Which is The worst quest in Fallout 4?

Which is the worst quest in Fallout 4? (can add other options if necessary)

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First time out of the vault
cabot house and kid in the fridge (didn't played this one yet :look:) seems pretty stupid,but also duty or dishonor is very stupid (i mean,even its name it's stupid).
which is the dumbest quest in this game for you?
I'm having a hard time deciding between Cabot House and Kid in a Fridge as both are completely autistic. What was Duty or Dishonor and why was it shit again?
Those quests were very poorly written, but honestly, I preferred them to the stupid radiant dungeon crawls that made up about 90% of the game's quests. Just in terms of writing, though, definitely "Kid in a Fridge."
"Painting the town" was the worst for me; you could have helped an old man paint the wall while he gave you the history of post war Diamond City, instead kill raiders for paint. So of this bunch Cabot house, because I'm pretty sure that helmet he's wearing is an elven helm from Oblivion.

The Cabot House for me mainly because it not only burns on the Fallout lore and pisses and dumps on the ashes but also pisses on New Vegas and its lore. Cabot House felt like a giant troll and middle finger from Bethesda at people who hated Mothership Zeta and love New Vegas.
For me I'm torn between Cabot House for its sheer stupidity and trying to stick TES ancient magical enchanted items from thousands of years ago into the Fallout universe(I could keep explaining but this horse has been beaten to a pulp already plus RangerBoo explained that in great detail) and Kid in a Fridge which pisses me off at how you can throw a ghoul kid inside of a fridge without any source of(food, water, ect.) without him dying or turning feral for 200 fucking years! I don't know which to choose but they both are huge offenders in my book. Atleast with those stupid boring kill and fetch quests they're just stupid repetitive quests with nothing to them.
Considering I can't really take Cabot House and Kid in a Fridge too seriously, I can't personally nominate either of them. I don't think they were meant to be canon and were simply "fun" side quests that were littered around. Fallout 4 was supposed to be light-hearted, so there's plenty of things you can legitimately not take seriously.

My award goes to When Freedom Calls, the mission in Concord where you shoot raiders outside and inside the museum, before helping Preston Garvey defeat a Deathclaw using the PA near the Vertibird on top of the building. It's the biggest representation of Bethesda misunderstanding both the gameplay and the tone of Fallout.

While a little irrelevant, I would say my favourite quest in Fallout 4 was the Rockets' Red Glare.
I'm having a hard time deciding between Cabot House and Kid in a Fridge as both are completely autistic. What was Duty or Dishonor and why was it shit again?
duty or dishonor is the quest of a bos initiate who's feeding ghouls with brotherhood's supplies cos he feels guilty to have killed FERAL ghouls in the airport. and he's ready to kill a knight for those ghouls. he died to protect them. also,the bos killed all the ghouls of the airport but somehow not those. and this initiate managed to find them somehow for some reason.
this quest looks like the shitty version of " I put a spell in you",the quest in new vegas in which you have to find which is the legion spy in Camp Mc Carran
If it was on the list, I'd choose the little quest where you go find a girl's cat and yell at the cat to go home. But seeing as it's not, Cabot House only for how overtly serious it takes itself. I'm fine with goofy or wacky stuff in Fallout games—great way to bring some levity to the bleak world—yet the overly dramatic tone and voice acting of the family's father killed it for me. It also did not help how obvious the right choice was, because someone was EVIL.
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Considering I can't really take Cabot House and Kid in a Fridge too seriously, I can't personally nominate either of them. I don't think they were meant to be canon and were simply "fun" side quests that were littered around. Fallout 4 was supposed to be light-hearted, so there's plenty of things you can legitimately not take seriously.
IIRC Pete Hines said that Kid in a Fridge was a canon fuck up and I guess that makes it non canon, but that won't stop the majority of mouth breathing fans from thinking it's 100% straight up canon. Like how apparently Advanced Power Armor is pre-war now because it was mentioned in Fallout Shelter and can be found in random loot lists.
Considering I can't really take Cabot House and Kid in a Fridge too seriously, I can't personally nominate either of them. I don't think they were meant to be canon and were simply "fun" side quests that were littered around. Fallout 4 was supposed to be light-hearted, so there's plenty of things you can legitimately not take seriously.
IIRC Pete Hines said that Kid in a Fridge was a canon fuck up and I guess that makes it non canon, but that won't stop the majority of mouth breathing fans from thinking it's 100% straight up canon. Like how apparently Advanced Power Armor is pre-war now because it was mentioned in Fallout Shelter and can be found in random loot lists.

I don't think Fallout 4 was meant to be anything more than cliche and campy fun times, so it's in a state of floating canon for me. It seems like Skyrim, they've set everything up as vague as they could, so they didn't have to stick to solid content for DLC.

It's both smart and lazy. This means that instead of bending lore for the DLC, they don't establish any... :confused::irked::scratch:

I mean, people say "stop denying Fallout 4 is canon" but considering the game doesn't have anything resembling a canon, I suppose you could take any fact in the game with a grain of salt. Guess it's meant to be flexible, so I don't have much worries for anything they do to the lore unless they directly announce it as canon. It's how RPGs work these days, I guess. Can't storytell with the actual story anymore, gotta have the creators explain everything.
Umm you realize that Cabot House and Kid in the Fucking Fridge are stupid badly written pieces of shit no matter if they're canon or not?
Uh huh, I prefer to say that someone had fun using the Fallout 4 level editor while another scribbled in crayon what the quests were about in the most incoherent way possible. I would like to refuse to think a human did that in both cases.
To be honest I was able to make a simple house once by Whiterun when I play d around with the Skyrim Creation Kit a long time back, it's not even that hard so it wouldn't be surprising if one of their kids(most likely Todd's since I'm sure he's like the equivalent of a pimp with all that money he's swimming in) jumped on the editor and fumble with some of the preset buildings, walls, floors, ect.