1. Hello people, I'm new to the forum, but I'm already glad I'm here, after I saw this topic.
I'm too, I'm very interested in Fallout 3. As we all have more or less sever doubts regarding the already infamous Bethesda project, I started thinking about creating the fan's dream Fallout 3.
Technically speaking, Fallout is not a difficult task to accomplish. It is not ought to have cutting-edge super modern graphcs engine (since we're not talking about making a FPS, are we?

), so A LOT effort is saved here, permitting it to be made by fans.
Secondly, as duly noted previously, we need organisation, even before we start speaking about the FO3 concept ideas. Even before that, I underline it.
Organisation implies a core group of:
- sound and *grown-up* people,
- willing to create a true follow-up to the legendary series,
- who are dedicated to the Fallout spirit (whatever is understood under this vague yet clear term),
- eager to work really hard and to meet deadlines,
- able to compromise between themselves ("work as a team", if you prefer), for the good of the common cause.
At last but not least among them should be
- people who are able to deal with non-user-friendly interface programs (such as fo2mapper, etc),
- good writers (quite a few),
- artists/designers (to implement some new art),
- maybe even music composers (to make some good soundtracks).
Of course this core group MUST be managed by an equally interested and dedicated person(s), who would also serve as the overseer/co-ordinator of the whole project.
2. One more thing. At this stage we should forget about making money out of this project. I mean, absolutely. This is due to the following reasons:
- copyright issues (Bethesda being the franchise holder would have legal grounds to sue us and win the case easily; to note: simple re-naming the game would not resolve the issue due to its easily identifiable content);
- we need to be sure, that the creators of this game are acting out of enthousiasm and love of Fallout, rather then making money out of it.
3. As noted in para.1, the game should not be FPS, or real time. These things are great, but in other games as they are against the whole spirit of Fallout we want to re-create. Two more reasons:
- if it's FPS it will have A WHOLE HELL lot of bugs (even if some engine would be used), that would render it most likely almost unplayable;
- programming FPS is a very difficult task, and I seriously doubt there's enough people among Fallout fans who would spend a few years of their lives to do this, for free (and be sued in the end

My proposal would be that we use either fo2mapper (official Fallout 2editor) or, FIFE (FoT editor, if I'm not wrong), or, preferably, the Van Buren (scrapped FO3 version) engine. Any suggestions in this regard are very welcome.
4. Finally, people willing to be the part of the mentioned core group should create their own community on the internet. As we understand, one thread at the forum is not enough for the task, even to begin with. Additionally, they should disclose some information about them, such as:
- age,
- game preferences and gaming experience
- perhaps experience in playtesting other games
- role in the group;
- personal agenda (optional) related to the project;
- any other relevant info.
To make an example, here is my brief info:
27 years old. Playing PC since 8 years old. Played and enjoyed almost all major games since the dawn of PC game industry. Fallout experience since 1998. I have the experience of officially playtesting the tabletop RPGs. My personal ambition related to this project is to create the game that would satisfy both me and other true Fallout fans, who would long to see the long-awaited 3rd instalment to the game in the true Fallout spirit.
If any other people willing to work on the project would drop a line about themselves it would be good.
That's it, I think.
And if we are to finish the game in more or less reasonable terms, we should start working in the direction I've outlined. IMHO, of course.
What do you say?