Still Mildly Glowing

messed up Katrina, ...
Oh, there was plenty of blame to go around for Katrina, it's just that the press and the left went all-out to pin every single bit of it on George W. Bush. Yes, there were problems with his response to it; OTOH, Bush can't really be held accountable for, among other things -
- Corrupt, incompetent and uncooperative state and local officials such as Ray Nagin (mayor of NOLA) and Kathleen Blanco (the governor of LA).
- The failure of the levee system protecting New Orleans.
The city infrastructure itself sustained only minor damage from the storm itself - the shit hit the fan later on when the levees breached. Compare that to what happened in the same storm to coastal Mississippi, where literally entire communities were washed out to sea. But no one ever mentions them - hell, I'll bet only one in ten Americans even know that Mississippi was affected by Katrina at all.
Much of the groundwork that led up to that took place before George W. Bush was even born.