Now I am not asking that extreme ridiculous stuff like 'Hollow Earth' theory, or Nazis on the moon, or Hitler surviving through cloning would be incorporated, but it seems to me the major appeal to you was that the game was a cyberpunk corporate thriller.
Assuming that Illuminati is any less ridiculous than Nazis on the moon etc. Just because it defines Deus Ex for some people, doesn't mean I need to appreciate it or "miss the point". You can easily have a cyberpunk corporate thriller without over-the-top conspiracy theories - see Ghost in the Shell.
As for consumables, I did not mean snacks but stuff like expendable combat armor, hazard suits, and that sort of stuff that was included in Deus Ex 1 for gamers who did not invest skills or augmentation points in such abilities.
I personally found those pretty useless, you had to invest into the skill to use them to make them actually last for a significant amount of time. Plus they didn't stack, and took up inventory space. Anyway, HR was obviously not designed with those in mind, and frankly I never missed them. In HR, most of such obstacles are simply shorter, easier alternate routes unlike DX.
I think gamers who would prefer to play a non hacker would have loved to have this item in the regular game editions, they are now forced to invest into hacker skills which sort of goes against the spirit of the original game in which any type of player (action, hacker, stealth) could continue the game.
The original spirit of the game has already been screwed over by boss battles, which tell you you better invest into combat skills OR ELSE. A non-hacking character is absolutely feasible, though, since all "important" doors are security rating 1. Challenging, since you'd be constantly short on XP and money, and missing out on some side-quests, but doable. Especially since often enough you can just find codes or alternate routes. I do agree that stuff in the special edition should've been in the full game - not so much concerned about the silenced sniper (tranquilizer's just as good) or grenade launcher (smaller faster rocket basically, with next to no ammo available.), but I see no reason for the AUDs not to be there. Those are for locks only though, computers still have to be done by hand.