Vault Senior Citizen

The boss fights aren't a big deal. most of them can be defeated with a mix of stun gun + 10mm pistol if you have some capacity to aim. It sucks that they all mostly just put you in a small room and say "Fight this dude", and don't give you much of a choice in your options, but every boss has some envrionmental features to make it easier and generally some weapons lying around to help you. Hell, most bosses can't take more than four frag grenades on normal, and maybe twenty or thirty 10mm pistol shots to the head, tops. Dunno if the non-lethal grenades do much in the line of damage. With the visual protection aug and stun grenades (which are plentiful) it's pretty easy to take 'em down. Atleast it's not like Metal Gear where if you want a nonlethal kill you have to either shoot them in the head with a pistol or try to snipe them point blank with a mosin-nagant.
Other than those boss fights, the random, pre rendered shitty cutscenes are the only parts of this game I don't love. I love exploring, i love finding new paths, and I love getting from point A to point B without people knowing I was even there. Getting the "Ghost' award (Not being seen by anybody) is so fucking satisfying.
Other than those boss fights, the random, pre rendered shitty cutscenes are the only parts of this game I don't love. I love exploring, i love finding new paths, and I love getting from point A to point B without people knowing I was even there. Getting the "Ghost' award (Not being seen by anybody) is so fucking satisfying.