What's your MBTI?

I'm a pirate ninja!

Whoop-dee-doo, muthafuckas! *pirate ninja swastika attack*
Seems to be a short version of the test.

I got INTP, at highschool I was an INFJ.
BTW I still see more similarities with INFJ.

"focus on fantasy more than reality, attracted to sad things, fears doing the wrong thing, observer, avoidant, fears drawing attention to self, anxious, cautious, somewhat easily frightened, easily offended, private, easily hurt, socially uncomfortable, emotionally moody, does not like to be looked at, fearful, perfectionist, can sabotage self, can be wounded at the core, values solitude, guarded, does not like crowds, organized, second guesses self, more likely to support marijuana legalization, focuses on peoples hidden motives, prone to crying, not competitive, prone to feelings of loneliness, not spontaneous, prone to sadness, longs for a stabilizing relationship, fears rejection in relationships, frequently worried, can feel victimized, prone to intimidation, lower energy, strict with self"

Am I a damned EMO or what?!
The Trait Snapshot Test is very inaccurate...

trait snapshot:
messy, depressed, introverted, feels invisible, does not make friends easily, nihilistic, reveals little about self, fragile, dark, bizarre, feels undesirable, dislikes leadership, reclusive, weird, irritable, frequently second guesses self, unassertive, unsympathetic, low self control, observer, worrying, phobic, suspicious, unproductive, avoidant, negative, bad at saving money, emotionally sensitive, does not like to stand out, dislikes large parties, submissive, daydreamer

So I got everything wrong ? ^^

Got INTP on the other test.
ISTP - "Engineer". Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population.
Introverted (I) 57.58% Extroverted (E) 42.42%
Sensing (S) 56.76% Intuitive (N) 43.24%
Thinking (T) 58.97% Feeling (F) 41.03%
Judging (J) 51.52% Perceiving (P) 48.48%

ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.
And was it accurate?

I seem to hover between INTP and ENTP. Got traits of both. Am considering a career as assasin, tips on how to get started are welcome.
Study medicine.

I took a course in Anatomy and Physiology and quickly learned many, many ways to kill someone.

The most important one being the punch of death which requires a precise blow to the nerves near the heart.
generalissimofurioso said:
Study medicine.

I took a course in Anatomy and Physiology and quickly learned many, many ways to kill someone.

The most important one being the punch of death which requires a precise blow to the nerves near the heart.

Although in general you are correct - knowing what area to damage to instantly kill - punching someone is not how I envision this trade.

Rather using a blade, poision or gun. And by gun I mean carefully planned marksman shot, no drive-by uzi spraying. Finesse is necessary if this is to be a long-term career choice, me assumes.
Extroverted (E) 51.35% Introverted (I) 48.65%
Intuitive (N) 52.63% Sensing (S) 47.37%
Thinking (T) 76.67% Feeling (F) 23.33%
Perceiving (P) 57.58% Judging (J) 42.42%

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

The E, N and possible P can almost be argued as they are close to the 50/50 mark (E and N, moreso)

I am definitely a thinker more than anything, however.
INTJ - "Mastermind"
Introverted (I) 85.71%
Extroverted (E) 14.29%
Intuitive (N) 76.47%
Sensing (S) 23.53%
Thinking (T) 72.22%
Feeling (F) 27.78%
Judging (J) 75%
Perceiving (P) 25%

The description of a mastermind” personality fits me good, I actually agree with every trait but “not spontaneous”.

Seems like I’m not the only one who got this result however… Interesting…

Well, it definitely isn’t a case of people not answering honestly. Fallout could very well be a game that “mastermind” personalities like. As for myself I like Fallout partly because of the possibility of theoretical perfection in the character creation system and combat, which I guess has something to do with my "mastermind" personality.
I got:
ISTP - "Engineer". Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population.
hidden, private, has trouble describing feelings, not very affectionate, loner tendencies, lower energy, can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others, disorganized, messy, fears drawing attention to self, anti-tattoos, anti counter culture, not comfortable in unfamiliar situations, avoidant, rather unemotional, does not like attention, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, hermitic, not complimentary, dislikes leadership, more submissive then domineering
hidden - yeah I sneak all the time... :roll:
anti-tattoos - Well, I don't mind other people having one but I wouldn't get one myself.
anti counter culture - no.
The rest pretty much fits me.

favored careers:
aerospace engineer, technician, computer scientist, software engineer, software developer, scientist, bar owner, automotive technician, electrician, engineer, mathmatician, industrial engineer, nuclear engineer, biotechnology, mechanic, systems analyst, computer animator, data analyst, video game designer
I have no clue how 'bar owner' fits in there, but otherwise it's a clean hit.

disfavored careers:
artist, fashion designer, theater director, poet, dancer, actor, singer, english teacher or professor, art teacher, healer, stage manager, florist, art therapist, school teacher, music journalist
Got that one right, too. Wouldn't want to become one of those. Nothing against them, of course. But I would so! epic! fail at these jobs.
ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population.

