What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?

dark_friend13 said:
It was said that ammo would be scarce, so more mellee weapons would be needed. I loved the Pulse tech in FO2, We need something to the affect of a super sledge hammer that does pulse damage... 8)

Why does this sound suspisciously like a "Hammer of Thunderbolts" from Baldur's Gate II???? Because only in Fantasy RPGs are you allowed to apply oddball damage types to random weapons. What would be the purpose? You're already hitting him with a big freakin' hammer, why shock him too?

I do think that for all the damage types some were under-represented. Fire especially, since only the two flamethrowers actually did fire damage. A TAZER would be a great electrical melee weapon. Tracer bullets should deal some fire damage (2-5 points or so). So should molotov cocktails. The do NOT explode.

Something I see a lot in older science fiction is the "Death Ray" that does damage through some sort of energy. The question is how would this "ray" damage be factored in to armor since all damage in Fallout is of a specifice type. Maybe this should be the "Death Ray" gimmick. It bypasses armor DR or DT or both. For game balance it would have to either show up late when the PC could suck a few hits from it, or have a short range, high consumption of energy, or some of all three.

AFAIK "death rays" are plausible as RADAR-energy weapons; RADAR energy is lethal and destructive, so a "Death Ray" fits the bill as "Science!" being only suitable miniaturization of real tech as opposed to some total bullshit gobledygook. I believe the right kind of insulator or shielding can offer some protection.
:roll: This might be a bad idea, but why not go with the flail of ages theme, you get a polyupgradeable weapon at some point in the game and then you have to find all of the upgrades to make it the best melee/throwing weapon in the game.
A golden dual minigun with a built-in rocketlauncher/flamethrower and mp3 player. Headphones included, naturally.
I would like to see swords. Katana, broadsword, rapier...... don't care. Just wanna see swords.
Why does this sound suspisciously like a "Hammer of Thunderbolts" from Baldur's Gate II???? Because only in Fantasy RPGs are you allowed to apply oddball damage types to random weapons. What would be the purpose? You're already hitting him with a big freakin' hammer, why shock him too?

Sorry, man. never played bolder's gate. the idea came from a conglomeration of several ideas. I liked the "ripper" form FO1&2 but it lacked. The super sledge was good but it was a bitch to wield, due to the need of a good melee skill. The Pulse guns did the most damage of all the energy weapons (and it was cool seeing people fry like that). Yeah, I used to play D&D, but lost interest when the dungeons got repetitive. My main craracter "Akuma" (translation: Demon) had a Shock-Blade. Basicly it was the sword form of the Ripper. *shrug* And as to how you would deal the damage with DT/DR... use the same or similar properites as the ripper... Reason for this weapon: Sulik. He was great as a melle character but I was honestly dissapointed when he had had the SSH for three level-ups and was still doing only 20 damage to dogs and civilians. In FO3 the Melee Weapons guy needs to be more able or we need to give him better weapons...

Also, swords would seem realistic for FO3. I mean, you already have a Wakazashi, which is the japanese shortsword, and the historical primitives used large blades. since many societies have gone back to thier primal roots, and the ready matirials for blades versus bullets. I see logic in it... But at the same time we wanna keep this from becoming some computer version d20 wannabe futuristic RPG that can't let go of the past, eh?[/quote]
It's been discussed before, and general concensus is that swords in Fallout are a bad idea. Think about it - how would a sword come to exist in a post-apocalyptic wasteland? Who would make it? A blacksmith? Nah, blacksmiths don't exist anymore. A metalworker? Perhaps, but where would a metalworker learn to manufacture a good, balanced sword? Correct me if I'm wrong, but swords have kind of fallen out of use in the past several centuries, so chances of finding someone capable of forging a sword in the post-nuclear wasteland are negligible at best. A metalworker might be able to fashion an axe, a knife, a saw, a pipe or even a simple gun, but a sword? Nah.

Alright, suppose there is a metalworker somewhere in the wasteland who for some reason has mastered the long-forgotten skill of forging an obsolete weapon. But then another question must be asked - why on Earth would anyone in the post-apocalyptic wasteland want to wield a sword? I mean, one would have no way of learning even the basics of fencing except from personal experience, which means his starting skill would be -20 at best. Furthermore, what can one do with a sword? Slay a bunch of raiders? If we go with the assumption that shotgun-wielding raiders will stand around not shooting while a screaming moron with a bladed weapon is charging at them, then yeah, a sword sound like a good combat weapon. But if we take into account that the player's enemies normally have an IQ higher than 80 and that even those who prefer melee weapons pose a much greater threat to the player with their knives / hammers / spears than the player with his -20 swordsmanship skill does to them, the conclusion is inevitable: sword is a weapon only suited for combat, and even there it's inferior to other melee weapons because it is wielded by inept hands. A sword doesn't chop wood, skin animals, sharpen sticks, hammer nails or break down doors. In other words, a sword is useless in all non-combat applications and any sane adventurer would carry an axe, hammer, crowbar or knife instead.

