I feel compelled to voice my opinion on the newest Deus Ex game, and it looks like I am in a minority. I hated the @$#% out of this game. I loved the first two, and I know many hated the second one,but I could not make myself like or continue to play this game.
They seemed to have dumbed down the gameplay to the point where I cannot enjoy it. Was it just me or were there hardly any interactive items laying around like in the original? I hated the plotline to death. The story simply cannot compete with the original in my humble opinion, but that is just me.
They seemed to have dumbed down the gameplay to the point where I cannot enjoy it. Was it just me or were there hardly any interactive items laying around like in the original? I hated the plotline to death. The story simply cannot compete with the original in my humble opinion, but that is just me.