What is your favorite Deus Ex game

Which Deus Ex game is your favorite?

  • Deus Ex: Invisible War

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  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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The boss fights aren't a big deal. most of them can be defeated with a mix of stun gun + 10mm pistol if you have some capacity to aim. It sucks that they all mostly just put you in a small room and say "Fight this dude", and don't give you much of a choice in your options, but every boss has some envrionmental features to make it easier and generally some weapons lying around to help you. Hell, most bosses can't take more than four frag grenades on normal, and maybe twenty or thirty 10mm pistol shots to the head, tops. Dunno if the non-lethal grenades do much in the line of damage. With the visual protection aug and stun grenades (which are plentiful) it's pretty easy to take 'em down. Atleast it's not like Metal Gear where if you want a nonlethal kill you have to either shoot them in the head with a pistol or try to snipe them point blank with a mosin-nagant.

Other than those boss fights, the random, pre rendered shitty cutscenes are the only parts of this game I don't love. I love exploring, i love finding new paths, and I love getting from point A to point B without people knowing I was even there. Getting the "Ghost' award (Not being seen by anybody) is so fucking satisfying.
well one of the best parts about Deus Ex 1 ...

Wintermind said:
I love exploring, i love finding new paths, and I love getting from point A to point B without people knowing I was even there. Getting the "Ghost' award (Not being seen by anybody) is so fucking satisfying.

Yeah, I haven't gotten to the second "boss" yet so that gives you an idea how far I am. I have almost 40 hours in the game as I really take my time and rarely use the "run" mode. I can't believe people play games like this super fast; I always played the original extremely patiently and slow too. BECAUSE I'M A REAL SPY GODDAMMIT.


Anyway, it's sort of a mixed bag on the pathfinding tip. It's not as open as the original, and I'm kind of getting sick of my completionist tendencies showing me that the all the shit I went through to get to an area could have been easily circumvented by...wait for it...another vent. I think they went a little overboard with that shit. It sort of takes a nice chunk of challenge right out from the heart of the game. Still, that's a fairly minor complaint and I've heard the middle to end of the game gets better regarding this.
Apparently the boss fights were outsourced to another studio, might explain the dissonance between them and the actual game. Also, the first two bosses can be defeated without firing a weapon, although you need patience and the right Augmentation for the second one.

And yeah, the circumventing is less present later on. You will have to use pretty heavy stealth; in perticular, the last two levels had me retry a bunch of times not to be seen, it was gratyfying to bypass all those carefully guarded rooms.

EDIT: kinda related and because I tought it was a pretty cool video; http://kotaku.com/5834965/the-eyeborg-matches-up-real-cyborgs-against-deus-ex

A video of actual Augmentation in real life, and comparisons to those in HR. We seem to not be that far off.
Yeah, I used only gas canisters and barrels against Barret. After finding out after about 5 reloads that my stun and tranq darts weren't doing shit.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Its like saying that you like Fallout but would prefer less of the 50's retro future stuff.

I would.

Due to the isometric nature of the original Fallouts, I never felt like the 1950s vibe was rammed down my throat like in the modern titles. Aside from the opening cinematics and sense of 50s camp parody throughout the manual, I felt like the actual game world was more akin to a Mad Max distopia and was drawn to the game due to its liberal mixing of time periods (tribals to Enclave).

'Course, nowadays I can tell that perhaps Black Isles held a vision of the world akin to Bethesda's approach (where the 20s-to-1950s is dripping off the walls) but I still don't feel the originals necessarily felt weighed down with that theme.

As To Deus Ex

I loved the original, almost as much as I loved Fallout, but this is the rare occasion when the heir to the throne leaves its predecessor in the dust. Nostalgia is fine at times and Deus Ex 1 was exceptional on paper.. but, as Ilosar said on the first page, it lacks the sense of execution and presentation HR carries.

I still like it, however, and am even replaying it concurrently with HR.
Anarchosyn said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Its like saying that you like Fallout but would prefer less of the 50's retro future stuff.

I would.

Due to the isometric nature of the original Fallouts, I never felt like the 1950s vibe was rammed down my throat like in the modern titles. Aside from the opening cinematics and sense of 50s camp parody throughout the manual, I felt like the actual game world was more akin to a Mad Max distopia and was drawn to the game due to its liberal mixing of time periods (tribals to Enclave).

'Course, nowadays I can tell that perhaps Black Isles held a vision of the world akin to Bethesda's approach (where the 20s-to-1950s is dripping off the walls) but I still don't feel the originals necessarily felt weighed down with that theme.

Actually I was comparing Deus Ex 1 with the original Fallout, not Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas.
I meant the original Fallout without any of the retro future stuff.
Ilosar said:
EDIT: kinda related and because I tought it was a pretty cool video; http://kotaku.com/5834965/the-eyeborg-matches-up-real-cyborgs-against-deus-ex
Did you saw the research about "artificial/synthetic" muscles once ?

I mean while the augmentations/prostheses we have today are somewhat impressive maybe in the future they might come up with things and ideas which will even top things we imagine today. It has been a while that I have read about it. But the "idea" behind those artificial muscles is pretty well ... interesting. It is based on Electroactive polymers and some german engineers thought about it for muscles.

Who knows what kind of marvels we will see in the next 50 years ...
Not very far into the game but I'm liking it. I don't think I'll like it more than the original because I feel more restricted in terms of options. The one thing that's definitevely better is that you can choose directly the augmentations instead of having to find the right canister (I always thought it was a dumb design choice).

