Vault Maker said:
A few Texas ideas spring to mind:
I bet there would still be a glow coming off of Pantex, the nuclear weapon assembly plant:
Love this bit. Dutch Ghost, if you saw the map (and ideas) I put in the other thread, you'll notice I put a rad zone (aka: bombed) over Amarillo just because it looks a bit well populated in comparison to the surrouding counties; now we got a real badass reason for the bombing, and the citystate of Panhandle - or whatever new name it has - could salvage the place, thus getting strong like Lone Star, Killeen and Union.
Just to be sure, let me repost the stuff in here:
Dutch, you are in for a treat now (big image below):
[spoiler:952f2c2c1b]Damn, forgot to add: the black arrows point the influx of salvage. That city in the northwast does incursions over Dallas; those two southeastern ones do it over Austin and San Antonio. Who salvages Houston? God only knows, it's too far into the radiation zones. Maybe the robots...?

Or even people at the other side, if it exists!
I chose these small cities to be the ones who eventually grows into the independent members of the Texas Confederation (numbers are population today):
- 2,452 Panhandle
1,201 Fort Davis
2,673 Tahoka
2,641 Quannah
2,936 Big Lake (renamed Lone Star)
1,182 Rocksprings (renamed Killeen)
2,034 Albany
Took this from:
Chose these because they not only are small but are in the less populated half of Texas, meaning it wasn't bombed (or not as bombed as the other), as per this map:
Lone Star Republic
Big Lake, being near a rad free big lake,as the name suggest, had it easier than Shady Sands. Ths, became Lone Star, as back then they thought to be the last remaining lucky bastards in Texas, maybe the entire US or even the world; they found the other cities later but the name was already stickied. Thank God they're not too expansionist (or had tougher nuts to crack, as the other cities here are strong).
People's Republic Killeen
I don't like the name, but since you said chinese guys took control early, the homage to their motherland is ok. People's City Killeen could ring better, since there are so many republics already, plus they could feel part of China in the first days, so naming it People's City could point to the idea of them wanting to join China, had it survived and invaded US (one can dream, why could they not?)
Anyway... Killeen is like you said, but those prisoners escaped from detention camps between Austin and San Antonio (lucky bastards, look at those places now!). Their business is centered in salvaging pre-war assets from the ruins of those metropolis, which only strenghtened the military roots you said they have.
Tensions between them and Lone Star are all you said: mistrust + different ways (not necessarily opposed). They also have disputes over salvaging San Anatonio - sometimes armed, and mediated by the other cities - with the nameless city to the south.
The Union
Let's call it this for now (you change it if you want, it's your setting; these are just ideas, you asked for them).
This one, btw, was founded by people who fled from Hebbronville, Loredo, Cotulla and San Diego. The reason? Dunno, get you fat ass working mofo, and give us a cool reason ASAP. The name "The Union" is kinda good, since it refers to them coming from those old cities and uniting to survive.
Oh, they sometimes try something into The Corpse, and there are disputes between them, too. Could be attempts of anexation, or pressure for pre-war assets, maybe even slaves/raider/etc activity coming from The Corpse, if you make it into a place of bad reputation; again, your choice.
Fort Davis
I don't like having the BoS yet again, I can't believe they (and Enclave) where the only remnants of the US army that survived with PA and stuff. I suggest you use Fort Davis (also a city state, the westernmost up there) to make another surviving branch of the army, something like BoS (excuse for some PA in game, hehe) but also very different:
* they are open to the civilians who show most potential in trials (once every year). they want to boost ranks, but don't let anyone in, only those with potential (WBoS takes no one, while EBoS takes anyone). these trials are not only for combat, but to bring in people with INT or CHA 10, for example, as everyone can bu seful in the right position;
* they don't revere technology, but police it (since they rule) and open it for the people to use;
* there is democracy: people vote (but only military members run, so they are always in the power, like the oposing inner groups in China's Comunist Party) and can talk politics (except subversive stuff like electing civilians; every soldier can be a candidate, so become a soldier if you want to rule - while it is really allowed, only a battle hero could be popular enought to be elected, most of the time it's charismatic and/or influent officers who run and win; but overall, it's an honest system in which even the old generals believe)
* insert more ideas here, for a BoS almost-like faction who rules one of the confederated cities
wow, goddamn what a wall of text... hiope you guys read and enjoy, specially you, Dutch!