fucking cold, wet & windy.
ffs... feels like autumn already.
ffs... feels like autumn already.
winter 186,8 l/m²fallout ranger said:How much rain do you get annually there?
SuAside said:do your own math dude, i already had to look this crap up for you, you do the rest... we are just fine using LOGICAL measurings.
cant help if you guys use some fucked up imperial crap.
and yes... m² are cubic meters. you know, mathematical notation?
oh, right... square then. (sorry, i'm tired)fallout ranger said:m2 is squared, not cubed.
water freezes at 0°c. that's all you need to remember.sickfuck_diablo said:76 degrees, I dont know what that is in them fancy pants metric numbers.
SuAside said:the m² denotes the area/surface in which the rain drops fall. and from there they are of course routed to a reservoir, which has a volume (liter). if you only have a volume, how can you know the quantity dropped per surface unit?
of course, they dont actually use a square meter to measure it, but they recalculate it to a square meter for easier later calculations.