Alright so I got this game a few weeks back and didn't stop playing it until I beat it twice. New Vegas is an awkwardly buggy game full of strange glitches and distracting plot unrelated moments. Yet somehow everyone loves it including me. This game is addicting as hell and feels much more lively than Fallout 3, there was just overall more stuff to do, more choices to make, and more people to interact with.
In summary, New Vegas is silly and I love it.
You'd hafta be a madman to choose fo2.
New Vegas is substantially better than what all else the series has to offer, but is nowhere near the first two. It suffers too much from its heritage.
Yes agreed. Quest markers are a lame way of guiding the player especially in an RPG.I can see where you are coming from with that. Two words that killed New Vegas: quest markers.
Ha no. Just look at the final confrontation with frank horrigan and compare that with the master or Caesar. Just doesn't compare. Not saying it doesn't have great stuff. But it's the mixed bag of the franchise.Overall I'd consider it a tie with the first game
Try several truckloads.can tolerate a handful of out of place jokes and puns.
Just look at the final confrontation with frank horrigan and compare that with the master or Caesar.
Try several truckloads.
I just don't see why people like fo2 above the others. It's a bag full of gold and shit whereas 1/NV are pure gold.
There isn't that much. People are in the habit of overstating the amount and importance of the puns in Fallout 2 because as glittering gems of hatred we're programmed to seek out and focus on the shitty aspects while shrugging off the merits. And because these days (with this series) people don't tend to care about gameplay anymore, but are all about how well some characters, dialog options and quests are written, New Vegas gets a pass from all its faults and inherited design crud.
And NV is not "pure gold", it would be if it had the gameplay to compare but all it has is few characters and quests.
Would I be crazy to admit that I favor Fallout 2's gameplay over New Vegas? I mean, the isometric, targed shots system and turn based combat with flavor text providing description over FPS, VATS system, real time combat where the deaths can be described as best as "getting ragdolled/gibbed/pulverized"?
As much as I love FNV, it's baffling for me to think that game has better, and quite simply more entertaining gameplay than FO1.
Fantastic story, characters and setting aside, FNV is still too close to FO3/TES in the way it plays. One of my favorite games, but inferior to the groundbreaking majesty that is Fallout. However, if it played like the originals it would probably be the best.
So I'm kinda puzzled how so many people here think it's the best...