What weapons would you guys like to see in F5?

Always surprised how bows and crossbows weren't a thing considering all the mad max influence. like shitty raiders plucking wrist mounted crossbows at you. Instead everybody gets a Desert Eagle.
My guess is because of the limited time to make both classic Fallouts and animations.

Desert Eagles use the same animation as other one handed pistols, so it's used for lots of different weapons. While bows and crossbows would use animations that are only used for those weapons.

It's usually the reason why these games are lacking some things that seems obvious to exist. Lack of time and assets.
Oh I get that. I'm pretty sure that is what it was. But a wrist mounted crossbow would be the laziest animation ever. like half the frames of firing a pistol and a SHOOMP noise.
Talking about Tactics' guns... can we bring back the M2 Browning and the AK47? I'm surprised we didn't have a Ma Bess in Fallout New Vegas, whatwith the whole "signature tribal weapon" thing, and it being another John Moses Browning gun, would have fit perfectly in FNV, especially in Honest Hearts. Depleted Uranium Bullets are NOT optional.

Spasm Gun was cool too, btw.

A "genericized" Pancor Jackhammer would be fantastic. That gun is just perfection.

I always did like Needler Pistols

Felt like they had a lot of potential. Fill that up with whatever one wishes. Chems. Acid. Tranqs. Poison. Incendiary.

This is what I’d like to see the most. There’s just so much more that can be done with unarmed than the games allow. We should able to headbutt enemies, spit in their eyes, bite their ears off, or subdue them with wrestling holds.

Wrestling and grappling could be a great way to non-lethally neutralize enemies, perhaps for interrogation or enslavement. Grappled enemies wouldn’t be able to take most actions until they break the grapple. Different types of grapples too, from simply grabbing someone by their shirt collar, to headlocks, to grabbing someone by the testicles even...

Some kind of reversals factored into your chance to dodge at high unarmed levels. Like catching an enemy’s fist in your palm, then breaking his arm. Or just a dodge that redirects your enemy’s momentum, causing him to fall over.

And this all could be used very effectively by non-human enemies too. Multiple dogs clamping their jaws down on you, preventing you from moving or attacking. A super mutant ripping your head off your body. Hell, a super mutant picking up your companion and throwing him at you.

Edit: Speaking of grappling, a garrote wire would be a cool stealth-only weapon. Honestly I’m surprised they didn’t include that in New Reno.

Oh yeah, that would be absolutely dope.

I think people don't understand how dangerous a good unarmed/melee fighter can be. A strong, agile, skilled martial arts fighter fighting no-holds barred is a weapon, plain and simple.

Hmmm... I wonder if an Arkham-style control scheme would for the nu-Fallouts. I only played the demo of AK Asylum, how was it? Punch, Kick, Grapple, one mapped for each button? That would already be a massive improvement over how unarmed works now. Could easily to button combinations too, like jump + kick while running turning into a jump kick, or crouch + up + punch doing an uppercut.

Wow yeah grapples would be so dope. Grappling someone's weapon and wrestling it, out for example. Or getting mobbed by grappling enemies, which would really make fighting trashmobs up close scary.

Being able to "judo" enemies would be fantastic, using their momentum against them.

Getting attacked by a unarmed or melee foe while packing a gun should be scary. Especially if its a large unwieldy gun, whereas something like a pistol or SMG would be better to use in CQC.
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Hmmm... I wonder if an Arkham-style control scheme would for the nu-Fallouts. I only played the demo of AK Asylum, how was it? Punch, Kick, Grapple, one mapped for each button?
One button attacks. one button dodges. one button stuns. another button rolls. mix in gadget button combinations.
Talking about guns... Gyrojets, folks. Gyrojets. Rocket Guns, dudes. Moonraker. Bolters. Rocket-Rifles from JA. You know what I'm talking about, hell yeah. One of the best way to fire ginormous rounds with minimal recoil. I mean, who doesn't want an assault rifle chambered for 14mm, with bullets that explode upon penetration? Evil commies son, that's who.

One button attacks. one button dodges. one button stuns. another button rolls. mix in gadget button combinations.

Nice! That could work well if done right. Been a long time since I did it, ten years actually. I got the entire series for free on Epic, I need to take a gander once I finish up my gamelist.

Then again, never played Fallout on console, so no idea how the controls work lol.
This is what I’d like to see the most. There’s just so much more that can be done with unarmed than the games allow. We should able to headbutt enemies, spit in their eyes, bite their ears off, or subdue them with wrestling holds.

Wrestling and grappling could be a great way to non-lethally neutralize enemies, perhaps for interrogation or enslavement. Grappled enemies wouldn’t be able to take most actions until they break the grapple.



Unarmed having grapple allows it to be unique from melee in that it's one of the counter-cover methods (Along with shotgun flushing and explosives, thrown or otherwise) and when you take the Perk to halve the AP cost of Grapple and remove the penalty, it becomes a super useful form of combat. You can have other CQC moves too, like I've got melee weapon users able to parry attacks (In practice is just allowing them to spend AP points to give them double that amount in AC).
After watching the Mandalorian, I'm kinda hankering for more energy weapons with wooden furniture. Or really, just more variants in Energy semi-auto rifles


Although, I'm not sure if that would tamper with the "Space Age" vibe.
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