Administrator? The hell?

The 'Pillar of strength' I like.

organized, group oriented, focused, conventional, leader, emotionally stable, anal (what the hell? :look:), attention seeking, planner, realistic, fearless, responsible, finisher, decisive, norm following, respects authority, punctual, hard working, stiff, self confident, thinks rules and regulations are important, follows the rules, clean, outgoing, social, content, does not like being alone (not correct at all. I answered I valued solitude immensly), normal, regular, does not like weird or strange people / things - intolerant of differences, strict, disciplined, aggressive, assertive, content, happy, proper, formal, strict with self, meticulous, strong sense of purpose

Not all accurate, no.

favored careers said:
executive, ceo, supervisor, business consultant, manager, strategist, financial planner, business person, office manager, public relations manager, international business specialist, business analyst, management consultant, operations manager, loan officer, lawyer, marketing, sports management, government employee, investment banker

Not very accurate. I am studying to become an engineer. The working kind.

disfavored careers said:
poet, artist, songwriter, musician, novelist, art therapist, theatre teacher, art curator, film editor, video game designer, photo journalist, travel writer, actor, record store owner, camera operator, art historian, music teacher

Fuck all you hippie bastards!
Your type is: INTJ

INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.

Geothermal Energy, Today.
Like Sorrow and MrMumble, I am an INFP. A lot of introverts on this board. :)

Introverted (I) 62.16% Extroverted (E) 37.84%
Intuitive (N) 61.11% Sensing (S) 38.89%
Feeling (F) 59.46% Thinking (T) 40.54%
Perceiving (P) 65.63% Judging (J) 34.38%

creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, prone to quitting, prone to feelings of loneliness, ambivalent of the rules, solitary, daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness, focus on fantasies, acts without planning, low self confidence, emotionally moody, can feel defective, prone to lateness, likes esoteric things, wounded at the core, feels shame, frequently losing things, prone to sadness, prone to dreaming about a rescuer, disorderly, observer, easily distracted, does not like crowds, can act without thinking, private, can feel uncomfortable around others, familiar with the darkside, hermit, more likely to support marijuana legalization, can sabotage self, likes the rain, sometimes can't control fearful thoughts, prone to crying, prone to regret, attracted to the counter culture, can be submissive, prone to feeling discouraged, frequently second guesses self, not punctual, not always prepared, can feel victimized, prone to confusion, prone to irresponsibility, can be pessimistic
Uh... Yeah. That's me, pretty much.

"Familiar with the darkside", hehe... Do they mean the dark side all star wars-like, or suicidegirls pr0n-like?
I agree on the Introverted comment, but aside from that, there seems to be an overall 'personality' associated with NMA, traits that every individual shares here. I think after everyone has submitted their results, we can make a cursory analysis of the entire thread, and point out which elements are the most recurring and to create a JUNG-type profile for the entire board.

Extroverted (E) 81.48% Introverted (I) 18.52%
Sensing (S) 54.55% Intuitive (N) 45.45%
Thinking (T) 79.31% Feeling (F) 20.69%
Judging (J) 53.85% Perceiving (P) 46.15%

Your type is: ESTJ

ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population
I got Introvert. According to the site that is very rare. Ironically, they even linked me to an Internet discussion forum for... Introverts.
I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man.

EDIT: ENTJ "Field Marshall" Pretty spot on. Like the careers, they're pretty in line with what I want to be.
INTP - "Architect".

Same result as I got on a company teambuilding trip (ugh..) It was funny when they seperated the I's and E's in 2 groups, with predictable results, the E group was all talk while the I group was silence and whispers.
They also had a list of famous people per type, I don't have their list anymore though but the internet helped me out...

Famous INTP Achitects:

Albert Einstein
Rene Descartes
Charles Darwin
Abraham Lincoln
Blaise Pascal