felt more fluid in general, though I still miss that skills and augmentations are one, and a lack of consumables.
And the AI of enemies was of course better.

But on the other hand I found the levels and storyline of Deus Ex 1 far superior to that of DE HR.
I really missed the conspiracy stuff from DE1 as it gave it its flavor.
Of course I do not want them to ret con DE1 by spoiling stuff in advance but a lot more could have been done to include some more.
a lack of consumables.

?? There's a plenty of consumables in DX:HR. :/

I really missed the conspiracy stuff from DE1 as it gave it its flavor.

I kind of felt that the conspiracy stuff in DX was way over the top, and comedic in its trying to be serious about it. If there's anything that HR did wrong about it, is that it failed to incorporate it into the story in any meaningful way. It felt like the mentions served little other purpose than to be "references" to the original. So you may be right about that.

Anyway, just finished HR, and aside from the laughable boss battles, the game is quite good. I did enjoy the character development system in DX more, but I'd say HR is better than DX both as an RPG (actual dialogue choices, full-fledged side-quests, VtMB-esque hubs), and as an FPS (better enemy AI, much better gunplay overall). Things I missed most in HR were dismemberment and limb damage. I think I liked both games about equally, for different reasons; both had their flaws, too, so neither is a candidate for a favorite of mine.

One thing that's been bothering me about HR, in the underground secret base at the news station, both the eye in the pyramid and the hand over globe symbols are prominently displayed. What I don't get is, what's the latter doing there? I though it was MJ12's symbol?
Ausdoerrt said:
I kind of felt that the conspiracy stuff in DX was way over the top, and comedic in its trying to be serious about it.

Same here. They made this really cool future world with elements of noir and spy movies, then everything gets really silly and bad after you break out of the laboratory in china. HR still had some conspiracy stuff, but it was more about the Transhumanism (a thing that I never knew about until now) and the singularity (ditto) and the conspiracy stuff was less noticeable
Truth be told, then I think you (Ausdoerrt), and Sabirah kind of missed the point with Deus Ex, because the conspiracy stuff, how silly or over the top it sometimes was, was part of what makes Deus Ex Deus Ex.

In that way I feel that Deus Ex Human Revolution has been 'lowered' in order to appeal to more people.
Now I am not asking that extreme ridiculous stuff like 'Hollow Earth' theory, or Nazis on the moon, or Hitler surviving through cloning would be incorporated, but it seems to me the major appeal to you was that the game was a cyberpunk corporate thriller.
Calling the game Deus Ex would not even be necessary nor the references to Deus Ex.

As for consumables, I did not mean snacks but stuff like expendable combat armor, hazard suits, and that sort of stuff that was included in Deus Ex 1 for gamers who did not invest skills or augmentation points in such abilities.

Something that should have been a consumable, a hacking device that allows you to hack computers, doors etc, was removed from the basic DE HR game, to be only included in deluxe editions.

I think gamers who would prefer to play a non hacker would have loved to have this item in the regular game editions, they are now forced to invest into hacker skills which sort of goes against the spirit of the original game in which any type of player (action, hacker, stealth) could continue the game.