P.S. Wazakashi and katana would be so hopelessly out of place in the Fallout setting that they would make even Monty Python references seem canonic.
The only way you could make it reasonable to possess a sword in FO would be by finding one in either a fencing school or in someone's home. Either way, unlikely.

And, as Graz'zt said, how would you learn to use it effectively?
I think post-nuclear swords, if at all, would be more like a seax (the long ones, not the short ones), or a machete, to use the modern equivalent.

They were used as tools and weapons (the shorter ones served as kitchen knives, the longer ones as machetes) and pretty crude and front-heavy in comparison to the classical European broadsword.
They had a long edge and a short one on the back (covering only the foremost bit to form something remotely similar to a point).

I'd consider those to be "big knives" rather than actual swords, tho, but they would probably be the only kind of "sword" that would make sense in a post-nuclear scenario (where decent combat training would be pretty scarce), although only so in areas where there are at least SOME trees left.

Considering the specific style Fallout emulates, tho, trees and swords seem to be mostly out of question -- the latter more so than the former; as has been pointed out on several occassions before.
swords? it's not the medieval times anymore.

Graz'zt said:
A sword doesn't chop wood, skin animals, sharpen sticks, hammer nails or break down doors. In other words, a sword is useless in all non-combat applications and any sane adventurer would carry an axe, hammer, crowbar or knife instead.
agree, but guess no one will chop the tree with an axe in the future if there's a chainsaw instead.

we already have regular knives and combat knives in the original fallout and the choice is pretty sufficient as for me. following your idea, ashmo, they would add something like a "long blade" but nothing more, 'coz more means worse in that case (at least as i think). simply, if you have too much weapons, you won't be able to decide which one to choose.

on the other hand, swords as tribal artifacts would fit in the fo2 setting, but anyway hope you won't be a tribal in fo3.
So you decided to read the first lines until you saw the word "swords" and then post a bandwagon reply bashing swords without adding anything to the discussion at all?

GTFO, n00b.

BTW, chainsaws don't run on love and hot air. They require fuel. Electrical batteries are scarce and gasoline is almost exhausted. What do you intend to use as fuel then? Brahmin poo?

Oh, and swords won't fit the FO setting. Ever. This is not negotiable. Don't let the Rosh bite you.
right, that was my fault. i haven't read all the topics yet, after all i'm new here. if you found my post useless, just ignore it.

and what about using chainsaws, it was only a suggestion.
dark_friend13 said:
In FO3 the Melee Weapons guy needs to be more able or we need to give him better weapons...
The melee guy is always going to be at a disadvantage with so much ammunition and working guns around. The way to increase the effectiveness of melee (or unarmed) is simply to reduce the amount of 'stuff' available not give melee weapons silly attacks.
In fact, I think it's silly to make the melee character effective at all, it's just not logic.
There is after all a reason why we no longer run around clubing each other instead of using guns and rifles :roll:
Unless AMMO is scare in F3, weilding a melee weapon like sword is actually quite reasonable. If you had watched Mad Max: Road Warrior you will know what I mean. I was shocked when Max got his only 2 shells...

Or they could always use crossbow. Just like the movie which makes weilding melee weapon almost useless. :shock:
Ah, yes, an anime fanboy with a fetish for flashy Japanese bullshit swords, are we?

We went over the "swordlike object" discussion a couple of times already. If you cared, you could have spent some time actually reading the older threads rather than just dumping your mental diarrhea in this one.

Primitive projectile weapons have been discussed as well.
Ashmo said:
Primitive projectile weapons have been discussed as well.

Yeah. They aren't a bad idea. The whole "how the fuck did you know how to BUILD this?" comes into play though.

And a crossbow versus that odd fellow with the functional long range rifle? You lose, pretty much every time.
Unless you and him are wearing a kevlar suits, your crossbow bolt(piercing) goes through, but his rifles bullet(crushing) doesn't necessarily go.-> There should be DR/DT for both types of damage.
Actually, kevlar wouldn't do a damn thing against a crossbow bolt if you use a bladed or pointed tip. Kevlar is only good against high-velocity blunt objects, which is why many stupid cops got stabbed for asking a buddy to test their kevlar armor with a boot knife.

So then we'd also have to think about where kevlar would come from in Fallout's universe as well. :D
Crossbow and bow weapon are actually quite easy to make. The bolt can be reused.

And if I want to survive in the waste, the first thing I won't left behind will be a simple yet effective weapon --- a butter knife eh I mean sharp knife. It's very handy to have a knife around with you. You can cut cactus to get water, skin the animal and rob other travellers :lol: (unless they have guns..)