What I DON'T like is the italian dubbing: the voices are good, often even great, but there's absolutely no attempt at lip shynching. Nada, zero, niente. The characters talk with their mouth shuts and there are pauses when their mouths move. And of course there's no option for the english dub (but there's the french one, well, wow). *sigh*
^that's why I always buy games online or shipp them with amazon, I don't knwo how the Italian dub is but it can't be worse than the SPanish dub, tey make it in Spain, (despite the fact that the biggest spanish speaking audience is in Latino America) and the acting and voices all suck terribly, and the translation is wonky to say the least. Only good Spanish dub for a game I have ever seen is the one for Kane and Lynch 1.
It was an impulse purchase, I wasn't planning to buy it. To be fair, though, translations are almost always well done and dubs are consistently above average (Fallout 3 was an exception on both things :\). And DE:HR is no exception, it's just the syncronization that is completely off, which is a weird flaw that I've never ever witnessed before in any other game. Mah.
Walpknut said:
^that's why I always buy games online or shipp them with amazon, I don't knwo how the Italian dub is but it can't be worse than the SPanish dub, tey make it in Spain, (despite the fact that the biggest spanish speaking audience is in Latino America) and the acting and voices all suck terribly, and the translation is wonky to say the least. Only good Spanish dub for a game I have ever seen is the one for Kane and Lynch 1.

That's weird seeing how many people across the world speak Spanish.

Almost like hoe the Hindi version of Slumdog Millionaire was really bad
DE1 > DE3:HR
DE2 doesn't exist.

I hope they make a DE4 that is set between DE3 and DE1 and you get to play Paul Denton. Paul obviously has been in the force way longer than JC.

Since Versalife's trials for Adam were so succesful, it would make sense that Paul and JC are from continuation of the same research. A game with Paul could link the events of DE3 to DE1 better than what has been done now.
Hmm personally I would like a sequel that takes place after Invisible War.
Not all the gaps need to be filled, as Deus Ex would then feel like the Metal Gear Solid franchise.

But what I really would like is to see complete new franchises and that Deus Ex is left alone as I fear it would other wise decline into another tired and stupid series.

A Deus Ex 1 remake would sound nice on paper but I fear any attempt by most current studios and mentality would probably end up disastrous.
I just don't trust them.
I'd hate to open a can of worms but here goes

(in spoiler tags) what ending do you guys think is cannon

[spoiler:c67312d18b]I'm 90% sure it is the self destruct one, but maybe that's because I like that one the most[/spoiler:c67312d18b]
[spoiler:545d0ad6e3]Taggart's is possible too, since it basically opens the way for the Illuminati to do their things. Darrow's is implausible since there are mechano-augs in Deus Ex (admitedly far less than in HR) and Sarif's is the most unlikely, else way more people would have augs in Deus Ex 1. I personally liked the self-destruct and Sarif the most, basically because the speeches for the two others made Jensen either a sheep or an extremist (the Darrow ending implies he removed his own arm, I mean damn). But yes self-destruct is most likely canon since there is no mention of any important HR characters in Deus Ex, for obvious reasons.[/spoiler:545d0ad6e3]
The game gets better and worse in some areas. After the second boss fight there's an area where you both a get a moment of "Oh fuck me" if you pay attention. It's subtle and when I saw it I realized I made a mistake.

Oh, and the boss fights and the cutscenes were not done by Eidos. You can blame Square-Enix for shitty, stupid cutscenes (with dumb Jensen in said cutscenes) and them and maybe someone else (Not sure) for all the terrible fights.

Eidos actually wanted [spoiler:aa9bcea66a]kill phrases for all the bosses, like in DE1, but they didn't get that.[/spoiler:aa9bcea66a]

For reference, you can shoot all the bosses in the face repeatedly with real bullets and they don't count against being a pacifist. So just carry a 10mm pistol with you and stock pile ammo for the bosses.
[spoiler:0b3c0164ca]The bosses and some of the cutscenes were really a let down IMO, and the fact that Eidos Montreal wanted add kill phrases or perhaps other ways to beat them through non confrontational ways is inexcusable.[/spoiler:0b3c0164ca]

I know I often complain that I can not wait for a game, but in this case I could have waited another couple of months if it had meant that this was changed and

[spoiler:0b3c0164ca]Upper Heng Sha, Montreal, and India hubs had been added[/spoiler:0b3c0164ca]
The Dutch Ghost said:
[spoiler:6625857c53] India [/spoiler:6625857c53]

[spoiler:6625857c53]Jai Bharat, It's a male version of me!

But it would probably be a really racist and overtly negative depiction like in Slumdog Millionaire (I love that movie but come on) and that book Song of Kali[/spoiler:6625857c53]
Well, they handled China rather well.

The only really racist thing was that informant in Detroit.

And that was really more of a 'somebody on the team should've said something' kind of racist.

But yeah, to make things easier during a pacifist run, I ran with a shotgun until I picked up a revolver.

[spoiler:3d93f8527f]The fight with Jaron went like this.


Me: Argh!

Jaron: I am behind you now, punching you with fists and plasma!

Me: *Frag grenade*


Me: *fire 7 exploding .357 magnum rounds into Jaron's face*

Jaron: ARGH, I will stay alive just long enough to taunt you *death*
